
This post is about translators! So happy to get these today on my bed of sickness. (I shall be well

This post is about translators! So happy to get these today on my bed of sickness. (I shall be well soon!) Last year I was talking about wanting to write another portal fantasy & my friend recommended several Chinese portal fantasies. Joyfully I went to buy them & was lost trying to do so on the website. (Entirely my own fault. Pls someone come to my house & help me, I shall make you dinner & praise you.) What to do? I want people to buy my books, so I wish to buy other people’s! I was thrilled to hear these were getting an official English release, & translated by those who’d loved the books so much they made unofficial translations purely for love. Translation is tough: I often can’t find the right word myself. How much harder to find the right word for another writer? My best friend’s mama & one of my dearest friends have both translated books, & I’ve translated (Latin poems, books are beyond me!) I’ve also been translated & am so grateful for the efforts to translate my magic & my jokes by word wizards (@simona_sbooks among others!) Just from a glance I can see the love poured into these translations by Suika, Faelicy, Lily & Pengie to make them fluid & fantastic. So excited to finally read them & I’m starting with #heavenofficialsblessing as I hear it highly praised & it seems alluring, mysterious & has fallen gods! Love it so far. Let’s hear it for translators, the carriers and transformers of tales. #thegrandmasterofdemoniccultivation #scumvillainselfsavingsystem #translator #theuntamed #booksbooksbooks

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I read the scum villain’s self-saving system
