#safe space saves lives

LGBTQ folks have been expressing their struggles through the arts for years. Every year FIERCE hosts

LGBTQ folks have been expressing their struggles through the arts for years. Every year FIERCE hosts a night on the pier filled with talented LGBTQ youth expressing themselves through song, dance, spoken word, or any art form they desire. And this summer is ALL ABOUT SAFETY

*If you are a LGBTQ youth of color between the ages of 13-24 and want to share how you keep safe, what safety means to you - or anything safety related, we are calling you to the stage huntyyyy!* 

Interested in performing? Email [email protected] with all performance information BY JULY 11TH! 

For more information, contact [email protected]!

*this event is open to allies. however, if you want to perform you MUST be a LGBTQ youth of color between the ages of 13-24.*

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