#seungcheol scenarios


I’ve finally finished it lmao. It only took forever but I’m finally feeling productive so hopefully I’ll be able to push out a few more things soon (no promises but we’ll see)

⚠️WARNINGS⚠️:It gets kinda angsty with Seungcheol thinking he’s weird for liking both of you at the same time but there’s a happy ending

Sensitive Pup pt. 3

Ever since that fateful night with you and your lovely boyfriend, Seungcheol’s brain had been buzzing with thoughts. Thoughts that had left his heart in the pit of his stomach as well as a headache crashing through his skull. Everyone had noticed their leader’s distress as he fell victim to his own insecurities, but no one knew what to do about it. Everytime they asked he would wave them off, claiming he just hadn’t been sleeping well. Since the boys couldn’t figure out what the issue was, they turned to the one thing that always lifted his spirits- you.

     You had been pretty confident in your ability to get the truth out of him since he had always been closest to you, aside from Mingyu of course, but one step into his studio told you it wouldn’t be that simple. His head snapped over to you as soon as you entered the room, and a sudden tension smothering the both of you in the small space. You sent him an awkward smile.

     "Uh- hey! The boys were telling me how worried they were about you; I just wanted to make sure you were alright.“ 

     "O-oh, uh- sorry to bother you I guess. No need to worry though, everything’s fine here.” He said with an obviously forced smile. You raised a brow as he seemed to shrink into his chair, knuckles white from his death grip on the armrests and his shoulders almost up to his ears as he refused to make eye contact with you.

     "You sure? You seem a little… tense. You’re not sick are you?“ You asked, stepping closer to him to rest the back of your hand on his forehead. The feeling of your soft skin against his made his heart do somersaults as he fought to keep all his blood from rushing up to his face. He hurriedly grabbed your wrist to push it back to your side.

     "No no no I-I’m fine really, just a little tired. Now if you’ll excuse me I have- uh- work to do. Yes! Very important work so- uh- I-I’ll see you later.” He didn’t give you any time to respond before lightly pushing you out the door, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded by his actions. Were you the reason he was acting so weird? Your heart sank at the thought, trying to think of anything that you had done to warrant this behavior from him as you trudged down the hall. 

     Seungcheol, on the other hand, was still standing at the door he had just pushed you out of, heart lodged in his throat as he pressed his forehead to the smooth wood in front of him. He pushed a shaky sigh past his lips to stop the tears that had built up from falling down his face. Why her? He thought. Why now? Another deep sigh fell from his lips as he sat down in his computer chair. Why do feelings have to be so difficult?

     It had been three days since you had checked in on Seungcheol, and according to the rest of the boys he had more or less returned to his old self. He would still catch himself drifting to thoughts of you and that night but had ultimately decided that his new plan would be better for the both of you. Sure, one might say that ignoring someone that had been your best friend for years because of a silly little crush is childish, but at the moment he could think of no other option. To him, the plan was foolproof- he’d ignore you until these feelings went away and then you could go back to how it used to be. 

     He was currently in the practice room with the rest of his members, taking a water break after about an hour or so of practice. Woozi had sat himself next to him, talking about anything and everything as they both caught their breath. Eventually Jeonghan and Wonwoo also joined in the conversation, quickly shifting it to revolve around their eldest member.

     "Yeah, what was up with you? You barely paid attention to us and just sulked everywhere you went.“ Seungcheol nervously shifted in his spot at Woozi’s question, letting out a small chuckle to ease his nerves.

     "Don’t worry about it.” Jeonghan rolled his eyes with a groan at the answer that the leader had repeated probably a million times by now. Seungcheol only sighed in response. “Look, I was having a little personal issue but I’m taking care of it now. Trust me, everything’s fine.” Wonwoo just shrugged as he took another sip of his water.

