

Throwing the First Apostle under the bus

 Peter said to Mary, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of woman. Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember which you know, but we do not, nor have we heard them.

Mary answered and said, What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you.
And she began to speak to them these words: I, she said, I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a…

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Hey I just wanted to let you know the person you reblogged that cat video from has said in the past they believed Adam and Eve were right to eat the apple - it’s pretty clear that they’re a Gn*stic or at least heavily involved with studying Gn*sticism…

It would be great if you could not reblog anything from them again. Thanks, stay safe !

Hmm yes to clarify this is a joke

But Tumblr discourse is so weird I’m not even surprised people doubted wether this was real

Seraphim Divine love; divine heat; the fervour of devotion, ‘the fire of charity’ (DanteSeraphim Divine love; divine heat; the fervour of devotion, ‘the fire of charity’ (DanteSeraphim Divine love; divine heat; the fervour of devotion, ‘the fire of charity’ (Dante


Divine love; divine heat; the fervour of devotion, ‘the fire of charity’ (Dante).

In Isaiah it is stated: 'Each had six wings, with twain he covered his face, with twain he covered his feet and with twain he did fly.’

In Heraldry, a seraph’s head is depicted as that of a child, as purity, with three pairs of wins.

The highest of the nine orders of angels.

[Source: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper]

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Ivy Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging depenIvy Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging depenIvy Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging depen


Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging dependence; attachment; constant affection; friendship.

Christian: Everlasting life; death and immortality; fidelity.

Egyptian: ‘The plant of Osiris’, immortality.

Greek: Sacred to Dionysos who is crowned with ivy and whose cup is an 'ivy cup’; his thyrsus is encircled with ivy and one of his emblems is a post sprouting ivy leaves.

Semetic: Sacred to the Phrygian Attis; immortality. The ivy-leaf is phallic, depicting the male trinity.

[Source: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper]

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KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XXIX: ABRAXAS Abraxas is the other cock-headed demon in the Shin Megami TeKANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XXIX: ABRAXAS Abraxas is the other cock-headed demon in the Shin Megami Te


Abraxasis the other cock-headed demon in the Shin Megami Tensei compendium (besides Sindura and the original Basilisk–wait, who’d you think I meant?), though he sadly doesn’t appear as often as he should. What’s not to love about Abraxas? He’s a supreme being in Gnosticism no matter the source, with some serious celestial number symbolism going on–whether his name is inscribed as Abraxas or the variant Abrasax, the Greek system of isopsephy, which assigns number values to letters, assigns A-B-R-A-X-A-S the sum of 365. That’s quite the obvious celestial number that appears repeatedly in mythology; for another example, Biblical patriarch Enoch lived for 365 years.

Abraxas is famously depicted on the so-called Abraxas stones, where he is seen as a chimeric being called the Anguipede, with serpents for legs. One of the most notable Abraxas stones is included in the photoset above. It’s apparent that Kaneko used that stone as the inspiration for Devil Summoner’s Abraxas, as it shares tiny details right down to the fins on the serpents’ heads, though does exchange Abraxas’ usual whip for a branch.

Hey, it could have been worse. Imagine if Kaneko’s design model was instead the 1990 sci-fi disasterpiece Abraxas: Guardian of the Universe, starring former wrestler/ex-Minnesota governor/modern conspiracy nut Jesse Ventura in the eponymous role, an “intergalactic police officer.”


And you can’t say it wouldn’t be thematically appropriate, as Abraxas: Guardian of the Universe is a supreme cosmic monstrosity all 365 days of the year!

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Today in history class I learned that I accidentally reinvented the demiurge during a psychotic episode a few years ago

A Place Dreamers GoHandmade collage ©2020(in my Gnostic Head Canon there are 3 Trees, The Tree Of Li

A Place Dreamers Go
Handmade collage ©2020

(in my Gnostic Head Canon there are 3 Trees, The Tree Of Life, The Tree Of Knowledge, and, The Tree Of Dreams… hidden from the Blind Idiot Yaldabaoth lest he poison it so that we may only dream of him…)

Please Do Not Alter/Remove Title Or Credit!

