#mingyu imagines


I’ve finally finished it lmao. It only took forever but I’m finally feeling productive so hopefully I’ll be able to push out a few more things soon (no promises but we’ll see)

⚠️WARNINGS⚠️:It gets kinda angsty with Seungcheol thinking he’s weird for liking both of you at the same time but there’s a happy ending

Sensitive Pup pt. 3

Ever since that fateful night with you and your lovely boyfriend, Seungcheol’s brain had been buzzing with thoughts. Thoughts that had left his heart in the pit of his stomach as well as a headache crashing through his skull. Everyone had noticed their leader’s distress as he fell victim to his own insecurities, but no one knew what to do about it. Everytime they asked he would wave them off, claiming he just hadn’t been sleeping well. Since the boys couldn’t figure out what the issue was, they turned to the one thing that always lifted his spirits- you.

     You had been pretty confident in your ability to get the truth out of him since he had always been closest to you, aside from Mingyu of course, but one step into his studio told you it wouldn’t be that simple. His head snapped over to you as soon as you entered the room, and a sudden tension smothering the both of you in the small space. You sent him an awkward smile.

     "Uh- hey! The boys were telling me how worried they were about you; I just wanted to make sure you were alright.“ 

     "O-oh, uh- sorry to bother you I guess. No need to worry though, everything’s fine here.” He said with an obviously forced smile. You raised a brow as he seemed to shrink into his chair, knuckles white from his death grip on the armrests and his shoulders almost up to his ears as he refused to make eye contact with you.

     "You sure? You seem a little… tense. You’re not sick are you?“ You asked, stepping closer to him to rest the back of your hand on his forehead. The feeling of your soft skin against his made his heart do somersaults as he fought to keep all his blood from rushing up to his face. He hurriedly grabbed your wrist to push it back to your side.

     "No no no I-I’m fine really, just a little tired. Now if you’ll excuse me I have- uh- work to do. Yes! Very important work so- uh- I-I’ll see you later.” He didn’t give you any time to respond before lightly pushing you out the door, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded by his actions. Were you the reason he was acting so weird? Your heart sank at the thought, trying to think of anything that you had done to warrant this behavior from him as you trudged down the hall. 

     Seungcheol, on the other hand, was still standing at the door he had just pushed you out of, heart lodged in his throat as he pressed his forehead to the smooth wood in front of him. He pushed a shaky sigh past his lips to stop the tears that had built up from falling down his face. Why her? He thought. Why now? Another deep sigh fell from his lips as he sat down in his computer chair. Why do feelings have to be so difficult?

     It had been three days since you had checked in on Seungcheol, and according to the rest of the boys he had more or less returned to his old self. He would still catch himself drifting to thoughts of you and that night but had ultimately decided that his new plan would be better for the both of you. Sure, one might say that ignoring someone that had been your best friend for years because of a silly little crush is childish, but at the moment he could think of no other option. To him, the plan was foolproof- he’d ignore you until these feelings went away and then you could go back to how it used to be. 

     He was currently in the practice room with the rest of his members, taking a water break after about an hour or so of practice. Woozi had sat himself next to him, talking about anything and everything as they both caught their breath. Eventually Jeonghan and Wonwoo also joined in the conversation, quickly shifting it to revolve around their eldest member.

     "Yeah, what was up with you? You barely paid attention to us and just sulked everywhere you went.“ Seungcheol nervously shifted in his spot at Woozi’s question, letting out a small chuckle to ease his nerves.

     "Don’t worry about it.” Jeonghan rolled his eyes with a groan at the answer that the leader had repeated probably a million times by now. Seungcheol only sighed in response. “Look, I was having a little personal issue but I’m taking care of it now. Trust me, everything’s fine.” Wonwoo just shrugged as he took another sip of his water.

     "Whatever you say…" 

     Seungcheol’s attention was suddenly on the other side of the room as the sound of laughter echoed off the walls. All the younger members were on the opposite side of the room laughing hysterically as Hoshi did an over dramatic reenactment of the dance they were learning, making him chuckle as well. Their laughter was boisterous and could probably be heard three rooms down, but one laugh in particular rang in his ears the loudest. His eyes drifted over to Mingyu, who was laying on his back with his arms wrapped around his stomach and tears collecting in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. 

     Seungcheol let out a sigh as he looked at him, a smile unconsciously stretching across his face. The younger suddenly opened his eyes, coming down from his laughing fit and locked eyes with him, a smile lighting up his own face as he jumped to his feet. He excitedly joined Hoshi to reenact it for the members who had missed it. How cute. The leader thought to himself. His heart skipped a beat as he focused on the younger’s smile that brought energy to everyone in the room. Seungcheol froze, smile falling from his face as he finally processed that his heart had skipped a beat.


     If you weren’t worried before, you definitely were now. It only took a day or two for Seungcheol to go back to locking himself in his office and shrugging off everyone’s concerns. The only difference was that this time he refused to even look in yours or Mingyu’s direction, and would even deliberately avoid you by walking in the opposite direction as soon as he saw either of you coming. For you, that had been the last straw. Seungcheol could avoid you for whatever reason he wanted, but the devastated look on your boyfriend’s face when he realized that his hyung had been avoiding him made your heart shatter in a million pieces. To stop this childish behavior, you had rounded up the boys and concocted a little plan. 

     Their laughter rang through the hallway as they returned from practice, on their way to the car to start heading home after a long day of work. As they reached the vehicle, however, the youngest suddenly got a look of panic on his face as he patted himself down.

     "Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.“ Dino exclaimed. The others turned to him with confused expressions.

     "What’s wrong?” Jeonghan asked.

     "I think I left my phone in the practice room.“ The pout that took over his face made the others laugh. "Hyuuuuung, could you go and grab it for me?” Seungcheol raised a brow at his younger member as he gave him his best puppy dog eyes while tugging on his sleeve.

