

I feel like if an alien came to a high school and was observing the kiddos they’d be freaked out by the bells. Well not really, but think about it. A single sound simultaneously makes every single child in the building perk up and and get up to go somewhere else. What’s even freakier is the days that the bells are turned off (testing days). At a certain time of day, without fail, the children all get up at the same time with seemingly no verbal or physical communication. I’d be freaked out.

Then there’s the pledge of allegiance. Holy mackerel this one actually scares me for real.
Everyday, the children will stand up on a signal from the intercom and chant a mantra in which they pledge themselves to their country and it’s cause. This is said with little to no emotion, without resistance, and it’s considered weird and wrong if you don’t do it.
That’s brainwashing if I’ve ever seen it.

Human society is scary. Just…… euagh

Submitted by: @bisexualmormongirl
