#ryan kinkade

Voltron | MFE FightersSome legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. They are the next fighterVoltron | MFE FightersSome legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. They are the next fighterVoltron | MFE FightersSome legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. They are the next fighterVoltron | MFE FightersSome legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. They are the next fighter

Voltron | MFE Fighters

Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. 

They are the next fighters after the normal pilots died, but they don’t even know if MFE works and this might be the last flight of their pilot life. 

Thanksfishwrites gave me so amazing dialogue TOT

>>> Follower me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsuhian | @tsuhian

Since Tumblr will die soon, I will leave here slowly.

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#RPTRONVoltron MFE Ares fighters –Thank you all for bringing us really a great story today. Ja#RPTRONVoltron MFE Ares fighters –Thank you all for bringing us really a great story today. Ja


Voltron MFE Ares fighters 

–Thank you all for bringing us really a great story today. 


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For Those Who Followed Me For Voltron Fanfic - I Have a Surprise for You ~~

It just occurred to me that I have two stories that were part of zine projects that I have never posted. One of those was for the In My Scope Kinkance zine and the other for the Victorian Shance Flower zine. 

I have to find the final version files but I should have them posted soon enough!!

NEWS FLASH I STILL LOVE THEMlmao just got back and I forgot to post this from my twitter shucks


lmao just got back and I forgot to post this from my twitter shucks

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MFE Pilots, reporting for duty! MFE Pilots, reporting for duty! MFE Pilots, reporting for duty! MFE Pilots, reporting for duty! 

MFE Pilots, reporting for duty! 

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all the mfe pilots are part of drum line! there’s griffin and kinkade on snare, leifsdottir on quad, and rizavi on bass.



ryan nadia and ina:


More Ryan and Lance because I’m starving for it.

-Ryan isn’t too vocal but he does do PDA. He is always touching Lance or holding his hand. Sometimes soft music will play while Lance is making them breakfast and Ryan will scoop Lance into his arms and dance. They’ll just rock like that until Lance remembers that he’s supposed to be making french toast. Ryan is also all about the forehead kisses which Lance gets often. Lance is more than happy with how tactile his boyfriend is. And Ryan certainly appreciates the frequent kisses on the cheek he gets from Lance.

-Lance didn’t realize Ryan played guitar until two months into their relationship. Ryan thought he was a lone until a smooth voice started singing the lyrics to the song he’d learmed. So sometimes they like to jam together- either for their friends and family or just the two of them.

- both are total mama’s boys and their moms each adopted their boyfriends. Ryan thinks he might gain 20 pounds hanging with Lance’s mom. Ryan’s mom is almost just the same and Lance feels so safe and soft everytime Ryan’s mom calls him “baby”.

- Lance calls Ryan “Ry” or a sweet nickname, usually in Spanish. Ryan knows it’s serious if Lance actual calls him “Ryan”. Ryan calls him pet names in private and actually uses his last casually name in public. He only uses “Lance” when he’s scared or worried.

- Ryan is the big spoon. Or Lance will just lay on top of him.

-Ryan thought it was a godsend that Lance knows how to knit. See, Ryan gets cold very easily, as does Lance. So they both like being bundled up during winter time. And they both like soft things. So Lance makes them comfy matching sweaters that actually fit very nice. Ryan is actually impressed with how stylosh they are. They are fashion icons after all. They cant go walking around looking like Keith and Pidge, those poor bastards.

-they both are kind of vain and obsessed with grooming. That means they keep high quality moisturizers in the bathroom, great hair prosucts, they definitely get manipedis together, they do facemasks while watching Uniflix together. Ryan shows Lance some of the stuff his mom makes and he’s impressed when Lance makes some of his own recipes for scrubs and face masks.

-if one of them has had a long day, the other will run them a bath.

- the couple that shades together, stays together. Lol they’re so judgy.

-they are eachothers hype person and while people expect it from Lance they don’t always expect it from Ryan. And yes, Lance is more vocal but Ryan will take a thousand pictures of Lance and post it to his social media like “look how cute he is” meanwhile Lance is already standing on top of the Atlas screaming “I LOVE RYAN KINKADE” at the top of his lungs

- they are so protective of eachother but in ways people dont expect. Ryan will defend Lance verbally and will not let anyone talk down to him. He’ll throw hands if absolutely necessary. Lance’s self sacrificing ass will take a bullet for Ryan no questions asked and will immediately smack someone for badmouthing Ryan. Don’t try him. He is not the one. #RideOrDieBitch. But yeah whenever they’re looking cute (which is always) they’re like “who is that sexy beast? Is that my boyfriend???”

-Ryan takes longer to wake up than Lance so Lance often kisses him awake. Also, Ryan is always sleepy. It’s a part of why he seems grumpy all the time. He’s mostly tired and wants to take a nap but he can’t.

- Both of them are good with kids and eventually, after they’ve been together long enough, it comes up. They definitely plan to adopt. Besides, the war isn’t over quite yet- but soon!- and they know a lot of kids will need parents unfortunately….

- SNIPER BOYFRIENDS. Listen, the two of them having each other’s back, busting in guns blazing? Yes, please. Thanks.

-Lance is so happy Ryan loves the sea as much as he does. Turns out Ryan’s dad is afro Puerto Rican and his mom is Jamaican (my personal hc because I think caribbean/afro-latino Ryan would be amazing) so he spent time traveling between the states and the Caribbean often enough that he could say he had his favorite beaches. So they go to the beach when they can for a swim, slaying with their beach bods. Lance is extra tho so his beach shorts are always extra short. Ryan is cool with it because um… have you seen his boyfriend??? Cute.

- Lance’s mom was particularly happy finding out that Ryan was Caribbean and that he was familiar with her style of cooking. They talk to each other in Spanish and Ryan starts teaching her Jamaican Patois and so when he’s on the phone with his mom, she understands since he shifts dialects depending on who he is talking to (a lot like myself since I speak two dialects in Spanish).

-Ryan’s mom was so worried about Ryan when she heard his boyfriend was Cuban. She was worried Lance might have an antiblack colorist family- which is a valid concern. Even her husband had trouble growing up in Puerto Rico as a black man. But then she met Lance and his family and saw how in love they were and how his mother treated her son, like one of her own and she vowed to do the same. So Lance gets lots of love from her.

- their wedding , the joining of a famed MFE pilot and a paladin of Voltron, two great war heroes from Caribbean families, is naturally the most wild wedding of the fucking century. 1. Their family has to be there and that’s a LOT of people already, then their friends and allies, plus dignitaries? 2. We know how to party okay? You ever seen latinxs throwing parties? You not going home for a while. Reception was amazing, okay? And the food? Finger licking good.