     "Why can’t you go get it yourself?“

     "Because I need to talk to him about something! It’s really really important.” Jeonghan interjected, pulling Dino into the car seat beside him. Seungcheol let out a sigh as he realized there was no winning this argument before turning back to the building.

     The leader grumbled to himself as he entered the empty room, wanting to just grab the phone and get home as soon as possible. He scratched his head after a quick scan of the room. It wouldn’t be that hard to find; it’s not like there were many hiding places here. He jumped at the sound of the door closing behind him, head snapping up to look at the wall of mirrors in front of him. You could see the blood drain from his face as he locked eyes with you through the mirror.

     "I think you have a bit of explaining to do.“ You said with a glare, leaning against his only escape. His mouth opened and closed like a fish as he struggled to find the words to say. A sigh escaped your lips as your eyes softened. "Look, I’m not really that angry with you Seungcheol, I just wanna know what’s going on. Everybody’s worried about you.” The man in front of you winced. You hadn’t used his full name in so long it sounded wrong coming from your lips- with you he was always Cheolie. I’ve really fucked this up, haven’t I? 

     "I- I can’t- you wouldn’t-“ as he tried to find the words to explain himself, he could feel his throat tighten and the tears start to build. You noticed how his eyes glazed over and his lips quivered as he wrapped his arms around himself, almost like he was trying to make himself smaller.

     "Just talk to me. I promise you, there is nothing you could possibly say that would make me think any less of you.” You were directly in front of him now, hands softly rubbing up and down his arms in a soothing motion. Suddenly the floodgates opened. A loud sob ripped from his throat as he seemed to crumble in your hold, his nails digging into his own skin to prevent himself from latching onto you as the reality of the situation hit him full force.

     Therewas no winning for him. He could either tell you how he truly felt, the thoughts of you and your boyfriend that had been keeping him awake at night and get rejected, ruining his friendship with you forever, or he could refuse to tell you and start avoiding you again, ruining your friendship forever. He hadn’t even realized the both of you were now on the floor, your hand rubbing circles on his back as he caved in on himself. The sight was truly heartbreaking. You wanted nothing more than to hug him and let him cry into your shoulder, but the death grip he had on his own arms told you that that’s not what he needed right now.

     The both of you stayed like that for a while as you waited for him to calm down. When his breathing finally leveled and his sobs turned to occasional hiccups, you moved to sit directly in front of him. You gently caressed his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks while he unconsciously nuzzled into your palm. Keeping his eyes closed, in fear he would lose all confidence the second he looked at you, he took a deep breath. 

     "I- I just- god (Y/N), I’m in love with you. At first I thought it was just some stupid little crush that would go away if I avoided you for long enough, but no matter how far away from you I am, I can’t stop thinking about you. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep you’re the first thing I think about. A-and I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way cause you and Mingyu are already together but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it wasn’t just you.“ Another sob wracked his body as he curled in on himself even more. "I-I haven’t been able to sleep or eat o-or do anything without thinking of the two of you. You just- you look so happy together and I don’t want to ruin that with my stupid feelings; I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry…”

     You hurriedly wrapped your arms around him as he lost himself in a mantra of “sorry”’s, letting him cry into your shoulder as he shakily wrapped his arms around you. You gently combed your hand through his hair as his nails dug into your back. His body was pressed impossibly close to yours as he tried to return to a normal breathing pattern. Once he had finally been able to do so, you softly pushed him back by the shoulders so you could look him in the eyes. A small sniffle escaped him as you delicately cupped his face in your hands.

     "Seungcheol, honey, look at me.“ You gave him a minute to fully collect his thoughts before he opened his eyes to lock with yours. The soft and caring look you gave him almost sent him into another crying fit; thankfully he didn’t have the energy for that right now. "There is absolutely no need for you to apologize to me, okay? There’s nothing wrong with the way you feel- there are plenty of people that feel the exact same way. I mean come on, there are so many beautiful people on the planet, do you really think everybody is only attracted to one?” He let out a small chuckle, looking down to the floor as he wiped a few of the tears from his face.

     "Heh, yeah I suppose you’re right.“ 

     "Hey,” you said, lifting his chin so he locked eyes with you again, “I’m glad you told me. Even if I did have to force it out of you.” You both laughed at your comment before a brief silence passed. Seungcheol silently opened his arms and you immediately dove into his arms with a smile. 

     "…thanks for not freaking out.“ You nuzzled up into his cheek that he rested against your head. 

     "No problem. Just- don’t keep things like this from me again, alright?” Seungcheol hugged you tighter. 

     "I won’t, I promise.“

     The two of you stayed like that for a couple more minutes, melting in the comfort of the other’s embrace before you pulled away as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You let out a small laugh at the notification.


Is everything alright in there??


I don’t wanna be rude but it’s not getting any warmer out here >:(

     "Cheolie, is it alright with you if I give Mingyu a quick rundown of the situation before coming back in with him so you can talk things out with him?” A smile bloomed on his tear stained face at the familiar nickname. 

     "Yeah yeah that’s- wait, is he outside right now?“

     "Yeah, he said he wanted to be able to talk with you without the others around so you wouldn’t be too uncomfortable so he just waited outside in my car. Which apparently isn’t good enough for him cause he’s complaining about it being cold.” You said with another giggle. “Alright, I’ll be back in just a moment.” With a quick pat on his knee you jumped up and jogged out the door, letting the wide smile you had been bottling up spread across your face. You had a small spring in your step as your brain ran wild with all the possible outcomes of Seungcheol’s confession. 

