



Summary: You are working as a makeup artist on a small film where the lead actress rarely bothers to show up. So what happens when you are asked to be a stand in during a steamy scene?

Warnings: definitely 18+, language, smut, maybe a little fluff

Length: 3.5k

A/N: This is hands down the best thing my subconscious has ever created. I don’t normally dream of Sebastian like this but I’m soooo glad I did! I don’t own the gif. DO NOT POST TO ANY OTHER WEBSITE! Reblog and send comments please!

You were sitting in your makeup trailer with your feet up on a table eating your lunch and scrolling through your phone when your friend Liz, who also happened to be the first assistant director, walked in and sat down.

“We need you to be a stand in again,” she said.

“Again? How is that bitch a working actress? She’s a flake!”

“That bitch is stressing me out,” she said rolling her eyes.

You referred to the lead actress as “the bitch” because she was, in fact, a bitch. She was rude, inconsiderate, and barely showed up for work.

“They need to just hire a professional stand in for her. Stop making me do it.”

“Honestly, you are probably the best stand in for her. I was watching some footage they had edited together and I had no idea it was you in the scene until someone told me. Go to the hair trailer first. They already know what to do. I’ll come by and show you what the scene is in a little bit.”

“Yeah, okay.”

You were first asked to help out when the lead actress in the film couldn’t make it to set for whatever reason sometime during the first week of production. You had the same y/h/c, y/h/l hair and body type and it was actually hard to tell you apart when someone was looking from behind. You had said yes just to help the shoot move along. All you ever had to do was stand in the frame with your back to the camera while the lead actor said his lines to you. It wasn’t hard work. So you continued to say yes whenever they asked which had been 6 times in the last 3 weeks.

“This is a little more than just standing there Liz! A lot more!” you complained while taking the piece of gum Liz offered you. “They really can’t wait to get his coverage?”

“Pay attention to how she stands and where her hands are. That’s all you really need to know. Sebastian is going to take care of the rest.”

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