     "Whatever you say…" 

     Seungcheol’s attention was suddenly on the other side of the room as the sound of laughter echoed off the walls. All the younger members were on the opposite side of the room laughing hysterically as Hoshi did an over dramatic reenactment of the dance they were learning, making him chuckle as well. Their laughter was boisterous and could probably be heard three rooms down, but one laugh in particular rang in his ears the loudest. His eyes drifted over to Mingyu, who was laying on his back with his arms wrapped around his stomach and tears collecting in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. 

     Seungcheol let out a sigh as he looked at him, a smile unconsciously stretching across his face. The younger suddenly opened his eyes, coming down from his laughing fit and locked eyes with him, a smile lighting up his own face as he jumped to his feet. He excitedly joined Hoshi to reenact it for the members who had missed it. How cute. The leader thought to himself. His heart skipped a beat as he focused on the younger’s smile that brought energy to everyone in the room. Seungcheol froze, smile falling from his face as he finally processed that his heart had skipped a beat.


     If you weren’t worried before, you definitely were now. It only took a day or two for Seungcheol to go back to locking himself in his office and shrugging off everyone’s concerns. The only difference was that this time he refused to even look in yours or Mingyu’s direction, and would even deliberately avoid you by walking in the opposite direction as soon as he saw either of you coming. For you, that had been the last straw. Seungcheol could avoid you for whatever reason he wanted, but the devastated look on your boyfriend’s face when he realized that his hyung had been avoiding him made your heart shatter in a million pieces. To stop this childish behavior, you had rounded up the boys and concocted a little plan. 

     Their laughter rang through the hallway as they returned from practice, on their way to the car to start heading home after a long day of work. As they reached the vehicle, however, the youngest suddenly got a look of panic on his face as he patted himself down.

     "Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.“ Dino exclaimed. The others turned to him with confused expressions.

     "What’s wrong?” Jeonghan asked.

     "I think I left my phone in the practice room.“ The pout that took over his face made the others laugh. "Hyuuuuung, could you go and grab it for me?” Seungcheol raised a brow at his younger member as he gave him his best puppy dog eyes while tugging on his sleeve.

     "Why can’t you go get it yourself?“

     "Because I need to talk to him about something! It’s really really important.” Jeonghan interjected, pulling Dino into the car seat beside him. Seungcheol let out a sigh as he realized there was no winning this argument before turning back to the building.

     The leader grumbled to himself as he entered the empty room, wanting to just grab the phone and get home as soon as possible. He scratched his head after a quick scan of the room. It wouldn’t be that hard to find; it’s not like there were many hiding places here. He jumped at the sound of the door closing behind him, head snapping up to look at the wall of mirrors in front of him. You could see the blood drain from his face as he locked eyes with you through the mirror.

     "I think you have a bit of explaining to do.“ You said with a glare, leaning against his only escape. His mouth opened and closed like a fish as he struggled to find the words to say. A sigh escaped your lips as your eyes softened. "Look, I’m not really that angry with you Seungcheol, I just wanna know what’s going on. Everybody’s worried about you.” The man in front of you winced. You hadn’t used his full name in so long it sounded wrong coming from your lips- with you he was always Cheolie. I’ve really fucked this up, haven’t I? 

     "I- I can’t- you wouldn’t-“ as he tried to find the words to explain himself, he could feel his throat tighten and the tears start to build. You noticed how his eyes glazed over and his lips quivered as he wrapped his arms around himself, almost like he was trying to make himself smaller.

     "Just talk to me. I promise you, there is nothing you could possibly say that would make me think any less of you.” You were directly in front of him now, hands softly rubbing up and down his arms in a soothing motion. Suddenly the floodgates opened. A loud sob ripped from his throat as he seemed to crumble in your hold, his nails digging into his own skin to prevent himself from latching onto you as the reality of the situation hit him full force.