     Ever since Seungcheol started avoiding you (and long before that if you were being honest with yourself), you had started to rethink your feelings for the charming man. You had always found him attractive and couldn’t deny that the way he laughed made your heart flutter the tiniest bit but after Mingyu had confessed you had assumed those feelings would go away. Surprise surprise, they didn’t. When you had finally decided to bring it up to Mingyu a few days after the night you three had spent together, you were relieved to discover that he felt the same way. It had been a little awkward for a while but a quick google search let you know that you weren’t alone in these feelings. After sharing this information with your boyfriend you talked about what this could mean for your relationship, both of you coming to the conclusion that it was at least worth asking the other man to join you guys as a throuple. Of course right after this discovery was when Seungcheol started to ignore you. Hopefully now that you’d settled that issue you’d be able to bring it up.

    Mingyu saw the dopey smile on your face as you approached the car, giggling at the way you skipped to your side. The joyful sound was muffled as you pressed your lips to his the second you could reach them. A small giggle left your lips as you pulled away, seeing that your boyfriend now mirrored your expression.

     "What’s got you in such a good mood, what’d he say?“ You couldn’t help the squeal you let out as you excitedly tapped on Mingyu’s leg with both your hands in a drumroll type motion. You took a deep breath in to calm yourself down before telling him.

     "Okay okay so- long story short, he likes us! Both of us! ROMANTICALLY!” Mingyu’s jaw fell open as his eyes opened comically wide. 

     "NO WAY!“

     "YES WAY! He said that he was just confused about his feelings and didn’t know what to do so he started avoiding us!” Mingyu went slack in his seat, an overjoyed expression slowly taking over his dumbfounded one. Caught up in his emotions, all your giant puppy of a boyfriend could do was pepper your face with a million kisses. When the two of you finally calmed down, you looked each other in the eyes with so much love it would give any onlooker cavities. 

     "Are we really about to do this?“ You were almost certain that your face was gonna be sore tomorrow from how much you were smiling. 

     "I think we are.” You shared one last kiss before jogging walking to the practice room where Seungcheol was waiting.

     The longer you took, the more anxious Seungcheol grew. What if Mingyu wasn’t as accepting of these feelings? What if he starts to think Seungcheol will try to steal his girlfriend and start shielding him from you? The longer the leader sat in the quiet room with nothing but his thoughts, the more he started to regret telling you. He was quickly snapped back to reality at the sound of the door practically flying off its hinges with how forcefully it was pushed open.

     "Sorry! Sorry I- I didn’t realize how hard I pushed it, heh.“ Seungcheol stared wide eyed at Mingyu as the boy sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, from the loud noise or the younger boy’s cuteness he couldn’t tell. After a few seconds of silence, Mingyu cleared his throat. "Sooo… is it true then? You like both of us?” Seungcheol tensed as the floor suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room.

     "Uh- y-yeah. That’s not too weird, is it? I don’t want things to get awkward because of this. I just-“ he took a deep breath, "I just want things to go back to normal now that I’ve gotten this off my chest.” There was a moment of silence.

     "…what if I don’t want it to go back to normal?“ Seungcheol was sure that his heart stopped at the younger’s confession, every worst possible scenario flooding his mind. He snapped his head up to see that Mingyu had seated himself directly in front of him while you were leaning on the door frame, a soft smile on both of your faces.


     "Well~, we’ve been talking about this for a while now,” you started, pushing yourself from the doorframe to walk to where the boys were sitting, “and we were wondering, if you’re okay with it, if you would like to join our relationship. As our boyfriend.” Seungcheol sat there for a few seconds, eyes almost popping out of their sockets as he processed your words. Suddenly a small, sad excuse for a laugh broke the silence.

     "You guys don’t have to do all this just to make me feel better. Seriously, I-I’ll be fine.“ You and Mingyu shared a look before he leaned closer, gently cupping the older boy’s face in his hands. 

     "Seungcheol, we’re serious. I really like you- we really like you, and we want you to be with us. You don’t have to right now if you still need time to sort through and understand your feelings, but we’ll be here whenever you’re ready.” Seeing the overflowing amount of love in the younger’s expression made tears well up in his eyes again. A small sob left him before almost tackling the boy in front of him, grabbing his face and kissing him as hard as he could. You laughed at Mingyu’s wide-eyed expression before he calmed down and started to return his kiss. They both had to catch their breath when they pulled apart, resting against each other’s foreheads as Mingyu laced his fingers with Seungcheol’s.

     "Soooo, I’m guessing that’s a yes?“ The leader chuckled, more tears flowing down his cheeks as he nodded his head. He was barely able to mutter a small "yes” before you tackled him in a kiss. A waterfall of giggles left him as you pulled him up so he was sitting in between you and Mingyu so the both of you could pepper his face in kisses. This had not been the outcome he had been expecting but he couldn’t be happier as he was showered with all the love he deserved from both of his partners.

✨700 followers celebration! ✨

I recently reached 700 followers and as a thank you, I decided to open drabble requests for seventeen, using this prompt list..


  • I’ll be using these prompts only for Seventeen.
  • Send in the prompt number along withe the member of choice
  • These requests are closing when I reach 20 requests.
  • Ask here.

captivating - kim mingyu

mingyu x fem!reader

warnings: this is suggestive, like idk what warnings to put but it’s also sickeningly sweet

mingyu doesn’t know how long he’s been staring at you for, he’s been here a while since he turned up early at your house to pick you up for your date that you weren’t quite ready for.

you prompted him to keep himself busy while you quickly put your makeup on and make yourself a bit more presentable, sure you were slightly embarrassed after the gorgeous man you had started seeing showed up at your door while you were half ready. however it would’ve been rude to make him wait outside, so mingyu takes the opportunity to wait on your bed patiently, making the odd conversation here and there.

he watches you open the lid to your lipstick, twisting the bottom to get the colour to peek out the edge of the packaging. mingyu was never all too fussed with the makeup stuff, though he must admit it was quite endearing to watch what you do.

watching you finish applying the colour onto your lips, he tilts his head slightly as he sees your eyes scan over your own face in the reflection of your mirror before running your fingers through your own hair. you were too gorgeous for your own good, he can’t help but to be captivated by you.

