#but idgaf

"With trolls, I draw a line connecting the bottom of the ears, drop it three inches, and split it in half. Easy shot at the spine, and you get the tongue as you're going." Chen looked aghast. "I think, Vol'jin, what he meant — " "I be knowing what he meant." The troll looked at Tyrathan. "These be Zandalari. Four inches. Their ears be set high." 

Every now and again I reread Shadows of the Horde and am delighted all over again by how Vol’jin and Tyrathan interact.

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ship: evil stepmother!agatha harkness x fem!reader

warnings: 18+ only; dark au (stepcest, manipulation, corruption, subtle brainwaashing), smut in future parts

part i  ▪  part ii (you’re here!)  ▪  part iii & iv (coming soon)

  • When Agatha said she was taking you to her old cottage, you expected it to be on the outskirts of the city, or maybe even a nearby village.
  • You didn’t expect it to be buried deep in the forest, way off the beaten path. No one would ever accidentally stumble upon it.
  • Agatha let’s you explore as she unpacks, and you look in fascination at all of the trinkets that stuff her home to the brim.
  • Crystals, dried herbs, jars and jars of miscellaneous things.
  • Agatha doesn’t say anything about them, just watching how you curiously investigate everything you find.
  • The books especially interest you, dusty from Agatha’s absence, but the spines still look well worn.
  • You open one as Agatha starts to make you dinner, gasping with fascination as you realize that these are filled with potions and spells.
  • “Something wrong, dear?” Agatha asks, not looking up from the vegetables she’s chopping.

Keep reading

family by chance lovers by choice <3
