#senju touka


This fic’s characters are based from @hashimadaheadcanons‘sHashimada Family AU

I hope you enjoy it <3

[ TW // Death, blood, child abuse, trauma, lost of family members ]


The whole thing started when 6 years old Kagami broke 12 years Obito’s favourite snow globe by accident. Hashirama and Madara bought this snow globe as a gift to Obito when they all went to Norway for the first time, this was also the last time they did something big all just three of them because two weeks later they found out Madara was pregnant with their second child.


The first time Obito heard the news he was so excited to have a sibling, he knew he was going to have someone to play with and talk things he can never talk with his dads, not that he had a problem with talking Hashirama and Madara but he just like the idea of having someone else as well… When Kagami was born he immediately wanted to hold her, he just couldn’t stop looking at her small face, Obito didn’t knew how he should have felt, was it normal to feel like this for someone he saw for the first time and immediately wanting to protecting them for the rest of their life? He couldn’t hold his small tears when he brought his hands close to newborn Kagami and she hold his fingers tidy.

“Obito, is something wrong?” Ask Madara realising Obito was keeping his head down, trying to hide his tears

“No, I’m just..just..she is squeezing my finger too tight, how can a baby can squeeze like this?” He said while trying to erase his tears 

Hashirama knew Obito was crying, he shared a soft look with Madara and immediately got emotional himself as well, he put his hand to Obito’s back “well, I think she already loved you so much that she just doesn’t want to let you go.”

That day Obito promised himself that no matter what he will always going to protect, love and never leave his little sister no matter what.


Obito knew his sister was just a baby and needed more attention, even before she was born his dads told him why she was going to get more attention and he agreed to it, yet after some time he just missed to go places or do activities with his dads but Hashirama and Madara were always to tired to spend too much time with Obito, they did best they can but in the end baby needed more attention, right? Obito tried to didn’t mind knowing this is how it was supposed to be, he still loved his sister but couldn’t she just grew up faster?

When Kagami was 5 he asked again “Dad, paps, Kagami is old enough to take a long ride now right? Can we go to Norway again???” He was excited, he loved Norway, he wanted to visit it every year since the last time he was there, Hashirama sighed “honey, I want to go to Norway too but I think it’s still a bit early, maybe next year huh?”

He was disappointed but unfortunately he also knew he was going to get this answer “You always say next year, when will it actually be next year paps!”

Madara stop looking at the TV and turned his head to Obito who seems very upset and a little bit angry “Obito, no need to raise your voice, you know your sister is sensitive when it comes to long trips, don’t you remember how sick she got when we went to see your grandfather? I believe you can be a little bit more patient.”

Obito had something in his mind that he wished he didn’t said it out loud “Can’t we just leave her” he mumbled

Both Madara and Hashirama were shocked, Madara looked at him a little stern this time “What is that spouse to mean?”

Obito realised what he said came out so wrong since he didn’t mean it that way “I didn’t mean it like that, I meant, leave her to Uncle Izuna or Tobirama, or maybe Aunt Tōka…”

“I know you didn’t mean it sweetheart but that was still wrong to suggest, we both know you missed to visit places but what we want to do is doing these as a family, four of us all together, not only your sister is still having trouble with long trips but also, probably she won’t remember much about these trips since she is still little, we want her to remember these great moments as well” Hashirama said it softly, he knew Obito would never mean to leave his sister but he was kinda disappointed Obito even suggested this.

Obito kept his head down, felt terrible for thinking about leaving his sister and go to have fun for his own, there was nothing really wrong with it when you think about it but Obito did promised himself he was never going to leave Kagami. “Okay..I’m sorry” he said with a sad tone and just went to his room


Kagami was 6 years old now and she handled taking long trips better than she used to, she was still getting a bit sick but now she was able to control herself. Obito knew this was going to be it! They were finally start visiting far places again, starting with Norway.