“what are you staring at?” you giggle looking at him through the mirror, he’s sat relaxed on your bed and seeing him to comfortable in your home makes your heart jump a little bit. you noticed him looking at you the whole time even though you tried to ignore it so you didn’t make a complete fool out of yourself.

“you.” his answer was short and simple but it was truthful, you were expecting him to give you a teasing comment back, he was quite the funny one when he wanted to be. something different seemed to be in the air today, it wasn’t filled with tension but you definitely felt warm.

“oh be quiet.” you giggle shyly before throwing all of the makeup items you had used into your bag trying to ignore how you could still see his eyes burning holes into you back. mingyu wasn’t shy, you knew that from your very first date when he grabbed your hand and kissed it before saying you were one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen.

he didn’t need to always say words to make you feel all warm inside, sometimes the way he was lean across the table and listen intently to whatever you said was enough to get you blushing. he was attentive, and such a good listener making sure to catch every word that comes out of your pretty lips.

this was the first time either one of you have seen each other outside of a date setting, you had no intention of him seeing the inside of your place any time soon, you had only been on four dates. part of you is relieved that he followed you straight to your bedroom as that is the only place that is somewhat tidy.

after trying to clean your dresser as best you could, you push your chair back and stand up. you’re about to ask your date if he’s ready to leave but he’s sat with his legs spread, arms on either side of his body were resting on the bed behind him and the words get stuck in your throat.

“can you come here?” he asks you politely, so you obey nervously. waking across the short distance you’re about to sit on the space next to him on the bed. mingyu had other plans, when he softly places his hand on your thigh, pulling you over so that you were sat on his lap.

you breath hitches when the smell of his cologne invades all of your senses, his warm hands on your bare thighs causes the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. your dress rides up from the position you’re sat in but you can’t bring yourself to care when his face is millimetres from yours.

you want to speak, but your mouth is unable to open, the tension in the air suddenly became so thick you were sure that was what was gluing your mouth shut. mingyu had always been a gentleman, after your first two dates he would kiss your cheek after promising you he would call you when he got home, always keeping his promise.

although on the last date you both went on, as you both stood outside the restaurant about to part from each other he can’t seem to just let you go so easily. he asked you ever so politely if he could kiss you, to which you only nodded your head.

it was soft, so gentle the way he held your face in his much larger hands. it wasn’t long, only a small kiss but it was one where you struggled to let him go afterwards, wanting to pull him back in and kiss those pretty lips again. however he was pulling back, trying to be a gentleman and respecting your space after you just told him you grew nervous easily.

“you look so pretty.” he had his one hand placed on your thigh and his other hand brushing your hair out of your face before letting his fingertips stroke down your face. his hands were warm and you were scared you were going to do something embarrassing “such a pretty girl”

“so are you.” you blurted out before you could stop yourself, clearly embarrassed from your comment, you had no idea why you said that, you were so stupid. mingyu laughs slightly and it eases your nerves when he places both hands on your hips and looks at you with a soft smile.

“can i kiss you?” he asks you, once again being so polite and you can’t help but get scared again. you were sure this kiss wasn’t going to be a quick one like you got from the last date and you didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself by doing something wrong.

“..but my lipstick.” you laugh slightly and you see him tilt his head to the side, eyes narrowing slightly trying to read your mind. you were sat on his lap, hands resting on his shoulders, not caring about his wandering hands and get you still don’t want to kiss him?

“please don’t deny me from kissing you.” there was something about the way he said it that made you instantly fall under the spell of his gaze, letting your lips find his. he was gentle and sweet, kissing you lightly while his hands stayed in the firm position on your hips. he had no intention of keeping this going, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, but when you grind your hips against him, it almost beats away at the gentleman imagine he has going on.

he pulls away from you and you’re worried that you have done something wrong or made him uncomfortable so you let a string of apologies leave your lips as your face becomes flushed. about to pull yourself from his lap but his hands tighten against you and you’re stuck in place.

“why are you apologising?” he asks you genuinely confused, you only grow more embarrassed at thought of having to explain yourself to him.

“i took it too far.” you mumble, referring to pushing against him but the smile on his lips makes you both infuriated and turned on at the same time.

“in my opinion…” he starts off eyes quickly flickering to your chest, before your lips, then to your eyes “…you haven’t taken it far enough.” and with that he’s kissing you again, but with more urgency this time, finally letting his hands touch all over your body and now he’s the one pushing you against his crotch.

when a small gasp leaves his lips from the feeling you lose all sense of self control.

maybe your dinner reservations will have to wait a while.

