#sara harvey


Who is Bethany Young? I find it shady that we have never seen this girl’s face or any kind of flashback’s of her. The only time we heard her voice, it sounded exactly like the Sara Harvey we know now in Season 6.

Marlene and the producers have sworn that Alison will not have a twin in the show, which is stupid because the entire book series is about Alison and her sister Courtney. Uber A is Alison Dilaurentis. The only reason the four girls became friends in the first place was because Courtney stole Alison’s life and had to ditch her old popular friends and make new ones, which were the four liars and that’s why A tormented them.

The show has made tons of references of twins throughout the seasons, but since Alison won’t have a twin, that means someone else will.

I think it is going to be Bethany and Sara. I think the story about the twins in 2x13 is about them. My theory:

Sara Harvey = Real Alison Dilaurentis  & Bethany Young = Courtney Dilaurentis.

In the books, Alison was always jealous of Courtney because people liked her more than Alison. So she tricked her parents into believing that Courtney was crazy and a threat to Alison and they sent Courtney away to Radley and neglected her. The real Alison Dilaurentis was a bitch to everyone and hated by everyone. She sounds a lot like the old Sara Harvey before she went “missing”. The Bethany Young voice in the recording sounds kind and confused, reminds me a lot like Courtney and the “Alison” the girls knew. The Sara Harvey that shows up in Season 6 is very different than described by her friends to Hanna. Sure, she may have went through a lot, but their is still something very shady about her. Here is what I think happened…

I think that Bethany stole Sara’s life and tricked her into switching places, putting the real Sara Harvey in Radley where Bethany had been living all her life. I think the night Alison went missing, the real Sara found a way out of Radley, to seek out revenge on her sister and the real Bethany came out to Rosewood that night to face Sara. I think Charles knew the real Bethany and possibly grew up with her Radley and even had a close relationship/bond with her. Perhaps, Bethany told him all the stories about how Sara tormented her and tricked her parents into neglecting her and thinking she was crazy and when they switched places, he formed a fake friendship with Sara. I believe both Sara and Bethany were wearing the same outfit and the real Bethany was hit by the shovel by either one of the four girl’s that mistook her for Alison or maybe the real Sara and this greatly upset Charles because he cared for Bethany. Bethany is then pushed into the grave and buried alive by Melissa. This is when Charles takes Sara for his dollhouse, but when things don’t go as planned and the girls are rescued, Sara is released. However, I do not think she is the fragile girl she has been playing out to be. I think her being in that dollhouse for two years might has made her more crazy than she is leading on.

We are back in the Dollhouse the lighted pathway is flashing and the creepy girl over the speaker says “Please proceed to Ali’s room and prepare for arrival.” The doors unlock and one by one the clearly traumatised Liars file out of their rooms slowly. 


First Aria then Spencer followed by Emily, no sign of Hanna yet. Clearly it’s been a rough few weeks, they are all on the verge of tears and to top it off A has forced them in to their pilot-episode-attire. Yup that’s right Spencer’s rocking the nerd-chic, Emily’s donning what looks like a blue velvet ‘Rosewood Sharks tracksuit’ and Aria’s hair has been chopped off and the pink streaks are back. I can’t help but wonder if A did the hack job himself or whether he made Aria cut it. Either way Charles is clearly wanting the Liars to regress to their younger selves. This pretty much confirms he was there the night Ali got hit right?

“I would ask if you’re ok, but -” Emily starts before Aria quickly cuts in “Let’s not talk about what we just went through. At least not until we get out of here.” Spencer adds “I don’t know if I could even find the words” and my heart broke into a million pieces. If Spencer’s broken then we know it’s bad! At this point I was thinking there’s definitely been some rape going on here but Bryan M Holdman one of the show’s main writers has confirmed they weren’t. Phew!


Hanna appears (not in a fat suit I might add) and there’s this weird exchange of ashamed looks before Emily breaks the tension saying “We’re all together again. Ok? It’s going to be ok.” There’s a beautiful ButtahBenzo moment where Emily pulls Hanna in close (am I the only person who would ship Hanily?) which is swiftly interrupted by A ushering them along to Ali’s room. Not wanting to get in trouble again off they go.


They get to Ali’s dollhouse replica room and there’s 3 boxes on the bed containing all her belongings from home. Amongst the stuff they find a newspaper detailing Ali’s release from prison and Emily, eiffel tower in hand, deduces they must be getting ready for the arrival of the real Ali.  Uh oh doesn’t that make Monalison disposable?


Hanna who has physically distanced herself from the Liars (definitely some subtext going on in the blocking of this scene) asks “Did A force you guys to sign the welcome card for Ali?” Spencer and Aria exchange a twitchy ‘let’s not talk about this’ look and then carry on reading the paper. Spencer informs the others Ali refused police protection. Emily says “So Ali’s a sitting duck?” - throwback to 4x25 when Hanna and Spencer have the argument over ducks and geese.

Hanna, acting very skittish, reacts strangely to this conversation. She looks over to A’s surveillance camera and the light flashes 3 times almost like she’s being told what to do. She looks apprehensive but walks over to the Liars and says “If A brings Ali here does that mean he won’t need Mona anymore?”

Theory: So at this point I think we can safely assume Hanna has been psychologically damaged the most by the last few weeks. I think A’s aim was to turn the Liars against each other but looks like Hanna feels the most singled out. Or has A coerced her to join the A team? Kind of looks like she’s following orders right?


So we cut to a scene of A checking up on Mona who is trapped at the bottom of a giant empty well - shit just got dark. This scene looks like it’s been lifted from Silence of the Lambs, like the PLL crew fancied filming on another set for the day and just moseyed over and filmed it on the actual Silence of the Lambs set.  Anyway I digress. 