Obito didn’t mind Kagami play with his stuff, he was actually happy that Kagami was holding an interest with the things he loves, he wanted to teach her so many things he loved doing, fishing, riding skateboard, playing flute and guitar… but there were some things he wanted to keep her away from, not because he didn’t wanted her to see them but because they were dangerous for a 6 years old to have them, like his fishing needles or his snow globes that can easily break. Obito loved collecting snow globes so much, they were always the best gift for him every time they visited a country or a touristic place…he missed having new ones every year, he didn’t got a new one since Kagami was born.

No matter what Obito did to keep his dangerous and precious stuff away from Kagami, she always found a way to find and take them, this annoyed Obito more than he could ever imagine, his parents kept reminding him about how it’s normal for his sister to be so curious at this age, they say he was the same when he was 6 bla bla bla…this still didn’t change anything, he was still annoyed to Kagami for this.

One afternoon Obito rushed to his room with the sound of a glass breaking, when he got to his room he saw little Kagami looking at the broken snow globe with a confused expression in her face, she didn’t know how to react, she clearly didn’t mean to break it but it was too late now, Obito couldn’t hold himself

“KAGAMI! I TOLD YOU TO NOT TO TOUCH THESE-“ suddenly he realised which one she broke.

Kagami started to cry for making her brother mad “Nii-san I-I didn’t meant to bre-“


Kagami’s cry got louder when Hashirama and Madara ran to the room but Obito didn’t stop

“YOU BROKE MY FAVOURITE ONE! WE GOT THIS FROM NORWAY BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, NOW IT’S NOT EVEN SURE I CAN GET A NEW ONE BECAUSE WE CAN’T VISIT ANYWHERE BECAUSE OF YOU!” He was going to regret for saying the next sentence later but right now he was too angry to do anything but yelling “I WISH YOU NEVER BORN-“ he realised what he said.

“OBITO!” Both Hashirama and Madara yelled at the same time, Hashirama ran to take Kagami from middle of broken glasses, realised she cut her hands, Kagami’s cry got louder but it wasn’t because of the pain in her hands, this was a different kind of pain…

“Madara hold Obito from his shoulder, turned him to look at Madara right in the eyes “Do you have any idea what did you just said?!” He was a bit stern but he knew Obito was sad himself as well, Madara wanted to speak a bit softer but this wasn’t his expertise, he needed Hashirama, so he continued sternly “Is your stuff more important than your sister? You were really that mad? You kept yelling at your sister rather than helping her, did you even realised her hands were cut?…” Madara didn’t wanted to continue this here, not own his own, so he took a deep breath and sighted “go to the living room Obito, we’ll talk about this in a moment.”

Obito didn’t say anything, how could he, he didn’t trust himself to talk, so he kept his head low and went to the living room slowly.

Madara went to Kagami’s room, she was still crying into Hashirama’s shoulder, Hashirama was keeping his one hand on Kagami’s back, slowly rubbing it while holding her small bandaged hands with his other hand, he laid down to her head, kissed the top of her head multiple times, trying to comfort her as much as he can. Madara sat next to Hashirama and put his hand on Kagami’s back as well, took a deep breath and just looked at Hashirama, gave him the ‘it’s your turn’ look, Hashirama softly smile and pulled half clam Kagami and clean the messy hair from her face “sweetheart, look at me, is your hands still hurt?”

She shook her head and put her hand to her chest “it hurts”

Both of them gave a concerned look thinking she got physical pain until they understand what she was trying to say. She looked at her dads, it took almost all of her strength to raise her head, she spoke with a shaken voice, still half crying “D-dad, p-papa I didn’t mean to break it! Now Nii-san hates me-“ she burst into tears again, Hashirama pulled her back and hugged her tightly

“Shhh now, he doesn’t hate you, how can he hate you, you are his precious sister, he loves you so much, it was just a moment of anger because you broke one his stuff, I know he wasn’t suppose to say that but believe me he didn’t meant what he said, he would never.”

