

Bunny fixing Koala’s hair ❤️

If you want to keep the WRU dream alive, if you want to enjoy a completely new story with Fighter and Tutor & join a small fandom that’s been created around this story - I highly recommend checking out-

Even if you don’t think this is your type of story - give it a chance!

Hey, lovelies, check out mine and @typetharns first ever ZaintSee stort -

It’s just a little fluffy, smutty thing - Saint taking good care of his boyfriend after the fanmeeting

We also highly appreciate comments and for you to share, leave some positive feedback!

crush-camboys: Check our the little ZaintSee bedtime sorry we have written upon the request of a lovcrush-camboys: Check our the little ZaintSee bedtime sorry we have written upon the request of a lov


Check our the little ZaintSee bedtime sorry we have written upon the request of a lovely little anon ❤️ HERE AT AO3

Post link

( ) by grave4mydarling & marked4war ( @crush-camboys)

or Let’s Fight Ghost!AU

Please comment, like & share ❤️

I don’t know who remembers this AU still - but it has a proper first chapter now compared to the pwp one shit from 18 months ago!

So hey - FighTor Hooker!AU → go and check it out on AO3


If you want to keep up with Crush, but you don’t want to follow us on Twitter - Crush (and our other stories) now has its own homepage!

A new chapter of Crush is out & you can find it on AO3andWattpad!

Crush is still being written, social media posts are still being made for it - we just moved it all to Twitter! So join us on Twitter or join us on our Discord! ❤️

We know there are a lot of people out there that prefer wattpad so why not check out Crush there now?

You’ve got 14h of reading pleasure ahead of you!

This episode seemed so OOC for everyone.

No matter how Fighter felt, I don’t see him forcing himself onto Tutor. King of consent who said “kissing was enough” and refused to break his promise to Tutor in the sauna, is going to force himself onto Tutor? No.

Dew and Blue?? Where was the lead up to them getting together? It just seemed random. (Although, I do think they’re cute.)

Tutor telling Fighter he didn’t love him anymore and then asking him to stay with him the next day. ??? I don’t see Tutor being this heartless and I also don’t think he changed his mind so quickly especially after Fighter did what he did. They didn’t even properly apologize.

Also, what was up with Tutor messaging Fighter telling him to come over just for him to walk down the escalator with the junior he knows sent out the photo? And to be suprised when Fighter was there made no sense.

I don’t know if it’s because they couldn’t finish filming so a lot of scenes were missing, or if they had to scramble to finish the show someway, but everything seemed done so poorly.

But now we can talk about some good things this episode gave us.

1. Zee and Saint’s amazing acting. I truly felt Fighter was heartbroken and it was hard to watch, you genuinely felt bad for the guy.

2. We got some cute SaifahZon moments. Zon geeking out about his weekend with Saifah and imagining it was adorable. (Let’s talk about how pretty Tommy looked here.)

3. Japan and Tainai being the cutest boyfriends. They have the cutest storyline. It’s just such innocent and honest love. Shame we don’t get to see much of it.

The finale is next week and I can’t help but feel it’s going to be rushed and there will be a lot of loose ends. But even so, I’m thankful to the cast and crew who were able to make this show possible.


They’re the cutest!!!


Did somebody ask for the HD version? ❤️


♫︎♡︎ Fighter Tutor beach moment ♫︎♡︎

Thanks to @lilcactuzs and their post I could make this video.

You’re welcome~~ ❤
