

If you want to keep the WRU dream alive, if you want to enjoy a completely new story with Fighter and Tutor & join a small fandom that’s been created around this story - I highly recommend checking out-

Even if you don’t think this is your type of story - give it a chance!

Hey, lovelies, check out mine and @typetharns first ever ZaintSee stort -

It’s just a little fluffy, smutty thing - Saint taking good care of his boyfriend after the fanmeeting

We also highly appreciate comments and for you to share, leave some positive feedback!

I don’t know who remembers this AU still - but it has a proper first chapter now compared to the pwp one shit from 18 months ago!

So hey - FighTor Hooker!AU → go and check it out on AO3


Thanks to @lilcactuzs and their post I could make this video.

You’re welcome~~ ❤
