#rwby knightfall



Chapter 1: Together Forever

Cinder Fall, a young girl at the age of 9, stood up and looked do her younger brother, Jaune Arc, a young boy at the age 8, as he lied on his stomach while on the ground, he was beaten and bruised and Cinder did not like to see him in such a state. It had really hurt her to know that she was the one to do that to him, but she had no choice in the matter.

“Very good Cinder, very good”

Cinder turned her head to look and see Salem, Queen of the Grimm, walking onto the small arena, and Salem smiled at her, the smile wasn’t loving, but it was a smile a person would give a dog when it learned a new trick.

“Thank you mother,” Cinder said with a bow of her head

Salem then looked over to the blond boy and her smile turned into a frown and her expression turned to that of disgust like she had just something awful.

“You’ve disappointed me yet again Jaune… Get up” Salem said “Get up or I’ll throw you into the pit again”

Jaune shifted and slowly got up, thought Cinder could see he was even struggling to move, but she saw him push through the pain and get up to his knees, and tries to stand. Cinder was hoping that he would just fall and rest to regain his strength, but she knew better than that. He stood up and looked at their mother.

“You failed me Jaune, and you keep seeming to disappoint me”

Jaune looked down to the floor in shame as he heard Salem’s Words and Cinder looked at her brother with pity. “I-I’m Sorry… Mother” Jaune said in between breathes

“Don’t be sorry… be better,” Salem said “Look at your sister, she continues to thrive while you continue to disappoint, why should You still be here Jaune? Why should I even keep you as my son?” Salem asked

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