



let guilt corrode everything 
until you’re a canyon
then let him make you
into his image all over again
when was the last time you felt
the sun on your skin?
there’s nothing there:
you’re just disconnection
there’s no escaping the consequence
of your biggest sin
and you will never be

For Sam Appreciation Week that me and @prelawsam did and the prompt Sam & Trauma. Find more of my writing here!


Little Sammy in his Eid fit since today’s his birthday andEid


the most magical of birthday boys <3


Birthday boy stim dancing


that’s me in the corner, that’s me in the spotlight // sam x losing my religion

he’s a psychic! he’s a blood freak! he’s a boyking! he’s a birthday boy! he’s sammy <3



Sam Winchester Appreciation Week: Day Seven - Happy Birthday, Sam!
@prelawsam@suncaptor Thanks so much you two for putting this together. I had a really great time, and it really reminded of just how much I love Sam. Thank you.

tw for PTSD flashbacks

Sam had all the paperwork done, had talked to multiple social workers, talked to the breeder, the trainer, had sequestered away all the supplies he needed, and now, he was enjoying a drive back to the bunker with a golden lab in the passenger seat. The trainer had been nice, had looked at the paperwork and wished him a happy birthday.

It was a nice day too: blue sky, sunny, warm. He had the windows rolled down. His dog—holy crap, I have a dog—didn’t stick her head out the window though. She stayed attentive on him, as she was supposed to. It was a little strange, but he appreciated it.

The road was clear and straight, so Sam leaned over to ruffle her head. Her fur was soft beneath his hand, and she lifted her head up into his touch.

“So, any ideas for your name?” he asked her.

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