Mona pleads with Charles to let her out “If you let me out I promise I’ll be a good Ali. The best you’ll ever find, just give me a chance and you’ll see.” Aww poor Mona (who we can all agree looks terrible in that blonde wig) - it’s going to be hard to top the performance of the real Ali isn’t it?


Theory: I wonder if this is what happened with the other blonde prisoner. Was she Ali until Mona came along and then chucked aside like a doll? Or is she there to play the part of Bethany Young? Or is she in fact Bethany Young? 

Charles turns to leave and Mona screams (horrifyingly realistic performance by Janel here) “No, no, don’t leave me here. Please don’t leave me here.” Charles being the asshole that he is ignores her and walks away satisfied that he doesn’t have a corpse on his hands just yet.

Back to Ali’s bedroom where the girls are in full swing unpacking to make it feel more - dare I say - homely *shudders*. Hanna finds a photo album from the day at the lake where Ali famously said; “That’s immortality my darlings” and we first heard about the kissing rock. The girls reminisce on what douchebags they were for letting Ali call Lucas ‘hermie’ and for blinding Jenna. Emily states “We are not the same people we were back then… including Ali” (I smell Emison). 


Sidenote: The kissing rock is a reoccurring image in this episode. I can’t help but feel like there’s a few things that happened there that we don’t know about yet. A has clearly seen or been with Ali to the kissing rock at some point right? I automatically associate it with the N.A.T club because of the scene with Ian the night Ali got hit - perhaps that’s the link?


Spencer finds a wooden toy car (it might be a boat I couldn’t tell) with the initials C.D carved into it. Convenient ey? The cogs in Spencer’s brain are turning but Aria interrupts and calls her over to inspect the wardrobe. Detective Hastings doesn’t have time for this shit because she’s now searching the box presumably for more C.D. stuff but when she suggests Hanna helps, Aria snaps “Hanna is busy.” Again a bit of a hostile vibe towards Hanna between the liars. Sparia (friendship goals) find a message on the back of the wardrobe. It says “HE’S GOING TO KILL ME - M.” Oh dear Mona you’re probably right!


Back to Rosewood’s finest (more like useless) PD HQ and the first thing we learn is that our beloved Radley Sanitarium has been closed due to an “unexpected sale.” Tanner is totally on to Toby and gives him a grilling about Ali’s disappearing act (that girl goes missing every other episode I swear) when Detective Maple spots a blonde guy in a cap walking behind the news reporter assuming it’s Andrew (it definitely is, I’d recognise that buff bod any day). They spend way too much time lingering on the shot of Maple analysing ‘Andrew’s’ car’s registration number. We get it Barry, you’re a pro now!


Theory: Remember that episode where a guy in a cap meets with Melissa behind Spencer’s house - are you thinking what I’m thinking? The way I see it you’ve got potentially 2 groups in play here. You’ve got Big A (Charles) who has a tragic back story and is undoubtedly going to be linked to Bethany, Marion and the Dilaurentis family. Then you’ve got Melissa Hasting’s posse which included Mona, Lucas, Cindy/Mindy and potentially Andrew? Also completely off topic but remember when the Liar’s found the Charles Dilaurentis anagram in Mona’s room? Well Mona obviously doesn’t know who Charles is so she clearly didn’t leave them but shady Andrew was hanging around outside so he blatantly did. Or what if he’s an anti-hero who knows about Charles and was trying to clue the girls in without giving his game away? 

Cut back to Ali looking scared in the forest part 2 - low and behold she’s at the kissing rock. There’s a cute close up of the ‘EF + AD’ love heart which makes my inner Emison-fan swoon. In the distance Ali hears that song Marlene won’t stop banging on about on Twitter ‘Patsy Cline - Walkin’ After Midnight’. She investigates and finds a car with a pre-determined route in the satnav to take her to the dollhouse (how very Mona of you Charles #tbt 2x12). 


There’s an irrelevant scene with Caleb and Ezra showing they are still firmly on Ali’s tail. All I could think was dear God Ezra will you just please shave already? You look like a peadophile… oh wait.

Back to the Dollhouse and the girls have all received a box with their belongings. It’s quite sweet that he’s trying to make them feel at home in a completely psychopathic and creepy way. I can’t help but wonder at this point whether the other blonde prisoner knows that she’s got a shitty dark dungeon cell while the Liars mope about their exact replica bedrooms. Lifes a bitch ey?

And here it is the moment we’ve all been waiting for… the return of Aria’s handpuppet Pigtunia! We all know this thing is gonna be a key player in the night Ali went missing. 

The girls get emotional talking about the stress their families must be going through since they don’t know the girls are alive and Aria gets sassy with A: “I will kill you for what you’re doing to our families.” I would love it if Aria does end up taking down Charles. She’s small… but she’s big.

Hanna reads that her Mum has been taken to hospital because of the trauma of their kidnapping in the yet-to-be-authenticated newspaper. Spencer gets agitated and pulls out - wait for it - an etch-a-sketch. She brags about winning an etch-a-sketch contest when she was in the 3rd grade. The sad thing is no PLL viewer is surprised by this fact at all. Anyway she writes out “Charles is a Dilaurentis” and the girls look shocked. So the girls make a plan to break out again when the generator conveniently turns off at midnight. Yes because that worked out so well for them last time. 

Sidenote: I forget that the girls don’t know as much as we know. When I watched this scene my reaction was “well duh Spence we’ve known this for months because the Twittersphere worked out those anagrams minutes after they aired” but of course at this point all they know is Spencer’s whacked up brain figured out some alphabet blocks that spelled Charles.

