

thank you so much@paulineflorenzi for creating this absolutely beautiful artwork for us!

i literally lost my breath when i saw them together sitting next to each other – so real. light, forms, colors, expressions… you’ve translated the atmosphere of the story just perfectly.

i commissioned this cover for @scullymurphy and her fanfic Bending Light, which gives me warm and shiny summer vibes each time i translate a new chapter from it.

i am not able to express my feelings, which are taking over me when i immerse myself into this italian atmosphere. bright smile crosses my features with each and every Draco’s stubborn thought, Theo’s devious phrase, Blaise’s joke and Lavender’s sinful smile. and Hermione… she is our light, which bends and makes us feel. thank you for this opportunity, for these emotions, and for the fact that despite being almost in the end of this stunning story – which (i won’t hesitate to mention) made me cry we-know-where-we-all-are-falling-dark – you are still close and this is what a story is about: it stays real through the times leaving footprints of its creator. i love you and those, whom you’ve created. and i really hope you will love these threetoo


New Story: “Prom Kings” – a NottPott!

Happy Birthday to the marvelous @persephonestone. Please accept this smol, jewel-like NottPott set in the pure, solid gold of @annavek94’s incredible art. xoxo ~SM


“So what really happened back there?” Theo’s voice cut through the weed-laced rabbit hole Harry seemed to have slipped down.

Harry scrubbed a hand over his face. “I guess…Sometimes I just get really tired of it?”

Theo nodded.

“It’s like. I get all this attention for something I did when I was a kid, but it’s not really me. It’s not anything I want.” Harry closed his eyes. “I’d give anything to blend in sometimes. And tonight just the thought of getting up there on that stage. Smiling for everyone. I couldn’t do it.” He sighed hugely. Part of him felt like he’d let the entire senior class down.

“It’s not the end of the world.” Theo nudged his shoulder to Harry’s, seemingly reading his mind.

“No, you’re right.” Harry rolled his head over to look at Theo. “You’re right. I just feel an obligation sometimes.”

“To your public?”

Harry snorted. “No.”

“Look. Just, tell everyone you shot too much Jäeger beforehand and felt sick or something. That way your rep stays intact.” Theo waved a lazy hand in the air and Harry started laughing—laughing in a way that let him know he was really high and may not stop laughing anytime soon.

It felt good.

“Like I care about my rep,” he finally gasped.

“No? Captain Wholesome lacrosse champion? Most popular boy in school? Would-be Prom King?”

“No,” Harry nudged Theo back. “No. I’m telling you I don’t care about that. And why do you keep bringing up lacrosse?”

“I enjoy the game.”

“You do not.”

“All right, I enjoy the players.” Theo raised a brow and Harry started laughing again.

“Truth comes out. Is that why you’re always waiting for Draco after practice?”

“Maybe.” Theo smirked. “You don’t seem bothered.”

“I’m not.” Harry stilled and kept Theo’s gaze. Theo pulled the joint and lighter out of his pocket, lit the joint again and took a light drag.

“What is it about you, Potter?” He squinted at Harry as he exhaled. “Other than my weakness for varsity athletes?”


Please people, go and read this fic, because your heart needs a little bit of NottPott, we know that much! I take the chance to wish a happy birthday to @persephonestone who I don’t even know (but it doesn’t really matter, the best of wishes all the same), but thanks to I got to collaborate with @scullymurphy on this piece. I have loved every minute of our interactions and how the artwork was specifically shaped around your fic “Prom Kings”, which I adored. Well done and happy days