Hashirama kept rocking her side while holding her, Madara reach her to hold her on his lab this time, he took her and she hold him right away, she sobbed again “I don’t want Nii-san to hate me-“ Madara sighted hoping his idiots understand they were being idiots. He kissed Kagami “Do you know your brother cried when you were born-“

“Because he hates me!” She didn’t let Madara finish. Hashirama let out a small laugh seeing Madara’s pouting.

“No, because he was so happy, the first time you two met you immediately hold his hand and he start crying, knowing you loved him same as he loved you. No matter what happens you will always be family, never forget that.”

She pulled herself from Madara, forced herself to speak “R-really?” Crying tired her so much, Madara gave her a small smile while Hashirama rub her hair, “yes” Madara said kissing her head one last time, he turned his head to Hashirama “why don’t you check on Obito while I stay with her a little while, seems like she is going to fall asleep anyways.”

Hashirama smiled at Madara and kissed Kagami’s head again “Okay, I’ll be waiting” he gave a small kiss to Madara right before he got out of the room and head to downstairs.

When Hashirama came to living room he saw Obito crying silently into the pillow, it burned Hashirama inside out to see both of his precious kids cry. He sat on the same couch Obito was laying on, Obito slowly raise his head from the pillow it was buried when he felt someone sitting on the couch with him, when he saw Hashirama he looked at him for a while and buried his head back to pillow only to raise it again when he herd Madara coming down from stairs, he buried his face back.

Hashirama tried to touch his shoulder only to have a rough shake, Hashirama pulled his hand back with a pout, he looked at Madara that was sitting the couch right next to where Hashi and Obito were sitting, Hashirama open his mouth to speak when Madara showed his hand to stop Hashirama, Madara spoke “you know, two really remind me of myself and your Aunt Kuro…” Hashirama’s eyes wild and immediately turned into a soft look, realising what Madara was doing, he never thought they would have this conversation this early.

Obito didn’t took of his head from the pillow when he answered “who is Aunt Kuro, we don’t have an Aunt except Aunt Tōka.”

“Yes you have, actually have two more aunts and three more uncles except Tōka, Izuna and Tobirama”

Obito didn’t raise his head again “you’re lying, if we have more uncles and aunts why we never met them?! You’re just lying to make me feel worse!”

Obito heard a sneeze that wasn’t belongs to him, he raised his head to look up who was crying, he was shocked when it was his paps, trying to hide his tears, Hashirama kept his head down so Obito wouldn’t see but it was too late. Obito slowly got up from his laying position to look at his paps properly, turned his head to Madara to ask him why his paps was crying only to see his dads watered eyes as well, now he was the one who didn’t know what to do.

“Paps? Dad? What-“ Madara continue without letting Obito ask his question, he wanted to get done with this conversation before he wasn’t able to speak himself

“You never met them because they are all gone, they all died when I..we were kids….” he paused for a second, let out a sad laugh “well I think I was lucky, Izuna didn’t even had a chance to remember them” he said the last sentence almost whispering but Hashirama herd it.

“Madara, please, we can give another example for him to not fight with his sister next time, we don’t need to get into this now.” Hashirama really wanted Madara to stop but he also wanted him to tell everything to Obito since they start talking about it, he wanted it to be over tonight so they would never have to talk about this again, or at lest for a really long time.

Obito was looking both of them with a shocked face, trying to process what his dad just said, Madara continued “I loved my siblings, we were inseparable,we fought about stupid things a lot tho, especially me and my little sister Kuro. She would always dress up and act like she was a princess, that’s why we called her Kurohime, she would always embarrass me and my little brother Togakushi in front of our friends and we would yell at her to get out of our room” Madara let out a sad laugh again, his voice came deeply than usual “our Nee-san Myoko would always got mad at us for making too much sound because we end up waking Izuna. Just to piss her of more we-” Madara realised he was getting carried away too much so he just cut the good memories part, he cleared his throat, “when I was at your age we got into a crash, I don’t remember what was the reason, I don’t remember the time, I don’t remember was it day or night…all I remember is waking up in the hospital, don’t know where I am or what’s happening, no one I know was around me, not my parents nor my siblings…I remember a doctor coming in and telling me, only my dad, me and Izuna surviving the crash, everyone else were gone.”

