#ryan bergara



he’s so right for this

Hey ghouls, the boys are here and they’re here to make fun of your stupid alien theories



A little something for my wonderful ✨ Ghoulboys✨ from @buzzfeedunsolved@wearewatcher :) You made this nightmare of a year at least somewhat enjoyable and I love you for that!
Posted this one on Instaas well.
Merry crisis and a happy new fear, everyone!


Bringing this back for my ghoul boys who have saved another horrible year by being their weird wonderful selves and, of course, by announcing Ghost Files. @wearewatcher you are my heroes ❤️ Have a wonderful holiday season and a spooky new year!

wearewatcher: Halloween is coming up! And we’re looking for your creepiest stories. Send us  a real


Halloween is coming up! And we’re looking for your creepiest stories. Send us  a real ghost story that happened to you, in one paragraph or less, so we can read them in the Watcher Weekly Halloween special!

We’re opening our ask for them!

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okay so I was curious- if all questions were weighted the same, there were no random jelly beans awarded for good behavior, no rotten jellybeans, no tiebreakers- what would puppet history scoring look like? More importantly, has Ryan ever won?

Surprisingly, Ryan has never lost a game. He has either won or tied every game (so far.)

Overall Game Wins:

Ryan: 4

Guests: 0

Ties: 4

Breakdown of points provided per episode and explanation of how I came to that conclusion below the cut:

Keep reading

ryan bergara is never going to get those fucking jellybeans if the professor has anything to say about it

Hey Kiddo’s (please read)

It’s been a while, I’ve been off this blog for a while. It seems that I’ve lost motivation to write anything because I’m one, a hot mess and two, never ‘in the mood’ to really write anything?? And it also seems like this trend has kinda… died? Thank you to those who are here and who haven’t left me in this span of time, I appreciate it. I’m sorry I left with no warning and I’m sorry that I’m a raging mess of a writer and a mess of a human being. I’m still going to be writing (obviously that’s why I made this blog) and I’ll still answer your asks. I’ll add more to the list when I’m done blabbing.

I’ve got extra busy at the beginning of the year and my interests fluctuated between this blog and other blogs that I have. Now that it’s the summer of my senior year, I’m going to be even busy in the next few months. I’ve got a job, I’m tired and sad frequently and I’m trying to get my shit together in all honesty. Thank you for being here with me and not yelling at me for falling off the face of the earth. Now to the list of people I’ll take requests for:


  • Markiplier + teamipler
  • Jacksepticeye
  • Mini Ladd + the squad
  • Game Grumps (including ships)
  • Buzzfeed Unsolved boys
  • The Try Guys

I won’t limit to myself to just gamers because I don’t just love gamers, so if you want anyone other than these 6, just message me. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

Let’s be honest, Ryan did NOT have to say “it’s not like Shane’s my daddy”. Literally could’ve said boss. Literally could have just said DAD. He did this to himself. He is deserving of any weird shit involving him and anything daddy related idc he did this to himself internet have at it

Shoutout to people who stan bfu and tmg. I see you, and I love you

practicing drawing the Ghouligans™ ref’d from several different videos (yike @ different lighting)I

practicing drawing the Ghouligans™ ref’d from several different videos (yike @ different lighting)

I LOVE RYAN SO MUCH but Shane is easier to draw oops

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