
busymagpie: ✨ Merry Christmas and greetings from Himring! ✨


✨ Merry Christmas and greetings from Himring! ✨

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Russingon drabble inspired by this post by @herinke9 :) below the cut because it got long

I started writing this on my phone some 5 hours ago and in the meantime I’ve peeled 2kgs of peaches, ate, sat through 3 coffees, helped organize a whole seating list for a 400 invited ppl for a wedding, showered, and washed some 30 or so dishes, not necessarily in that order. So forgive me any mistakes :)

CW: references to past torture, maybe mild body-horror just to be sure but imnsho not really, implied sexual content

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busymagpie: They’re standing scandalously close for a social event


They’re standing scandalously close for a social event

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rating: mature (but very barely, could be teen honestly)



He left his mind utterly open, that she might see whatever she wished. Grasp me in your hands or do not, he thought, But do not think that I am not molded for your fingers. Do not think I am not here if you want me.


Three vignettes from the lives of Elrond and Celebrían as they find themselves, each other, and their family.

