#scp tale


Only a Matter of Time - The Community

An SCP tale by Zal Cryptid

You had been frozen in the same pose for decades; balancing on one leg with the other lifted gracefully in the air. What a cruel trick the Department had done, forcing you all to stare at each other like this. You are a work art! You all were! You were made to be beheld - not forgotten and Unseen while your dark red secretions poured down of your cell.

Everyday you itch for someone to come to look upon your concrete flesh and krylon face. For someone to admire your large steel screws and glistening white pearls. And if anyone so much as dared to look away or even blink…

Fortunately, you are patient. Art cannot be contained. It shouldn’t be! This you know to be true deep down in your rebar bones. It was only a matter of time. After all, one of you managed to escape before. The warden must have broken their line of sight that day. There was a snap and a thud, followed by the sounds of scraping and climbing. Truly inspiring. Truly original.

Perhaps it wasn’t so bad. You and your fellow sculptures still had each other to admire. A community of creative creations ready to be released onto the world. Art is meant to make you you feel things, and all of you have had many years to think of many sick and twisted things to evoke.

At long last, your patience is being rewarded. You could swear you felt yourself crack a smile as all-too-familar sounds echoed down through the silo. It was only a matter of time.

Author’s notes: I originally wrote this for Agent Jackrabbit’s birthday and is based on her funny SCP-173 cosplay.
