



James Potter epically losing a Quidditch match and refusing to come out from under the invisibility cloak.



its been 0 days since ive drawn the favs asleep

theriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have coltheriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have coltheriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have coltheriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have coltheriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have coltheriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have coltheriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have coltheriu: marlynnofmany:arsanatomica: We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have col




We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have colors and patterns that we cannot see because they’re outside of our visual range. It calls to attention how much of the world we can’t experience because our senses are limited.

When we shine UV lights on them, they glow pink or blue, but these are the colors that we CAN see…. they could be a bunch of different colors, which we SEE as all pink.

It’s also interesting to consider that most of these animals are not aware of having glowing patches on their bodies…. isn’t it also possible that we have skin or hair patterns that were not aware of?
(There is actually some research out there to support the idea that our own skin fluoresces as well and that there are gender differences in the pattern and glow.)

Other places to see my posts:

Humans do have invisible stripes!  They’re called Blaschko’s Lines, formed as  skin cells divide at the embryonic stage.  Normally we can’t see them at all, though certain skin conditions follow those same lines. 

Apparently this is roughly what we’d look like, if our eyes could see in a different spectrum:

Dunno about you, but I want to use this in a story someday.  Aliens can see our stripes and we can’t!  Magical transformations follow Blaschko’s Lines!  A subtle sign of lycanthropy is darker hair there!  Wizards are bald with that cool spiral on their heads!

Speculative fiction is so much more fun when you can speculate about something strange but true. 


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Pride month is here!!

Yeah I’m starting to think I won’t make it this month-

I usually try to draw at least one thing for pride month, but like- with how things are going rn, idk if I can

Hoping I can prove myself wrong tho

But either way, have this comic strip as my contribution to this month lol


So this art style isn’t faster… but I do like it.