     Therewas no winning for him. He could either tell you how he truly felt, the thoughts of you and your boyfriend that had been keeping him awake at night and get rejected, ruining his friendship with you forever, or he could refuse to tell you and start avoiding you again, ruining your friendship forever. He hadn’t even realized the both of you were now on the floor, your hand rubbing circles on his back as he caved in on himself. The sight was truly heartbreaking. You wanted nothing more than to hug him and let him cry into your shoulder, but the death grip he had on his own arms told you that that’s not what he needed right now.

     The both of you stayed like that for a while as you waited for him to calm down. When his breathing finally leveled and his sobs turned to occasional hiccups, you moved to sit directly in front of him. You gently caressed his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks while he unconsciously nuzzled into your palm. Keeping his eyes closed, in fear he would lose all confidence the second he looked at you, he took a deep breath. 

     "I- I just- god (Y/N), I’m in love with you. At first I thought it was just some stupid little crush that would go away if I avoided you for long enough, but no matter how far away from you I am, I can’t stop thinking about you. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep you’re the first thing I think about. A-and I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way cause you and Mingyu are already together but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it wasn’t just you.“ Another sob wracked his body as he curled in on himself even more. "I-I haven’t been able to sleep or eat o-or do anything without thinking of the two of you. You just- you look so happy together and I don’t want to ruin that with my stupid feelings; I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry…”

     You hurriedly wrapped your arms around him as he lost himself in a mantra of “sorry”’s, letting him cry into your shoulder as he shakily wrapped his arms around you. You gently combed your hand through his hair as his nails dug into your back. His body was pressed impossibly close to yours as he tried to return to a normal breathing pattern. Once he had finally been able to do so, you softly pushed him back by the shoulders so you could look him in the eyes. A small sniffle escaped him as you delicately cupped his face in your hands.

     "Seungcheol, honey, look at me.“ You gave him a minute to fully collect his thoughts before he opened his eyes to lock with yours. The soft and caring look you gave him almost sent him into another crying fit; thankfully he didn’t have the energy for that right now. "There is absolutely no need for you to apologize to me, okay? There’s nothing wrong with the way you feel- there are plenty of people that feel the exact same way. I mean come on, there are so many beautiful people on the planet, do you really think everybody is only attracted to one?” He let out a small chuckle, looking down to the floor as he wiped a few of the tears from his face.

     "Heh, yeah I suppose you’re right.“ 

     "Hey,” you said, lifting his chin so he locked eyes with you again, “I’m glad you told me. Even if I did have to force it out of you.” You both laughed at your comment before a brief silence passed. Seungcheol silently opened his arms and you immediately dove into his arms with a smile. 

     "…thanks for not freaking out.“ You nuzzled up into his cheek that he rested against your head. 

     "No problem. Just- don’t keep things like this from me again, alright?” Seungcheol hugged you tighter. 

     "I won’t, I promise.“

     The two of you stayed like that for a couple more minutes, melting in the comfort of the other’s embrace before you pulled away as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You let out a small laugh at the notification.


Is everything alright in there??


I don’t wanna be rude but it’s not getting any warmer out here >:(

     "Cheolie, is it alright with you if I give Mingyu a quick rundown of the situation before coming back in with him so you can talk things out with him?” A smile bloomed on his tear stained face at the familiar nickname. 

     "Yeah yeah that’s- wait, is he outside right now?“

     "Yeah, he said he wanted to be able to talk with you without the others around so you wouldn’t be too uncomfortable so he just waited outside in my car. Which apparently isn’t good enough for him cause he’s complaining about it being cold.” You said with another giggle. “Alright, I’ll be back in just a moment.” With a quick pat on his knee you jumped up and jogged out the door, letting the wide smile you had been bottling up spread across your face. You had a small spring in your step as your brain ran wild with all the possible outcomes of Seungcheol’s confession. 

