#sassy husbands


Bisexual Confessions

Do you ever think about how Merlin has spent 1000+ years waiting for Arthur to come back, meaning that he has had a millennia to come up with an awesome one-liner to roast/love Arthur with. As language and slang changes, Merlin keeps to the words Arthur would know, that were special between them. He goes through phases: “Hello, clotpole,” *bows* and sassily says “my lord,” “the pain in my arse has finally returned.” That kind of Merlin banter Arthur loves.

But then, after all this time, all these centuries, Arthur finally comes back and Merlin knows his sick burn just like he knows that that man…that’s Arthur. At that realization, at seeing the Once and Future King for the first time outside of his dreams and waking memory for 100s of years, Merlin enters such a gay panic that he can’t remember any of his opening lines. Thankfully, Arthur seems to feel the same as he struts over and makes out with the suddenly young again sorcerer. And they both live happily gay after.
