#trans tolkien



Trans Celegorm has so much potential, I truly don’t know why the fandom isn’t actively in love with it?

I mean, listen, if you handwave the usual issues with trans elves (which you absolutely should), you have such a compelling storyline there

  • Feanor looks at his baby who looks so much like his mother and chooses the name Turkamiriel(actually@mossadspydolphin tells me it should be Turkamire) because this is a Miriel who will not die, Feanor will make sure of it, this is Miriel with more strength than Miriel ever had
  • Local kid who looks like grandma just happens to really like escaping society to go into the woods and take up one of the most male-coded hobbies he possibly can. He has zero aptitude for embroidery and zero connection with any of the Valier but he’s as Orome-like as an elf can be
  • He just casually tests out new pronouns with animals because what’s the worst that can happen? It’s not like a whole lot of people can speak Fox and Bird and Deer
  • Correct pronouns feel great, time to make a very eloquent pitch to his family about how actually it’s a misuse of language to refer to him as a girl and no self-respecting Feanorian would use language inaccurately, right? (It helps that Celegorm is canonically great at convincing people to do as he says)
  • Let it be known across Tirion that if someone misgenders Turkafinwe they will face wrath greater than if they pronounce Therinde as Serinde
  • Something about Aredhel and gender euphoria? Like, here is a girl who likes the same things he does but he doesn’t feel like he’s like her anywhere as much as he feels he’s like his brothers and male cousins, and people seem to broadly agree with him on that. Yay! Validation! (Though due to age gap this is something that happens quite late, but you know, it’s relevant l think)

See? It practically writes itself, it should definitely be a popular fanon

it is such an adorable idea to imagine the elves having masters in teaching elves to reshape their bodies. this is a discipline and an art form like any other, as respected as crafting and music, and the masters get plenty of trans/enby elves as well as others who are just looking to change their appearance

this is a highly personal act, and another can’t do it for you, but masters can teach you to make the transition from wishing to visualization to actual change

please weigh in on how you think the particulars would go (mastery of the spirit over the body, some intensive spiritual quest to find your true desires, meditation and reflection, song and dance - probably literally)


My trans elfs thoughts:

The word the noldor use for physical components of transition is “to remake”, an acknowledgement of crafting the self into its preferred form

The sindarin word is instead “to reshape”, in the sense of guiding the physical self into the form it’s meant to have, like tying plants to stakes so they grow upright

(Not all trans elves consider these components to be essential, many just change their gender markers – jewelry style usually, among the noldor – and sometimes name, but this is common enough to have a name)

yeah! I love the idea that gender experimentation is just considered one more way of crafting self-image, like makeup and hairstyles and haircuts and jewelry and body ink. I want some low-drama, low-stress cultural acceptance plz and thank you

Okay so my notes today is a good example of what I’ve been talking about regarding screening to exclude radfems.

When the Supreme Court abortion news broke, I reblogged a post about home administered abortions, and added a comment. A day later I realized the op of the post was a radfem. I chose block the op but left the post up for the time being because i hadn’t found one about community organizing yet and didn’t have time to write a fresh one myself.

Here’s why that’s not a good idea.

Today I got reblogs on my addition from radfems. I’ve got like 30 followers, all tolkien fans, no radfems. Which means they found me through my addition in the notes of that post.

What does this mean?

Following and reblogging from radfems draws their attention to you and lets them find you when they otherwise mightn’t. Now, I can handle myself and they have no power over me. But because of my addition, they found my blog and potentially anyone that follows me/reblogs from me/ that I reblog from.

This is exactly how transphobes find new people to harass. I have been saying this for weeks. And It’s common knowledge in the trans community. I was complacent and this is the best case outcome in a situation like this - the worst case would be me or a mutual receiving a flurry of transphobic abuse.


Trans Tolkien Blog Recommendations

A picture of a hobbit hole with a yellow door, set into the the side of a hill. A caption in the bottom left corner reads "Tolkien Fandom: Trans Content and Trans-Safe Spaces"

By popular request, I am putting together a list of anyone who:

  • isany gender (trans or cis)
  • makes or reblogs trans tolkien content
  • is a safe blogger for trans fans
  • makes a good-faith effort to keep transphobes off their blogs

To join, the sole requirement is that you do not allow transphobes. Take a quick look at new followers, block transphobes when you encounter them, listen to trans folks when we say something is transphobic. This is non-negotiable: trans tolkien fans are the audience for this list, and transphobe-free spaces are the priority.

Note: this list is under a readmore so it should always open to the most updated version.

Keep reading



Trans Celegorm who everyone saw as like, Míriel reborn (not literally but close enough), rebelling by being wild and angry and masculine and unlike his grandmother in every way

Only later does he discover she too was a hunter, she too would not be silenced, she too was proudly masculine in a way that made people whisper when Finwë looked upon her with love

For Tyelko, his gender was a proud refusal of who he was “supposed” to be. For Míriel, her gender was a proud embrace of who she was in spite of what people thought of her.

Trans Tyelko and gnc Míriel, grandson and grandmother who only met in death, who are mirror reflections of each other, who both clung to their pride and their family despite the doom those paths led down to.

and not to be a Hobbit movie fan on main, but; “I am not my grand[mother]” says local prince desperately trying to escape and to cling to his family legacy both at once


He is Your Song

Findekáno would never stop loving Maitimo, he understood that now. He could not rip that love from himself lest he tear a piece of his own soul. But it did not mean there was no place for others in his heart.