mingyu mafia au

masterlist | others; scoupsjundino

  • “i’m terrified,” you tell mingyu and he can feel his heart shatter into a thousand pieces. he didn’t want you to be afraid but you were. and he didn’t know how to change your mind.
  • “i–i’m sorry,” he sighs. “i didn’t mean for it to turn out like this.” it’s true. but mingyu should have been prepared, right? what was he expecting? that you’d still want him despite it all?
  • “mingyu, I don’t blame you,” you comforted. “its just that this is a lot to take in because you know–guns and blood are out of the ordinary for civilians.”
  • mingyu leans back on to the couch, he has nothing else to say. how much he wishes he could have changed his past and his ties to the mafia, if it meant being with you.
  • he reminisces the first time he met you.
  • you were waiting for a date in a restaurant,, it had been an hour and your third glass of wine before anyone showed up. and you were disappointed,, you had been talking to the guy for a month or two and he just stood you up like that,,
  • you could hear the chatter of people,, especially the women at the bar, snickering at your sad state,,
  • even if you told yourself it didn’t bother you,, it did.
  • and just as you were about to get up to leave,, a tall stranger,, immediately took the seat in front of you.
  • “apologies for the late arrival, ma’am,” he winks, as he flips open the menu.
  • you’re confused. this is not the guy you had been texting. “wait sir, I think you’re mistake–”
  • he leans a little close. “i’m mingyu,” he whispers. “just go with it.”
  • and you did.
  • you’ve known him ever since.
  • but it’s only two months in and he’s telling you about this secret life of his. it was one thing liking someone but you were never one for danger. and one could only foresee the danger mingyu was bringing with him.
  • “mingyu I love you,” you admit, snapping him out of his thoughts. It’s the first time he’s heard you confess it. and it sounds so divine coming from you.
  • but?” mingyu interrupts. he knows there’s something else.
  • “but i’m scared,” you tell him. “and I don’t agree with this lifestyle of yours.”
  • he gulps. of course, morals. how can he expect you to abandon yours?
  • “i understand,” he mutters. “i’m not going to force you.”
  • “thank you,” you sigh.
  • “but I hope you know that I love you too and there is nothing that could change that,” mingyu says. it’s goodbye isn’t it?
  • he doesn’t kiss you because he knows he’ll want to stay. he just merely picks up his jacket and leaves.
  • he gets in his car and just sits there frozen, thinking about what just happened.
  • does he want this? does he want to live this life without you? without your arms holding him? without your heart? without your laughter and your thousand watt smile? and the answer has never been clearer.
  • and he finds his legs taking him back to your apartment,, knocking on the door,,
  • you open the door,, tears sliding down your face
  • and mingyu smashes his lips onto yours without caring,, he breaks the kiss only to growl, “to hell with the mafia,” as he goes back in to kiss you and it couldn’t have tasted better than this.
  • you break the kiss, chests heaving up and down, gasping for air. and he cups your face in his hands. “i don’t have anything if I don’t have you.

20:23 (i love you so.)

pairings: kim mingyu x g/n reader

genre: angst, some fluff, mutual pining, (un)requited love, reader likes lying to themselves, exes but also !soulmate au?


(a/n: kind of my first serious drabble on this blog, ya’ll i dont even know what this is. i just blacked out and started typing shit at 1 am last night. was originally supposed to be around 20k aka a full length fic but hmm. gyuldaengies i am here to inform all of you with regret that i am one of you now /j. music inspo for this was ‘i love you so’ by the walters, feel free to listen to it as you read this steaming mess! special thanks to @beyoncesdragonand@praninllove for being the sweetest hypepeople ever pls)

Loneliness strikes the hardest when one hopes for company.

You nearly trip on the extension box uselessly lying on the floor with oodles of wire splayed out uselessly. You had forgotten to reel it back in after using it for your laptop last night. Who in their right mind lived in a bedroom with a singular plug point? You briefly reminisce about Seungkwan nearly punching the life out of your landlord before moving out of this apartment the both of you had originally agreed on cohabiting. The tiny smile that makes your lips curl up is involuntary but definitely not unwelcome. Where was he anyway? Wasn’t he supposed to be here with Chan already? You whip out your phone and cradle it between your head and your neck before squatting down to reel all the excess, neglected wire from the extension box back in.

The phone rings, and it doesn’t take long for your best friend of five years to pick up and growl unabashedly.

“We’re still on our way, (name). Stop calling!”

Your neck cracks, and the mobile almost slips as you whip your head to look at the clock on your wall. “On your way from where, Jeju? What in the world is taking you so long?”

There is a windy yell followed by a smack on the other end of the line. You also hear lots of panting, and that’s when it clicks.

“You’re..walking to my place.”

“Our ride broke down.” It’s Chan’s voice in your ear now.

“Well damn.” You get up and dust your pants a little before shoving the cursed wire filled box under your bed with your right foot. You really didn’t care how convenient it was at this point, you were never going to use it again for the foreseeable future. “How far along are you?”

“We’re on the bridge!”

Too late for them to go back then. Maybe they could crash at your place for the night before they got their crap together, it wasn’t like they lived ten minutes apart from you after all. You tell them this, and they agree. You end the call after you hear Seungkwan threatening to hurl Chan off the bridge for walking close enough to him to constantly end up stepping on his toes.

It’s hard not to let their chaos affect you. You feel a little ready to have fun, a little young and reckless despite all of that dreary paperwork sitting on your coffee table. Most of it was due on Monday. Was today Friday already? ‘Course it was, that was why Seungkwan and Chan were coming over. Movie nights were a tradition the three of you had followed since your university days no matter how hard life was going down on you. It was a tradition you followed even when you were at your worst, why would you jam the brakes on it when the only thing holding you back was an ugly stack of papers?

You weren’t inherently an organized person, but you were willing to try every once in a while. You scuttle around the apartment, intently scouring all the rooms for anything out of place. Existing seemed a little easier on days like these, days when you didn’t have to worry about everything at once. Days like these were like a hot balloon slowly drooping down to the ground just for you. You could climb on and feel lighter, you could feel yourself float away from everything that haunted you on all the nights you couldn’t will yourself to go to sleep.

The doorbell rings. Pizza guy or your friends?

It was neither of them. Your hot balloon deflates a little, and then it pops, harshly flinging you back into reality.


Why was hehere?

Mingyu’s eyes widen when they fall upon you. He looks confused, a little frustrated even. He’s dressed to impress, with his hair neatly slicked back and a (riskily positioned) Rolex on his wrist. Heat rushes to your neck, because you’re suddenly growing very aware of your messy bun, your bare face and your unbelievably embarrassing Totoro pajamas. The primal urge to pat yourself down was growing exponentially by the minute.

You resort to staring blankly at the unopened bottle of wine with a pink bow around its neck dangling from his hand for almost a full minute before you look up at his denim jacket and clear your throat. “Can I help you?”