     Ever since Seungcheol started avoiding you (and long before that if you were being honest with yourself), you had started to rethink your feelings for the charming man. You had always found him attractive and couldn’t deny that the way he laughed made your heart flutter the tiniest bit but after Mingyu had confessed you had assumed those feelings would go away. Surprise surprise, they didn’t. When you had finally decided to bring it up to Mingyu a few days after the night you three had spent together, you were relieved to discover that he felt the same way. It had been a little awkward for a while but a quick google search let you know that you weren’t alone in these feelings. After sharing this information with your boyfriend you talked about what this could mean for your relationship, both of you coming to the conclusion that it was at least worth asking the other man to join you guys as a throuple. Of course right after this discovery was when Seungcheol started to ignore you. Hopefully now that you’d settled that issue you’d be able to bring it up.

    Mingyu saw the dopey smile on your face as you approached the car, giggling at the way you skipped to your side. The joyful sound was muffled as you pressed your lips to his the second you could reach them. A small giggle left your lips as you pulled away, seeing that your boyfriend now mirrored your expression.

     "What’s got you in such a good mood, what’d he say?“ You couldn’t help the squeal you let out as you excitedly tapped on Mingyu’s leg with both your hands in a drumroll type motion. You took a deep breath in to calm yourself down before telling him.

     "Okay okay so- long story short, he likes us! Both of us! ROMANTICALLY!” Mingyu’s jaw fell open as his eyes opened comically wide. 

     "NO WAY!“

     "YES WAY! He said that he was just confused about his feelings and didn’t know what to do so he started avoiding us!” Mingyu went slack in his seat, an overjoyed expression slowly taking over his dumbfounded one. Caught up in his emotions, all your giant puppy of a boyfriend could do was pepper your face with a million kisses. When the two of you finally calmed down, you looked each other in the eyes with so much love it would give any onlooker cavities. 

     "Are we really about to do this?“ You were almost certain that your face was gonna be sore tomorrow from how much you were smiling. 

     "I think we are.” You shared one last kiss before jogging walking to the practice room where Seungcheol was waiting.

     The longer you took, the more anxious Seungcheol grew. What if Mingyu wasn’t as accepting of these feelings? What if he starts to think Seungcheol will try to steal his girlfriend and start shielding him from you? The longer the leader sat in the quiet room with nothing but his thoughts, the more he started to regret telling you. He was quickly snapped back to reality at the sound of the door practically flying off its hinges with how forcefully it was pushed open.

     "Sorry! Sorry I- I didn’t realize how hard I pushed it, heh.“ Seungcheol stared wide eyed at Mingyu as the boy sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, from the loud noise or the younger boy’s cuteness he couldn’t tell. After a few seconds of silence, Mingyu cleared his throat. "Sooo… is it true then? You like both of us?” Seungcheol tensed as the floor suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room.

     "Uh- y-yeah. That’s not too weird, is it? I don’t want things to get awkward because of this. I just-“ he took a deep breath, "I just want things to go back to normal now that I’ve gotten this off my chest.” There was a moment of silence.

     "…what if I don’t want it to go back to normal?“ Seungcheol was sure that his heart stopped at the younger’s confession, every worst possible scenario flooding his mind. He snapped his head up to see that Mingyu had seated himself directly in front of him while you were leaning on the door frame, a soft smile on both of your faces.


     "Well~, we’ve been talking about this for a while now,” you started, pushing yourself from the doorframe to walk to where the boys were sitting, “and we were wondering, if you’re okay with it, if you would like to join our relationship. As our boyfriend.” Seungcheol sat there for a few seconds, eyes almost popping out of their sockets as he processed your words. Suddenly a small, sad excuse for a laugh broke the silence.

     "You guys don’t have to do all this just to make me feel better. Seriously, I-I’ll be fine.“ You and Mingyu shared a look before he leaned closer, gently cupping the older boy’s face in his hands. 

     "Seungcheol, we’re serious. I really like you- we really like you, and we want you to be with us. You don’t have to right now if you still need time to sort through and understand your feelings, but we’ll be here whenever you’re ready.” Seeing the overflowing amount of love in the younger’s expression made tears well up in his eyes again. A small sob left him before almost tackling the boy in front of him, grabbing his face and kissing him as hard as he could. You laughed at Mingyu’s wide-eyed expression before he calmed down and started to return his kiss. They both had to catch their breath when they pulled apart, resting against each other’s foreheads as Mingyu laced his fingers with Seungcheol’s.

