#sacred knowledge

 “All the traditions of the earth must be seen as deriving from a fundamental mother-tradition

“All the traditions of the earth must be seen as deriving from a fundamental mother-tradition that, from the beginning, was entrusted to sinful man and to his first offspring.”

~ Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (,De I’esprit des chases’, Paris, Laran, 1800, II, “De l’esprit des traditions en general”) Art: ,Adam & Eve’ by Daniel Martin Diaz

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 △ “Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who t △ “Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who t △ “Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who t

“Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who try and separate themselves from the universality of the effects created by that which is gnosis! Be ye not fooled. Karmic law dictates there is cause and effect. The Involution and evolution is the shiva and the shakti. We are all made of the same structure, spine, nervous system, reproductive organs, and creative energy; this being true would also prove the fact that going into evolution or involution would produce the same effects on all of every man. If our anatomy is identical, which assuredly so, it is identical to all of everyone; the metaphysics and quantum physics would effect all of man in an identical fashion on all levels, whether it be atomically, cellularly, or psychologically.”

~ from net (Pics: 1. Yang - sacred masculine principle, 2. Late Hellenistic silver tetradrachm with God and Goddess of the island of Tenedos (off the northwestern coast of Anatolia), 3. Yin - sacred female principle) 

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