#sally face


Can’t physically draw today. Hello. Anyway, you know this is the proper way to dry your hair. Unless your bald.

(Also I can’t draw Ash for the death of me)

это должна была быть полноценка, но моя неусидчивость сказала нет :(✦ instagram

это должна была быть полноценка, но моя неусидчивость сказала нет :(


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honestly i spent more time in the bg than everything else

honestly i spent more time in the bg than everything else

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some sally face sketches, my favorite is actually larry but sal is just so fun to draw

some sally face sketches, my favorite is actually larry but sal is just so fun to draw

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The roof

[hi I’ve been dEAD,, sorry qvq,,]

guess whos backback again ;3c

guess whos back
back again ;3c

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some sketches with indie vibes



Askbox is open! Feel free to send in whatever

I made a SF ask blog for funsies! Feel free to send asks to it


Askbox is open! Feel free to send in whatever

I made a SF ask blog for funsies! Feel free to send asks to it

Another sketch of my favorite metalhead

I know this has been done several times before by several other people but i had to do one too

I know this has been done several times before by several other people but i had to do one too

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Ash is best girl, hands down.

(Sneak peek from a page of spicy doodles)

Did a portrait study of Larry in my free time to chill out, and I’m super happy with how it tu

Did a portrait study of Larry in my free time to chill out, and I’m super happy with how it turned out so im posting it here :)

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jurinova: Send a character + outfit + accessory. Feel free to use and reblog, but please do not repojurinova: Send a character + outfit + accessory. Feel free to use and reblog, but please do not repojurinova: Send a character + outfit + accessory. Feel free to use and reblog, but please do not repojurinova: Send a character + outfit + accessory. Feel free to use and reblog, but please do not repojurinova: Send a character + outfit + accessory. Feel free to use and reblog, but please do not repo


Send a character + outfit + accessory. Feel free to use and reblog, but please do not repost!

I made a new one. I hope you all like it!

Send in reqs for Sally Face and voltron!!

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