#runaway teen challenge


Stinkin’ up her camp after last night, so we head next door to shower in the onsen. Since it’s so close, we don’t have to worry too much about bathroom facilities!

Unfortunately, Charlie’s coming to the realization that being a teenage runaway is really hard and lonely. Her breakfast of a vending machine taco and canned green tea is not comforting this morning.

Charlie managed to cobble together a half-decent shelter out of some local garbage for the night. It’s not perfect - especially in this blizzard - but it will do.

(Credit for her shelter and cardboard ‘bed’ goes to @ravasheencc and her absolutely amazing Filthy Fabulous sets!! Part 1andpart 2 (still early access, def. worth it!))

The sun sets after a long first day on Mt. Komorebi. To fill the gnawing hole in her stomach, it’s time to buy a can of hot onion soup with some of the money she made digging up stuff in the mountains.

(I won’t lie, hot onion soup from a vending machine sounds absolutely disgusting, but you do what you gotta do.)

Just gonna escape by running around this massive boulder in the middle of the path.


Undeterred, Charlie continues her hike and finds some minerals she can dig up to put a few simoleons in her pocket! (Because she broke as hell.) But on her way down the mountain….



And so Charlie begins her new life, starting in Mt. Komorebi! As soon as she gets off the bus, she finds a secluded spot to make a snow angel. The air is brisk and refreshing, and she can’t believe that she’s finally making this new start!

She proceeds to go on a hike…

…and proceeds to immediately get electrocuted by some god-forsaken bug. Sorry, Charlie.

Lookbook - Charlie Lane pt. 2

Details:skin colour|skin overlay|eyes|eyebrows|eyelashes|hairstyle


Party:cardigan|acc top|pants|shoes
Hot weather:top|shorts and hat|shoes
Cold weather:beanie|jacket|pants|shoes|gloves

Her style is a bit all over the place, as she didn’t have a ton of money and had no idea what she wanted to wear but didn’t have a lot of time to shop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The time is come. Charlotte leaves the house under the guise of going to school for the day - but she pauses to look back at her childhood home. It’s difficult, but she knows that this is for the best. She needs the freedom to figure out who she is and be that person. All she takes with her is a small backpack of clothes and the cash she has on hand.

Her first stop takes her to a bus stop outside of a rest station. Lingering tears in her eyes, she walks inside to make one quick purchase, and heads around back to the dingy little bathroom.

Charlotte stares at herself in the mirror and takes a long, shuddering breath. She’d been preparing for this for a few weeks now. Her backpack has some old clothes she bought at a thrift shop, and now she has the scissors. All it takes is a change of clothes and a few quick snips….

She laughs, feeling a wave of relief and a sensation like an invisible weight has been lifted off of her chest. The girl in the mirror hardly reminds her of Charlotte Lane, pretty little millionaires daughter. This is Charlie, the teenage runaway on a mission of self-discovery.

Stuffing her old clothes in her bag, Charlie crams it into the trash can and leaves the restroom to get back on the bus.

“Oh my gosh what am I thinking.”

“Am I really about to do this? Running away from home? Is this a good idea?”

“You know what? YES I AM. It’s a great idea. Let’s do this! I’m ready!!”

Gotta get herself hyped up to make that big step.

Lookbook - Clayton Lane

Details:skin overlay|skin tone|eyes|eyelashes|hair

Formal: n/a
Athletic: n/a
Sleepwear: n/a

Party: n/a
Swimwear: n/a
Hot weather:shorts
Cold weather:beanie|outfit

The first Sunday morning of Spring dawns crisp and with a bite of snow. Inside of the Lane family manor, Charlotte works on practising the new music she’s been studying for her lessons. As is the usual for Sunday mornings.

The day passes with few interruptions - Sundays are the one day her parents put aside their work, and so there are no functions to attend or photo shoots to dress up for.

The family gets together for a quiet meal prepared by their butler. Charlotte arrives still dressed in her workout wear after a quick jog in the home gym. This earns a stern look from her mother - it’s expected that they will all dress nicely for these family dinners - but no comments, which is a blessing.

“Dad,” Charlotte starts, looking over to her father. “My friend Yazmin is going to be having her birthday party next Saturday, and I was wondering - ”

He cuts her off. “Saturday is the opening of the new community center,” he says brusquely, waving a hand as though physically brushing aside her question. Charlotte frowns.

“Nobody will care if I’m not there,” she retorts, her temper flaring. “These events are all about you and mom - nobody will even notice if I miss one.”

“Of course they will,” her mother interjects. “You know what’s expected of you, Charlotte. Your father has given you his answer. You can call your friend after the event to wish her a happy birthday.”

This isn’t a new sort of interaction at the dinner table. Not for the first time, Charlotte hates this family dynamic. The one where she’s expected to be the happy little marionette being puppeted about by her parents for the papers and newscasters. For years she’s been chafing under their strict rules and expectations that she doesn’t agree with.

Not for the first time, she longs to build her own life. To be her ownperson.