The confusion in your voice seems to stir him out of a stupor you didn’t know he was trapped in. He was fumbling for his phone now. “Sorry uh, I think I got the wrong door. I had no idea you lived here.”

His tone is a little distant, just like yours. You wonder when your friends would swoop in to save you from this mess of an interaction.


Mingyu looks the same. It’s not like a person could drastically morph into a stranger in such a short span of time. Interacting with him was inevitable with that soul bond you both had. You two were always somehow bumping into each other at the worst places and times imaginable. That split he had razored into his eyebrow that you had noticed for the very first time when you had catastrophically rammed your trolley into his very full one at the convenience store nearly a week ago was still there. Maybe it had dulled a little, you couldn’t tell. You make the rookie mistake of unconsciously looking for that ever present mole on his cheek, and you almost bite the tip of your tongue when something familiar, something so delicate and longing threatens to seize your breath.

The opposite poles of a magnet were meant to pull each other with a lot of force, but what if they didn’t want that? Ironic. Mingyu did feel like everything you could ever possibly want, but why did he also feel like something too good to be true, something you could never have?

You’re brought back from your reverie when he coughs a little into his fist before the call connects and he raises the slightly cracked screen of his phone to his lips. “Hi babe, I think I got your door number wrong? Was it not 314?”

He was probably on a date then. Was it okay to assume? You’ve never heard him call any of his friends “babe”, so. It didn’t really matter to you anyways. It was another one of those silly little mistakes, him colliding with your day like this. He was going to leave soon, you could go back to waiting for Seungkwan and Chan, and before long, the three of you would be buried neck deep in the plot of a chunky psychological thriller. Everything was going to be fine, you weren’t going to let this ruin your day anymore.

“314? I’m at 314 though?” He’s still here, and he’s still on the phone. His hands were moving a little too wildly for someone carrying a wine bottle. Why was he even holding the neck of the bottle like it was the hilt of a sword? Wasn’t he supposed to be holding the body?

Foreshadowing was one hell of a bitch. You were right, unbearably so. There were glass shards everywhere, and all you saw was red. You weren’t seeing red because you were mad, there was red wine all over the welcome carpet right at the entrance of your apartment.

“Fuck.” He’s bending down haphazardly, panic lacing his actions. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t-”

“That’s alright.” You’re almost swatting him away from the ground, away from all those glass shards. The last thing you wanted to do with your time tonight was spend it with Kim Mingyu at the E.R. “I’ll clean this up, don’t worry.”

Don’t worry? You mentally curse yourself for sounding so stupid as you walk further into your apartment to get a dish filled with water, a wet rag and some disinfectant to get rid of all the sour wine smell. He’s still standing outside when you return, and you’re positive he’s staring at you when you messily fold your sleeves to start tidying up the floor, to start tidying up the pandemonium threatening to spill from the broken wine bottle inside your heart. “You don’t have to run late to your-” you catch yourself in time-”whatever, the bottle technically crashed inside my apartment, I can fix that myself. Just buy a new one or something.”

Maybe this was all you could do for him. A man you once knew, a man you (once, emphasis on the once) loved. You could let him go. You could clean up the mess you were maybe partially responsible for and wish him the best.

Maybe this was the only way you could care now.

Mingyu’s eyes narrow a little at your words. You try not to groan audibly when he (finally) steps inside and crouches down right beside you. Your shoulders are touching, the proximity is too much for you, and you try not to pop a vein when he pulls out a wet rag from a bucket and starts collecting all the small, dangerous glass pieces with quick, deft movements. This was out of your hands then, the fucker was definitely going to stain his denim-fuelled ensemble now.

Ibroke the bottle inside yourplace, it doesn’t make sense for you to be doing this.”

Cool. How were you going to tell him you were doing it because you wanted him to be gone as quickly as possible and not because you didn’t want him running late for his date? It’s a little too domestic for your taste, the both of you hastily arguing over which corners of the room you were going to cover. It was waytoo domestic, the way he had to stretch his arm over your shoulder and pick up an ugly piece of green glass you had previously missed. You try your best to not grow comfortable, you try not to let the warmth from his demeanor seep into your bones.

You fail miserably.



“It’s not a date. she’s just a friend.”

Your heart cracks a little. A bitter laugh bubbles from your lips as you throw down a fresh rag on a particularly wine-soaked spot a little too aggressively for your taste.

“Right. I never asked, though.”


is it okay to request a mingyu 7 minutes in heaven but instead of just 7 mins he locked the door from the inside and you guys just started making out hehe (i am sorry he just makes me feel a lot of things eversince DE tour started)

» truly only realized how long these have been under works when I saw the mention of DE tour………. anon if you’re still here I hope you like this


When Seungkwan had pulled the two paper slips from the hat, he immediately turned to look at Mingyu with a meaningful look. “You guys better play by the rules. Mingyu and Y/N.”

You raised your eyebrows, and Mingyu gave his friend a toothy grin while standing up, helping you up as well. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“I just mean,” Seungkwan began while you and Mingyu entered the room - a small walk-in closet - that you used as the heaven, and when Seungkwan heard the lock click, he sighed, “that.”

Laughing, you smacked Mingyu’s chest in the darkness of the room, and felt your breath hitch in your throat when he placed his hands on your waist, his thumbs slowly moving on the center of your upper body. 

“How long do you plan on being here?” you asked quietly, wrapping your arms around his neck; the two of you had had something going on for quite a while, so the touch was natural and you could already feel your heart fluttering, and it only intensified when Mingyu pulled you closer, all the way until you could feel his breath on your face and his muscles against you.

“However long is necessary,” he said, his voice the slightest bit lower than usual, and the next thing you knew was his lips against yours, soft yet passionate.

