#saturn return


Happy New Year to Me.
Happy Summer.
Happy L I F E.
Saturn will be returning so soon
and reconstruction is already surrounding me like flood waters.
Things happen, and then they’re over.
A synopsis of lessons learned from the past year.
But oh, how wonderful are the things that can happen.
What marvelous surprises the Sweet Summer can bring.
Such power the heat has
over my soul
to pull the truest colors right out of my very skin.
Time feels velvety and lush during the long days,
like warm honey coating the back of a spoon,
or mouthfuls of ripe blueberries.
A whole lifetime can happen in one Monday.
I must remember to remember this.
This Summer is important.
This next journey around the sun is important.
This Time is important.
Everything is about to change so,
Remember to remember….

My Saturn return has been fucking weird, y'all.

my saturn return is just so returning right now

so my saturn return is really returning but once i started leaning in and embracing it through the sign and house, i’m actually starting to see results.

example, my saturn is in my 10th house in aquarius and my career has changed a bunch these past two years but once i focused it on aquarius themes (politics, campaigning, helping society, technology) i am getting rewarded like no other. it’s exactly conjunct my midheaven as well and never in my life have i gotten so much acknowledgment from my bosses.

astrology is a tool my dudes. use it.

Planets Return

The planetary return in astrology is when the transiting planet returns to the precise position it was in at the moment of a person’s birth. Symbolically this means that the planet is beginning a new cycle in a person’s life.


✨The sun returns to the same place every year when you have a birthday. There is no such change in the sun because it happens every year. This house will show you where you need to focus this year. Where will you find new inspiration and where will you shine.

Lunar return

A lunar return is when the moon returns to the same exact position it was at your birth. Unlike the rest of the returns on this list, a lunar return happens 13 times a year. You can think of them as your monthly birthday. The lunar return shows your emotional state for that month and how you might respond to upcoming events.


Mercury return focuses on how we might express ourselves, our communication patterns, and opportunities to gain knowledge during the next cycle. This is where we are spending our mental energy for the year to come.


A Venus return signifies new opportunities for relationships—both romantic and platonic. A Venus return can also represent how someone’s love life, aesthetic, and finances may be affected during the new cycle.


A Mars return happens every 1.5 to 2 years. Because Mars is the planet of action and spontaneity, this kind of return explains the type of events someone may experience in the next two years. It guides where our passions will be, our motivations, and our driving forces. Where we will invest energy and in what way. Our reactions to things can change.


Jupiter return happens evey 12 years. First we experience happens during puberty and the second happens during a person’s mid-twenties. This transit is much more visible than the others so far. Jupiter represents our growth and what in way we will grow and on what basis. It opens you up to a way of thinking and a view of life. Your views and personality can change a lot then. This transit can also affect spiritual way. So that’s when we can deal with spiritual things for the first time. We can go on a new journey, meet new people, learn something new.


Saturn return happens about every 29 years and it is considered to have a major impact on our lives at the age of about 29 and then 58 and 87 years. As with other cycles in the chart, squares (around ages 7, 21, 36, 51, and so on) and oppositions (around ages 14, 44, 73) are also considered important periods in the planets cycle. Saturn return may be a time of crisis, when old structures no longer serve us and we are ready for growth and the next step towards maturity. Saturn helps us to make an inventory of our achievements so far, and prepares us for the next stage. At the points of Saturn return can existing relationships sometimes torn apart as we find that we have grown in a different direction than our partner and that we have opposite goals in life or we have our first child then. Relationships that are formed around this time they will take us in new directions in life, especially regarding work and taking on new responsibilities. This is a finding that we are no longer that young as we once were, marked by crises and changes that give us a sense that we are moving to a new level of maturity and independence.