“I didn’t understand what it meant to loose my siblings until we got back home from the hospital, there was just…silent. Kurohime wasn’t there to dance and sing on purpose so she can make me and Tokakushi feel embarrassed, our Nee-san wasn’t tell us to be quiet, no one but me was there to hold Izuna, take him and sit on the living room…it was nothing but silent. No one to talk to, no one to listen to, no one to look for to…”

Madara stopped and took a deep breath, he erased his tears from his cheeks and continued “one night I heard Izuna crying, he was still a baby, someone needed to wake up and take care of him, that was usually my mother or my Nee-san. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting, I kept expecting to hear a voice, voice of my gone sisters and brother to wake my parents up so they can hold Izuna and tell him everything is fine, I didn’t got up from my bed, hoping I would hear someone…I just wanted to hear someone..but I heard nothing, not even the voice of my living, breathing father. Izuna eventually stop crying and everything went to silent again… I got up and ran to Izuna’s room, crying, thinking I might never hear him again, imagining him leaving as well…that day I hold on to Izuna hard as I can, I didn’t let anyone get near him, not even my father…”

Madara stoped to take a long, deep breath, the heavy and painful feeling of old memories was suddenly too much. Madara raised his downed head to look at his son and husband, he didn’t even realised he was keeping his head down for the entire time. His eyes met with Obito’s confused eyes, the kid clearly didn’t know how to process everything he just heard, this was too much for one night, he asked without thinking “you said three more uncles, if you had a brother than-” he turned his head to his paps, Hashirama was looking at him with redden eyes, trying to put on a smile but clearly failed terribly.

Hashirama took a deep breath and cleared his throat “their names were Kawarama and Itama, there were my little brothers” even saying their name was too much for Hashirama.

Neither Hashirama or Tobirama had a memory was worth speaking after their brothers and mother died, since all they can remember were bruises whenever their father was mad, and Butsuma was always mad.

Hashirama didn’t even realised he closed his eyes tightly, he opened his eyes with a shaking feeling on his arm, he looked at Obito who was shaking him to wake him up from his thoughts, he felt another hand on his shoulder that was belongs to Madara, Madara slowly hug him from behind and hold him close, reminding Hashirama he was safe. Madara leaned on to Hashi’s ear and whispered “I’m sorry” Hashirama hold Madara’s arms that were around him “it’s okay, I know I’m safe with you” they stayed like that for a while, forgetting Obito was there.

Madara sat back to his old spot on the couch that was crossed to where Hashi and Obito were sitting, he spoke for Hashirama “unfortunately we can’t talked about your paps’s brothers at the moment, you are still young for that, I will also ask you to not to mention this topic around neither your uncle Tobirama or Izuna, I don’t think Tobirama needs a reminder of the past and Izuna doesn’t need to know everything.”

He cleared his throat to talk about their own situation “now listen very carefully Obito, when you break one of your snow globes or loose your fishing needles you can alway buy a new one, you can always have a new ones as much as you like..but you can never have another Kagami, there is only one Kagami, you only have one sister, so hold on to her as much as you can, no matter how much you fight, yell or embarrass each other, in the end you will only have each other, well, you will always have me and your paps as well i hope you know what I’m trying to say..so what will you-”

Obito jumped from the couch without letting Madara finish his words, he ran to upstairs with all of his strength. He didn’t care if his sister was sleeping or not, he opened Kagami’s door harshly and turned on the light, Kagami wasn’t in her bed.

“Kagami..Kagami where are you?!” He suddenly felt afraid, he looked her under her bed and behind the curtains, he was looking inside her wardrobe when Hashirama and Madara came in, he turned to them with a worried face “Paps! Dad! Kagami isn’t here, where is she!” Hashirama’s eyes wild “what?! She was spouse to be sleeping” Hashirama said with a worried tone, he knew she was still in the house of course, she wouldn’t leave the house no matter what, she was 6 after all, but that didn’t stoped him from worrying.

