#s agatha



ship: evil stepmother!agatha harkness x fem!reader

warnings: 18+ only; dark au (stepcest, manipulation, corruption, subtle brainwaashing), smut in future parts

part i  ▪  part ii (you’re here!)  ▪  part iii & iv (coming soon)

  • When Agatha said she was taking you to her old cottage, you expected it to be on the outskirts of the city, or maybe even a nearby village.
  • You didn’t expect it to be buried deep in the forest, way off the beaten path. No one would ever accidentally stumble upon it.
  • Agatha let’s you explore as she unpacks, and you look in fascination at all of the trinkets that stuff her home to the brim.
  • Crystals, dried herbs, jars and jars of miscellaneous things.
  • Agatha doesn’t say anything about them, just watching how you curiously investigate everything you find.
  • The books especially interest you, dusty from Agatha’s absence, but the spines still look well worn.
  • You open one as Agatha starts to make you dinner, gasping with fascination as you realize that these are filled with potions and spells.
  • “Something wrong, dear?” Agatha asks, not looking up from the vegetables she’s chopping.

Keep reading

family by chance lovers by choice <3