     "Soooo, I’m guessing that’s a yes?“ The leader chuckled, more tears flowing down his cheeks as he nodded his head. He was barely able to mutter a small "yes” before you tackled him in a kiss. A waterfall of giggles left him as you pulled him up so he was sitting in between you and Mingyu so the both of you could pepper his face in kisses. This had not been the outcome he had been expecting but he couldn’t be happier as he was showered with all the love he deserved from both of his partners.


Hii! Can I request a fluffy best friend scenario with S. Coups and a tomboy reader (I hope you don’t mind) in which they’re, idk, just chilling around playing football or something (you can decide!) and then later while they’re just talking, they tell each how grateful they are for having each other and that they’ll always have each other’s back and stuff. Something like, slice of life? I’m sorry if this goes against your rules or something! Looking forward to the new set of scenarios!! <3

» You’re playing football with your best friend Seungcheol, which ends with talks about how happy you are to have one another in your lives.


With summer ever so slowly turning into fall, the weather remaining warm yet not hot, you and your best friend had decided to enjoy a slightly cloudier - the slightest bit more fresh - day by playing football, or at least play witha football. It was something you both really enjoyed, and what you had actually bonded over to begin with, and with a series of hot days and busy schedules, you hadn’t really gotten the chance to play together for a long time.

It was with a smile that you packed your backpack, just making sure you had a towel, wallet and other simple necessities, and grabbed your football before leaving your home. While walking to the field you had agreed to meet Seungcheol, you moved the ball from hand to hand, and upon reaching the large park the field was in, you began walking while kicking the ball lightly, treating it as a warm-up of a kind.

Having fallen deep into thought, you shrieked when you felt hands on both of your shoulders. “Gotcha!”

“Seungcheol, what on earth,” you groaned quietly, stopped your ball with your foot and turned to look at your best friend, who merely looked at you with a bright grin. You punched his shoulder lightly. “Haven’t we talked about this?”

“I couldn’t resist,” he snickered, and was quick to steal your ball. “You should’ve seen your face!”

Seungcheol ran to the football field with your ball, laughing heartily all the while, and you rolled your eyes with a grin spreading to your lips, too, as you ran after him and swung your backpack next to his on the grass on the side of the field on the way.

The two of you easily fell into the activity of kicking the ball into one of the goals, sometimes in turns and sometimes making it more fun by simply stealing it from each other while also catching up and talking about whatever you’d wanted to share with one another and wherever the topics led you later.

Time passed, and with the sun still fairly prevalent in the sky and the warm weather in general, the two of you eventually worked up a good sweat, and with that came thirst - and the realization that you’d both forgotten the most important thing: hydration.

Panting, Seungcheol nudged his head towards the grass where you had left your bags, leaning against each other’s. “Wanna take a break?”

Tapping your sweaty forehead with the wristband you had on, you grinned and nodded. “The last one is buying drinks.”

While Seungcheol took a second to process your words, you had already dashed to your bags, and ended up winning him. He laughed when he reached you again, and shook his head with a wide grin on his face while digging his wallet out of his backpack. “What do you want?”

“Just get me whatever you’re getting,” you hummed and stretched a little before contently lying down on the grass, having spread your hoodie a little to lie on. Seungcheol, on the other hand, jogged to the nearby convenience store, and soon he returned with two drinks - not matching.

Before you were able to say anything, he chuckled and opened his own. “I know you really like that one, I couldn’t just not buy it.”

“Of course,” you snorted and opened your drink while Seungcheol sat down next to you on the grass. Smiling to yourself, you nudged him lightly. “Thanks.”

