#im invested


Okay okay, I think I have a list figured out. There were some that were obvious and the rest were kind of up for debate. I need to work on some designs after this. So, let’s go—

Hadestown AU

Orpheus - Klavier

Eurydice - Apollo

Persephone - Phoenix

Hades - Miles

Hermes - Kristoph

The Fates - Maya, Ema, and Trucy

I’ve been listening to the musical non stop to get an idea and made myself extremely depressed. If you know the story of Orpheus and Eurydice then uh—I’m sorry,,,

But listen to Hadestown because the music is absolutely stunning!!!


For set 1 of @nsfwhumptober I tried something new (New-ish. Of course I hurt a lady. Just… new setup). Have some post-apcalyptic fantasy setting, with warring gangs and a fighter lady in the lead.

SET 1- Begging | Mirrors | Blood | Costume | Mind control | Stripped/ Stripping | Foreplay

Content note: lady whump, team whump (in a way?), mind control, forced stripping, mutual noncon, fade to black noncon

It must be the hundredth time Kara pulls at her bonds, at the chains fixed to her cuffs hand, pulling her upright to stand in the middle of this filthy warehouse. Once again, it’s useless. She can’t use her powers here, there’s some drug they gave her, that made her weak and doozy, but it did nothing to soothe her anger. 

Now even the two guards have vanished. She’s alone, with the rattle of the chains and the gusts of wind chasing through broken windows, cold air brushing over her bruised body in the places where her functional combat gear is ripped open. She’s been led into a trap, beaten into a pulp, her, who prides herself in her strategic understanding even more than her battle skills. It all has failed her, all at once, because she brutally underestimated her enemy.

 "Decker!“, she yells, and lets the chains rattle again. “Come out at least, fucking asshole, I know it’s you.”

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ship: evil stepmother!agatha harkness x fem!reader

warnings: 18+ only; dark au (stepcest, manipulation, corruption, subtle brainwaashing), smut in future parts

part i  ▪  part ii (you’re here!)  ▪  part iii & iv (coming soon)

  • When Agatha said she was taking you to her old cottage, you expected it to be on the outskirts of the city, or maybe even a nearby village.
  • You didn’t expect it to be buried deep in the forest, way off the beaten path. No one would ever accidentally stumble upon it.
  • Agatha let’s you explore as she unpacks, and you look in fascination at all of the trinkets that stuff her home to the brim.
  • Crystals, dried herbs, jars and jars of miscellaneous things.
  • Agatha doesn’t say anything about them, just watching how you curiously investigate everything you find.
  • The books especially interest you, dusty from Agatha’s absence, but the spines still look well worn.
  • You open one as Agatha starts to make you dinner, gasping with fascination as you realize that these are filled with potions and spells.
  • “Something wrong, dear?” Agatha asks, not looking up from the vegetables she’s chopping.

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family by chance lovers by choice <3