Findekáno goes to Alqualondë to heal his heartbreak, Maitimo quickly regrets sending him there, and the Arafinwëans do what they can to deal with the drama.

This is my @tolkienremixof@senalishia’s sweet fic If This Is Love!

This was a super fun challenge and a first in many ways - grateful to senalishia for letting me play around with their original fic and introduce a Trans Falmari OC.

He is Your Song can be read on AO3 here.

And here’s senalishia’s original fic If This is Love.

This is a beautiful, sweet fic with a fantastic OC and setting ❤️


Trans Tolkien Blog Recommendations

A picture of a hobbit hole with a yellow door, set into the the side of a hill. A caption in the bottom left corner reads "Tolkien Fandom: Trans Content and Trans-Safe Spaces"ALT

By popular request, I am putting together a list of anyone who:

  • isany gender (trans or cis)
  • makes or reblogs trans tolkien content
  • is a safe blogger for trans fans
  • makes a good-faith effort to keep transphobes off their blogs

To join, the sole requirement is that you do not allow transphobes. Take a quick look at new followers, block transphobes when you encounter them, listen to trans folks when we say something is transphobic. This is non-negotiable: trans tolkien fans are the audience for this list, and transphobe-free spaces are the priority.

Note: this list is under a readmore so it should always open to the most updated version.

Keep reading

Trans Tolkien Blog Recommendations

A picture of a hobbit hole with a yellow door, set into the the side of a hill. A caption in the bottom left corner reads "Tolkien Fandom: Trans Content and Trans-Safe Spaces"ALT

By popular request, I am putting together a list of anyone who:

  • isany gender (trans or cis)
  • makes or reblogs trans tolkien content
  • is a safe blogger for trans fans
  • makes a good-faith effort to keep transphobes off their blogs

To join, the sole requirement is that you do not allow transphobes. Take a quick look at new followers, block transphobes when you encounter them, listen to trans folks when we say something is transphobic. This is non-negotiable: trans tolkien fans are the audience for this list, and transphobe-free spaces are the priority.

Note: this list is under a readmore so it should always open to the most updated version.


  • trans tolkien
  • fic (Lorinand_Lost on AO3), meta, headcanons



  • tolkien-only
  • art and writing


  • tolkien reblogs
  • trans tolkien
  • PoC tolkien


  • trans tolkien
  • fic

@outofangband (any pronouns)

  • trans tolkien, intersex tolkien
  • Children of Húrin
  • maedhros in/after Angband
  • fic, meta, worldbuilding, heavy duty canon research



  • media analysis
  • reblogs


  • PoC tolkien art


  • trans tolkien
  • fic
  • russingon, finweans


  • edits and reblogs
  • luthien, peredhel, finweans
  • some really spectacular PoC tolkien content


  • mostly silm
  • fic and musical composition


  • meta and fic
  • geography of Arda


  • multifandom
  • edits and fic


  • fic and headcanons


  • multifandom
  • edits and fic



  • trans tolkien
  • writing and headcanons
  • tolkien-inspired jewelry making


  • art and art reblogs


  • reblogs
  • fic


  • Trans thranduil
  • Fic


  • fic (undercat on AO3)
  • silvergifting

@disorganisedautodidact (any pronouns)

  • tolkien reblogs


  • fic
  • reader inserts


  • trans tolkien
  • religion in tolkien’s works
  • meta
  • gil-galad


  • trans tolkien
  • new to trans tolkien fandom! welcome!

@secretlythranduil (any pronouns)

  • fic and prompts
  • reblogs



  • multifandom
  • writing and reblogs


  • tolkien and aesthetic
  • @remornia (reblogs and warcraft)


  • Fic (AO3: polutropos), prompts and reblogs
  • Sindar, daemags


  • Meta and reblogs
  • Trans tolkien



  • Meta and headcanons
  • Games, imagines, PoVs


  • diverse tolkien content
  • meta, headcanon, and writing reblogs
  • fic and original content
  • main@nerysvevo

Trans Tolkien Content Recommendations

Hi, I’m Sam! About a month ago, there was a spate of transphobia in the tolkien fandom. Some of my friends expressed concern that not only did the fandom feel unwelcoming, they were not sure which blogs were safe for trans folks, were concerned that people were letting transphobes follow them, and were having a hard time finding people who make trans tolkien content.

It was requested of me that I make a list of blog recommendations for anyone who:

  • is any gender (trans or cis)
  • makes or reblogs trans tolkien content
  • is a safe blogger for trans fans
  • makes a good-faith effort to keep transphobes off their blogs

You do not have to make trans content to be on the list - one of the most common requests was simply that people wanted to know who was chill to hang out with.

The only requirement is that you do some very basic screening on your blog (taking a quick look at new followers, blocking transphobes when you encounter them, listening to trans folks when we say something is transphobic etc etc). This is a non-negotiable rule because the issue that started this whole thing was people platforming and being mutuals with a known terf.

So far, a bunch of people have volunteered to be on the list. If you want me to add you, drop your info here (pertinent urls, preferred pronouns, what sort of fanwork you make or reblog, etc)

@arofili (tagging in case you want to boost this for your followers, since we discussed the list over discord)

this is good to reblog!

(also if someone has a better name for this list, please help me workshop it, because the one here feels clunky)



rating: mature (but very barely, could be teen honestly)



He left his mind utterly open, that she might see whatever she wished. Grasp me in your hands or do not, he thought, But do not think that I am not molded for your fingers. Do not think I am not here if you want me.


Three vignettes from the lives of Elrond and Celebrían as they find themselves, each other, and their family.