He gave you the gummy grin you’d grown fond of, as the mere sight of it was able to make you feel like things would eventually fall into place. Seungcheol then got an almost teasing glint to his eyes. “Just for the drink?”

His question sent your mind way back to how you had first met; how he had joined you in kicking ball after a school day back in high school, despite not even going to the same school as you. It had been and in a way it still wasbeyond you how he had so comfortably taken your ball when you’d kicked it a bit too far, and casually joined you - and how natural it had felt for you to play with him even though he had been a complete stranger.

From there on you’d played together every now and then and got to know one another well in the process, and somewhere along the way the friendship had reallydeepened, and you became best friends.

“For everything,” you hummed with a shake of your head and slowly moved your gaze to the park where the football field was located. “For always lending me a shoulder, helping me keep my mind on what’s important and, I don’t know, keeping me on track.”

Recalling some of the times he’d had to be a bit harsher on you in order to get you back to your senses, as well as the times you’d bothhelped one another when the other was vulnerable, Seungcheol nodded. “I’m thankful, too.”

“Who would’ve known we’d end up here just because you couldn’t resist kicking a ball,” you snorted quietly, and Seungcheol laughed heartily at your comment.

“Wasn’t my plan either, but I don’t regret any of it,” he noted with a warm smile that practically reached from ear to ear. “Thanks for not pushing me away.”

“Why would I have? The only time I considered my choices was when you turned out to reallyenjoy your hugs,” you laughed and took a sip of your drink. Then, you grinned and quirked an eyebrow a little at Seungcheol. “You also realize that you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon, right?”

“I was hoping I wouldn’t, and it goes both ways,” he grinned, and with a warm look in his eyes, looked into your eyes. “I’ll always have your back, Y/N.”

“Likewise, Seungcheol,” you smiled brightly, and as though you were getting too mushy, stretched out a little. “Think we should go back to play a little? I feel like I still want to score a few times.”

“You can try,” he said challengingly, but was right up for it, and it wasn’t much later that you had returned to the football field, trying to beat one another in your amount of scores as well as showing off the tricks you could do with the ball.

Even while playing, all you could think about was how incredibly lucky you had been to find a best friend like him; someone who accepted you justthe way you were, enjoyed being with you and made sure you knewthat, too. You had quite likely never felt as safe and comfortable with someone as you did with him, and for that you were grateful.

Even if being his best friend meant receiving the sweatiest hugs like now, after he’d successfully done a trick he’d been practicing for a while.


Admin Scooter

full of whispering and rustling

w.c.1k exact | fluff, like 97% cuddles | dedicated to jackie / @tookorean for being there and motivating me since even before this project was officially a thing; to ari / @pristeen-23 and andin / @svtlaurent , whose encouraging tags + comments on various fics in this series kept me going, and for kura / @caratvocals , a quality seungcheol stan | ml  ♡

Late night summer rain beats against the outside, lightning striking sharp and thunder rumbling behind in the distance, trapping you two inside.  Regardless of the weather, you should have been in bed hours ago, the clock on the wall slowly ticking past two in the morning.

The coffee table had been pushed aside and all the pillows and couch cushions had been filched to supply the ultimate two person pillow fort.  You have a feeling, as you nestle in closer, that if either of you attempted to move and get up, the one staying behind would end up getting suffocated by overly fluffed pillows.

The air outside is hot and humid, heat slowly being beaten away by the storm, but inside the air conditioner has kicked on once again and, combined with the ceiling fan set on high, you shiver slightly and draw the fluffy throw blanket in closer to your chest.

“Cold?” Seungcheol whispers into your hair, and you nod.  You hear him chuckle, and even though you can’t see it, you know his signature half-smile is there, dimples and all.  He shakes his head, pulling you closer.  “How could you possibly be cold?”