While taken by a surprise, you quickly got one of your hands into his hair and eagerly replied to the kiss while pulling him closer, which only resulted in Mingyu backing you into the nearest wall, his hands slowly moving down to your hips, from where they moved to slide into your back pockets.

You grinned into the kiss and slowly slid one hand down Mingyu’s body to touch his pecs and abs through his shirt before sliding underneath the piece of clothing. Mingyu swallowed hard at that, and you could feel him squeezing your butt a little while kissing you with even more passion.

Moving your fingers on his skin was getting you heated up, and you soon found yourself teasing his lips with your tongue, turning the kiss deeper once he parted his lips enough. Your heart was racing and so was his, and the two of you truly forgot where you were while getting lost in each other.

You made out passionately for a good while until there was a knock on the door, at which you instinctively pulled away.

Time’s up,” you could hear Seungkwan say, but grinned as you shook your head despite knowing he wouldn’t see.

“We’ll be out… later,” you said loud enough for it to be heard through the door before leaning to Mingyu’s ear, your breath on his skin making the hairs at the back of his neck stand up. “Pick me up.”

A few seconds later you were up with your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on your hips and his lips eagerly against yours as you kept your hands on his shoulder and in his hair, your back resting against the wall.

Whatever it was that was going on between the two of you, as you found yourselves attracted to one another much like magnets, seemed like it would be turning into something more sooner or later. However, with how heated the kisses were turning, it was looking more and more like the turning point of your relationship was coming soon.

Feeling yourself getting a bit tooexcited with his hungry lips against yours and his hands touching your butt and thighs appreciatively, you grinned and nibbled lightly on Mingyu’s lower lip before pulling away from the kiss.

“I think we should stop before we…” you began, catching your breath, and grinned at Mingyu despite not seeing him; you completely missed just how dazed he looked, practically intoxicated from kissing you.

“Yeah,” he said quietly after swallowing and letting you down. Before you were able to step away, he leaned in for one more deep, long kiss, from which he pulled away slowly, keeping his forehead lightly against yours after. “Would you like to…”

“Leave together soon? Yeah,” you grinned and were unable to wipe it off your face, in particular when you heard Mingyu let out a relieved sigh. “The sooner we get out of here the sooner we can leave.”

With that, the two of you left the closet, greeted by some dramatic booing and playful questions that you ignored with small smirks on your faces. Seeing Mingyu grab a pillow from the couch before sitting down next to you, you snorted and leaned your head against his shoulder.

“We can leave anytime.”


Admin Scooter

(preview) * ੈ✩‧₊˚

ෆ fic synopsis: kim mingyu’s trouble with luck makes you think you’re being played by him after failing to meet on every. single. date. what does it take for the two of you to finally meet in person?
ෆ pairing: kmg x reader (gn)
ෆ fic genre: humor, romance
ෆ preview warnings: cursing, food
ෆ preview wc: 1.6k (full fic is an estimated 7-15k)
ෆ a/n: here is the preview to chapter one of another fic i’m excited to share with you all. this one is dedicated to the best boy and the awkward phase glow-ups. please lmk down below or in my asks/dms if you would like to be on the taglist - whatever you’re most comfortable with! i’m aiming to post the full fic in june or july :0)

wondernus’ main masterlist

chapter one: past (preview)

DK is positive that if he sneezed, the puff of air that shoots out of his nose would be strong enough to knock over the guy he is currently helping hold steady.

But Kim Mingyu – tall, lanky, and irrationally stubborn, refuses to accept help from his obviously more capable roommate. He stands on his makeshift stepladder and attempts to shimmy out his giant hard-shell suitcase he somehow managed to store at the top of his closet the day he moved into the dorm. However, the only thing Mingyu seems to be taking out of his closet is the dust that collected on top of his belongings, and DK is trying his very best not to sneeze.

Who would have thought that Kim Mingyu would be built like one of those wavy inflatable tube guys you see while driving past car dealerships on the highway? His little self-intro on the university roommates request page painted him to be an outgoing type of guy – likes photography, running, and dogs; dislikes people who are rude to waiters, bad vibes, and heights. His profile picture was an aesthetic photo of him in some art museum in Europe. Mingyu turned out to be exactly who and how he described himself. However, had DK or Minghao known their literal pre-serum Steve Roger roommate wasn’t who they thought him to physically be, they would’ve assigned him to the loft bed with the standing closet when they were deciding bedspaces before moving into their dorms.

Now, DK can only stand behind his roommate with his two hands gripped firmly around the wooden chair’s backrest and hope the suitcase doesn’t take his roommate out before the mosquitos from wherever Mingyu is heading do.

For starters, it’s hard to believe a college sophomore – one who has to sleep on the bottom bunk because the floor is closer to the humidifier – is going on a journey to some place where he probably couldn’t restock on his precious Aquaphor that he has to slug onto his cracked heels every night and then protect with his aloe-infused fluffy bed socks. Mingyu is physically weak. He is like a Basset Hound puppy who keeps tripping on its long ears because it still needs to grow into them. He is a Victorian child experiencing EDM for the first time. He is the school Wi-Fi when everybody is back from vacation. A Lego Man figurine is probably more built than Kim Mingyu in every single physical aspect – and that is not an overstatement.

And his luck – oh, how unlucky Kim Mingyu can be at times.

Minghao, their third roommate, tells him its puberty, but Kim Mingyu’s hardhead firmly believes he is the unluckiest man in the world. Puberty, Minghao reminds him. He’s simply going through puberty. It just doesn’t seem like it because his growth spurt arrived ages before his puberty did. Mingyu digresses.

