#zee pruk panich


Hey, lovelies, check out mine and @typetharns first ever ZaintSee stort -

It’s just a little fluffy, smutty thing - Saint taking good care of his boyfriend after the fanmeeting

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Alright I need talk about this:

Consent is such a big deal to Lian. Not only does he check in with Kuea multiple times when things start to get intense.

Every time Kuea hesitates he stops, and makes sure he has renewed consent before going any further

He makes it clear that Kuea is safe and he can stop anytime. None of that “you can’t change your mind” nonsense.

After the kitchen scene, he waited for Kuea to initiate before kissing him again.

Remember the CCTV thing? Lian realizing that he didn’t think through the fact that Kuea didn’t know about the cameras and there is a consent issue there. Especially when the shirt comes off and he fixes it immediately.

When Kuea finally tells him what he needs, (to hear how Lian feels) he responds immediately with zero hesitation or deflection.

Communication is so important to our boy Lian and I am sohere for this character.

Things about Lian that I’m totally here for:

When all the cool, collected, and in control posturing goes straight out the window when he’s flustered.

Folds like a lawn chair the second Kuea gets emotional about anything

The “I hate you so much” expression on his face nearly everytime he talks to Foei

The completely deadpan jokes/teasing

His complete lack of time for stupid straight people

The fact that he’s Yi’s emotional support human

Zee Pruk is a master of microexpression and it fucks, honestly