Madara spoke calmly, he exactly knew how Obito felt at the moment “she must be hiding somewhere, calm down” tho it didn’t help, Obito rushed to outside of her room to check his dads room and the balcony, Hashi and Madara looked for her with him, she was really no where to be found. Obito ran again only to see his rooms light were on, he opened to door fast as he can, he never understand how she came into his room without anyone realising.

He froze once he saw Kagami, she was sitting in front of the broken pieces of the snow globe, holding broken glasses, she was trying to fix the globe. She didn’t turned her head to look at Obito, she kept grabbing more and more pieces, hoping she can fix the damage she did, Obito hated himself for making his little sister feel more insignificant than a stupid snow globe.

“KAGAMI DROP THOSE NOW!” He shout, he didn’t want her to cut her hands more but her fingers were already bleeding cause of small pieces of glass. Obito ran and grabbed Kagami’s arm, making her drop the pieces she had in her hand, he pulled her for a hug. He hugged her so tight he felt his arms hurt but Kagami wasn’t hugging back, Obito was hugging her so hard that she couldn’t move her arms. They start crying onto each other.

“I called for you! I called for you so many times, why didn’t you say anything?!”


“I was scared..scared of not hearing you” he whispered the last sentence.

“Nii-san, I promise I’ll get you a new one, please don’t hate me.”

“I don’t hate you, I only hate myself for saying those horrible things to you! Please forgive me!” He hugged her tighter “forgive me, please little sis.”

in her mind, Kagami refused to believe all of this wasn’t her fault “but its my fault, I am the reason why we always stay at home.”

“I don’t care where we are as long as we are together, as long as you are by my side…I will never leave you.”

Kagami finally free her arms from Obito’s pressure and hugged him back “you really don’t hate me?” She asked with a sob.

“Never” he answered and kissed the top of her head.

They kept hugging each other until they felt their fathers eyes on them, both turned to their father who were watching them with a soft smile and redden eyes. Obito and Kagami didn’t let go their holding hand while running to their fathers, they jumped on Hashirama and Madara, Hashirama hold Kagami while Madara holding Obito.

“Let’s sleep” said Hashirama. Nothing else was said after that, there wasn’t anything else left to say that night. They all went to Hashirama and Madara’s bedroom, all of them fell asleep hugging each other.

The next morning Madara cleaned Obito’s room while Hashirama changed Kagami’s dirty bandages, Obito sat next to her and hold her shoulder to comfort her, she started to feel the pain of the cuts worse now.

That day Obito told his fathers that he didn’t want his old snow globes, when they asked why, he told them he wanted to have space for the new ones, the ones he will start collecting when they visit places all four of them together.

Obito loved his snow globes being a reminder of the great memories, memories of they all share together, so, what would be the point if those reminders if they weren’t for all of them, right?


Omfg this took way longer that I expected, I wanted write this as a appreciation to @hashimadaheadcanons for writing all these amazing requests for us, I love ya hashimadaheadcanons <3 I hope you like the fic, I’m not a good writer so this is all it gets I guess, sorry djdjdjdj

• Madara’s siblings names were inspired by thispost

• This au was used with permission from op: @hashimadaheadcanons

Lil note: They don’t use “Nii-san” and “Nee-san” in the op’s family au but in my language we have “Abi” (Nii-san/older brother) and “Abla” (Nee-san/older sister) so I had to put Nii/Nee-San because it feels so fucking weird to me for anyone to call their older siblings with their names djdjdjddj anyways, enjoy!

Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.

Hashirama then cried until their mother came along and explained Tobirama just needed to be changed.

The Senju bbies are my everything now. I love them so much!!

Post link
Had an idea with this trio as kids … this not what I set out to draw but baby Tobirama and Ha

Had an idea with this trio as kids … this not what I set out to draw but baby Tobirama and Hashirama are now my everything. 


I’m crying over their tiny squishy faces!!!!!!!

Post link