




The unbearable cringe of this response right here:


“Hello I see you like gaming, our thing will have gaming - no specific details, just like, generic gaming. Because as anyone who knows anything about gamers knows, gamers are not at all picky about the games they play and enjoy. And I see you’re a fan of animation, well let me tell you sir, as a connoisseur, you will surely love our shitty animation!”

it’s like when you’re a kid and you love the Halo games and your grandmother gets you a Star Trek shirt because you like that thing with the spaceships, right? (although tbf at least her intentions were good)

also like… “You don’t like cars? But looking at your profile, it seems that you like the colour blue, and this car is blue, so maybe you’ll like this one eh? Eh??”

it’s pathetic honestly, it sounds like a bot or a middle-aged guy trying to be hip and with it

Exactly! It’s so out of touch with reality and the kinds of people who are into either of those things. There’s also the general skeeviness of not taking no for an answer. Like, someone calling the entire concept “BS” probably doesn’t want anything to do with any of it, but he insists on pushing the points he THINKS they want to hear about still further.

Not to mention the fact that the Xataverse doesn’t exist. There is no gaming in the non-existent Xataverse, because it doesn’t frigging exist. There is no animation in the non-existent Xataverse, because it doesn’t fracking exist.

Yep, literally all of this man’s behaviour at the moment shows that he won’t or can’t accept a “no”, and it’s skeevy af. You tell him you don’t like it, and he has to either try to change your mind or belittle and dismiss you to prove to himself that he doesn’t care.

And all of it makes me even less inclined to believe that any of this will ever exist, because he’s exactly the kind of guy who “dreams big” and makes all kinds of promises, maybe even believing them, until reality intervenes. Because his ego is so big that he simply can’t fathom or accept that people don’t like his project, or that his plans are impossible, or that he’s not as brilliant and irresistible as he thinks he is. So he lashes out at anyone who throws that into question because it’s a threat to him (and probably because on some subconscious level he knowsthat he’s gotten involved in something that he doesn’t fully understand, but he doesn’t wantto know it, so anything that points that out makes him very uncomfortable and defensive).