“The AC is out to get me, that’s how,” you hiss.  Your gaze wanders to the television, loud enough to hear but not loud enough to demand attention.  You stopped listening minutes, maybe even hours, ago.  The Disney movie marathon keeps playing, however, and you don’t mind.  It’s simply that the heartbeat beneath your ear is much more incentivizing than Genie scolding Aladdin for cheating the three wishes system.

“The AC is a machine, [Y/N],” Seungcheol replies, fixing his arms around you.  “It’s not capable of thought or holding evil agendas against people.”

“This one is,” you mutter, fist curling around the fabric of his shirt.  The soft black material was thin enough to feel the heat of his chest through it, and coupled with his warm arms and blanket wrapped around you, you can feel yourself slowly drift off to sleep.

“Suppose this AC decided it wasn’t efficient enough to kill you via cold air, so it elects to come attack you?  What would you do?”

With as much strength as your tired self can muster, you pull your head off his chest and to level a confused stare.  “I’d have you fight it off for me,” you answer simply, shaking your head at your boyfriend’s nonsense.  “Duh.”

“Duh, huh?”  He raises his eyebrows, the half-smirk returning.  “What makes you think I’d fight a raging air conditioner unit for you?”

“Because,” you drawl, rolling your eyes, “you’d do anything for me.”

Seungcheol’s head quirks to the side, the smirk growing.  “I would, would I?”

“Mhm. You would.  Especially,” you add, leaning up to peck the corner of his lips quickly, “for a kiss.”

Your boyfriend’s laugh fills the living room, easily drowning out the movie, and he pulls you closer, tucking you beneath his chin.  You wrap your arms around his torso, slowly tuning out the Sultan and Jafar bickering in favor of Seungcheol’s heartbeat, solid and steady.  Over time, it had become your lullaby.  Even on the bad nights, when he couldn’t find the right words to soothe you, his heartbeat was always there to guide you along.  It was sure, unchanging.  You felt yourself slowly being drawn back towards sleep again.

Outside, the rain continues to pelt the sides of the house.  You imagine everyone else already asleep, and the bed down the hall—with its fluffy pillows and even fluffier comforter—is calling to you.  You stifle a yawn, curling in even more. “Can we go to bed?” you ask, trying to blink the sleep from your eyes.

“What? Don’t want to see how the movie ends?”

You limply beat his chest with a lazy fist, eyes fluttering shut.  “I already know how the movie ends.  Please?”

Seungcheol chuckles again, a hearty rumble in his chest.  He digs through the pillows and cushions to find the remote before turning off the television.  The sudden lack of movie plunges the room into darkness, the only light coming from the kitchen and the lightning outside.

In a swift and careful motion, Seungcheol stands with you in his arms, still wrapped in the blanket.  The arm around your back is strong and steady, as is the one beneath your knees.  Your head lulls into the crook of his neck, and you breathe in his scent, something woodsy and lemony and homey all in one.

Before you know it, you’re resting on your side of the bed, the throw blanket replaced by the soft comforter.  Seungcheol quickly takes his place on the other side, nestling in close to you.  He hooks one arm around your waist, drawing you near, and you tuck your head under his chin once more.

The rain is louder now, the storm building up just to fall apart later.  You can feel tendrils of sleep wrapping around you, your breath slowing to an easy pace.  You curl into your boyfriend, hands coming to rest by your heart.

“I love you,” he whispers, placing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. You barely hear it over the rain, but it’s enough to make your heart flutter.  “I love every part of you.”

Sleepy, you blink up at him.  “Every part?” you echo, raising a hand to trail down his jawline.

Seungcheol’s eyes are soft around the edges, as is his wide smile.  “Every part,” he repeats, leaning into your touch.  “From here, to here, and here.”  He punctuates each here with a kiss—on the inside of your wrist, your temple, the apple of your cheek.

“But what about here?” you ask, bringing your hand back from his jaw to tap a single finger on your pouted lips.

A smile spreads, dimples appearing, and his eyes droop soft and happy, a gentle hum on his tongue. He leans forward to close the gap with a tender, chaste kiss. “Especially there.”