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 △ “Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who t △ “Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who t △ “Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who t

“Gnosis is universal. You will see others asleep try and individualize gnosis, woe to those who try and separate themselves from the universality of the effects created by that which is gnosis! Be ye not fooled. Karmic law dictates there is cause and effect. The Involution and evolution is the shiva and the shakti. We are all made of the same structure, spine, nervous system, reproductive organs, and creative energy; this being true would also prove the fact that going into evolution or involution would produce the same effects on all of every man. If our anatomy is identical, which assuredly so, it is identical to all of everyone; the metaphysics and quantum physics would effect all of man in an identical fashion on all levels, whether it be atomically, cellularly, or psychologically.”

~ from net (Pics: 1. Yang - sacred masculine principle, 2. Late Hellenistic silver tetradrachm with God and Goddess of the island of Tenedos (off the northwestern coast of Anatolia), 3. Yin - sacred female principle) 

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The Thelemic Creed in the Gnostic Mass:I believe in one secret and ineffable LORD; and in one Star i

The Thelemic Creed in the Gnostic Mass:

I believe in one secret and ineffableLORD; and in one Star in the company of Stars of whose fire we are created, and to which we shall return; and in one Father of Life, Mystery of Mystery, in His name AIWASS, the sole viceregent of the Sun upon Earth; and in one Air the nourisher of all that breaths.

And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON.

And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.

And I believe in one Gnostic and Catholic Church of Light, Life, Love and Liberty, the Word of whose Law is ΘΕΛΗΜΑ.

And I believe in the communion of Saints.

And, forasmuch as meat and drink are transmuted in us daily into spiritual substance, I believe in the Miracle of the Mass.

And I confess one Baptism of Wisdom whereby we accomplish the Miracle of Incarnation.

And I confess my life one, individual, and eternal that was, and is, and is to come.


painting by:   WILLIAM BLAKE

Digital Art: Θhpion Esoteric Tattoo

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 HYMN TO PANO man! My man!Come careering out of the nightOf Pan! Io Pan!Io Pan! Io Pan! Come over th


O man! My man!
Come careering out of the night
Of Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan! Come over the sea
From Sicily and from Arcady!
Roaming as Bacchus, with fauns and pards
And nymphs and satyrs for thy guards,
On a milk-white ass, come over the sea
To me, to me,
Come with Apollo in bridal dress
(Shepherdess and pythoness)
Come with Artemis, silken shod,
And wash thy white thigh, beautiful God,
In the moon of the woods, on the marble mount,
The dimpled dawn of the amber fount!
Dip the purple of passionate prayer
In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare,
The soul that startles in eyes of blue
To watch thy wantonness weeping through
The tangled grove, the gnarled bole
Of the living tree that is spirit and soul
And body and brain — come over the sea,
(Io Pan! Io Pan!)
Devil or god, to me, to me,
My man! my man!
Come with trumpets sounding shrill
Over the hill!
Come with drums low muttering
From the spring!
Come with flute and come with pipe!
Am I not ripe?
I, who wait and writhe and wrestle
With air that hath no boughs to nestle
My body, weary of empty clasp,
Strong as a lion and sharp as an asp —
Come, O come!
I am numb
With the lonely lust of devildom.
Thrust the sword through the galling fetter,
All-devourer, all-begetter;
Give me the sign of the Open Eye,
And the token erect of thorny thigh,
And the word of madness and mystery,
O Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan Pan! Pan,
I am a man:
Do as thou wilt, as a great god can,
O Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! I am awake
In the grip of the snake.
The eagle slashes with beak and claw;
The gods withdraw:
The great beasts come, Io Pan! I am borne
To death on the horn
Of the Unicorn.
I am Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan!
I am thy mate, I am thy man,
Goat of thy flock, I am gold, I am god,
Flesh to thy bone, flower to thy rod.
With hoofs of steel I race on the rocks
Through solstice stubborn to equinox.
And I rave; and I rape and I rip and I rend
Everlasting, world without end,
Mannikin, maiden, Maenad, man,
In the might of Pan.
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan! Io Pan!


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“The supernal light of Atzilut [the first level of manifestation of the divine from no-thing]

“The supernal light of Atzilut [the first level of manifestation of the divine from no-thing] is the secret center of every particle of matter, matter itself being crystallized light that has assumed the densest form — form representing force locked up into patterns of its own making.”

From ‘Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ: A Gnostic Christian Kabbalah’ by Tau Malachi. (p. 17)

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