#samurai spirits


Ukyo Tachibana!!!

Artwork time!! Kubikiri Basara from Samurai Spirits. What better way to break in a new pack of Copic

Artwork time!! Kubikiri Basara from Samurai Spirits. What better way to break in a new pack of Copic Markers than with a pic of one of my favorite fighting game characters. So….who to draw next?


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Desktop wallpaper I mixed together with my editing Kung Fu.

Shiki- Samurai Shodown/Spirits

This is my biggest and most ambitious painting so far, due to the sheer amount of characters include

This is my biggest and most ambitious painting so far, due to the sheer amount of characters included and I’m very proud of it. Back in June, SNK held a contest for fans to celebrate their 40th anniversary this year called “My SNK Life”. They asked fans to send them things like photos and illustrations to express their love of SNK and their games over the years. I already planned a drawing like this anyway, but I went way beyond my original scope to really try and impress SNK with even more characters and arcade machines than I originally planned to draw, including some more obscure characters and arcade units. It seemed to work though, cause it got noticed by one of SNK’s animators on twitter and they’ve used it in this video they released a few days ago. (15:12 in case you wanna skip ahead)

The painting in the video is actually an earlier version that I made to get this out in time for the contest though. I edited some colors and fixed a few mistakes after that. Hopefully this means I’ve got a good chance of winning the contest though. If I am one of the winners, I’ll get a Neo-Geo Mini (Which Mr. League Bowling on the bottom left is holding) and some other SNK prizes, so wish me luck.

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