It is a bunch of small, often uncomfortable or inconvenient, occurrences bundled into one that leads Mingyu to believe he has somehow been cursed. Setting off the fire alarm after using the new microwave in their floor’s common room? In reality, some kid snuck in an illegal rice cooker and forgot to open the window while cooking some rice. Sleeping past an alarm the day after he accidentally stepped on a crack in the sidewalk? He didn’t know he accidentally set his alarm as P.M. instead of A.M.. His clumsiness? He wears clothes in sizes either too big or too small for his body. He’s never heard of tailoring before.

Mingyu claims his curse started when he was dared to download an Ouija Board app on his phone on the bus ride home from one of his high school field trips. DK reminds him that where there is a cause, there is an effect. 

So, when Mingyu abruptly announces to his two roommates that he’s leaving in the middle of the semester for some Eat, Pray, Love type of trip with his rich aunt, the two roommates can only ask why and whether or not rent is going to be more expensive given that there would technically only be two roommates instead of three:

“I dunno-” Mingyu picks up his sub, trying to adjust his grip so the tomato slices don’t slip out when he takes a bite. “I think it’ll be a nice change.”

DK gawks at him while Minghao looks through his tote bag for a hair tie. Mingyu shrugs and brings the sandwich to his lips. A tomato slice slips out from the backend and lands on the ceramic plate. Mingyu sighs and sets his sandwich back down on his plate and opens it to tuck the tomato slice back into place.

The most level-headed of the trio, DK, stares at the guy who sleeps below him reattempt to take a successful bite of his sandwich. Minghao, whose long hair is now tied in a manbun, twirls his fork around his plate of spaghetti.

“You know it’s bad for your scalp if you tie your hair too tightly,” Mingyu gestures to his own head to show Minghao. There are bread crumbs in the corner of his lips, and some sauce on his fingers. He brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them clean before taking another bite.

Minghao ignores him and stares outside the window at the family of ducks making their way into the shade outside of the dormitory dining hall.

A nice change is what newly divorced couples say in movies. A nice change is giving your childhood bedroom a makeover. A nice change is when Mingyu finally takes off his damn braces so he doesn’t spit on people while he talks. DK reckons it’s because Mingyu is having trouble adjusting to adulthood. He’s a second-year going through what Minghao calls a “prolonged puberty experience,” but DK thinks that all Mingyu needs is time. He has the braces, the lisp, and the inability to act normal in front of crushes. It’s normal. Everybody moves at their own pace. All Mingyu needs is a little confidence and a major glow-up.  

“You said you’re going with your aunt?” DK pinches a fry between his fingers and decides to drop it back down. “What about our dorm and school?”

Outside, a Resident Director leads a group of elementary school students on a tour around the dormitory area. The students look around the several tall dormitories and point at the ducks when they see them. The teachers who walk behind their students are too busy staring at their phones to care if the students chase after the animals.

“Hey, do you think ducks are easy to pick up?” Xu Minghao gently sets his fork down and cups his hands, placing them side-by-side. He looks at his imaginary bowl, “They look like they’ll fit perfectly in my hands, yunno. Perfectly scoopable.”

“My aunt isn’t married and doesn’t have any kids so she says she’ll give me her money if I travel with her,” Mingyu chews with his mouth open and pauses to wash it down with some milk. He exhales and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Something about going on a journey to prove that material wealth isn’t all there is in the world.”

Having lost his appetite, DK pushes his plate of fries away from him. He asks Mingyu, “Isn’t it counterproductive because you need money to travel the world?”

“Ehh,” Mingyu slinks in his seat, but reaches over to grab some of the abandoned fries. “But don’t worry about my grades. I’ll be studying abroad and will probably be back in time for graduation. Hopefully my credits can transfer. And my aunt is paying for my dorm so you guys don’t have to worry about paying more.”

“And the school is okay with you paying even through you’re not going to be here?”

“Universities don’t care as long as they’re earning money,” Minghao huffs and stabs a meatball with his fork. “But God forbid I take more than three free yoga classes at the rec center and all of a sudden I’m banned for the rest of the month.”

A new group of friends set their bags down at the table next to where the trio are sitting. One of them seems to recognize DK and politely waves at him before catching up with their friends to line up for food. DK smiles and waves back – he only met them a few days ago.

“I- I think taking that trip will be good for me,” Mingyu stutters when he realizes he has been staring at DK’s friend the entire time. His eyes quickly travel back to looking at his best friend’s fries. He fidgets his fingers before reaching for another one, “Maybe I can meet some new people, learn a few things, and bulk up from all the traveling I’ll be doing.”

Minghao opens the dorm door and enters with a duck tucked under his arm, American football style. He makes his way over to his desk and drops off a few textbooks. DK swears the duck looked at him straight in the eye.

“Yn said you should come to the beach hangout on Saturday,” he tells DK while grabbing his water bottle and yoga mat.

“I’ll think about it,” DK is still staring at the duck who seems perfectly content with being held by the Second Year.

Minghao shrugs and swings the mat over his shoulder. The duck quacks, and Minghao waves goodbye before exiting their shared room. Mingyu, who successfully managed to start pulling out his suitcase from an angle, sneezes and pushes it back into place.  


how mingyu says “i love you” for the first time

you catch a glimpse of his shadow by the window near your own and you start to wonder why his lights are still on and the vibrations on your wall isn’t helping with the headache that is currently pounding your temples in pain. you’ve been forcing yourself to sleep for the past hour but your neighbour had an agenda of his own and now here you are, sporting a headache and the bubbling anger within you is soon to make an appearance if he doesn’t shut up in the next minute.

you see, it wasn’t always like this. you got along with your neighbour, mingyu was warm and sweet, liked to help you bring your groceries up to your apartment, greeted your dog like his own and he even went as far as cooking you a meal once in a while when he made “too much”. but somehow, along the way, his attitude shifted and gone were the days he warmed your heart.

the crash of a bed frame took you out of your trance, and you decided it was time to be an asshole in return. you grabbed your hoodie and placed it over you and next, you took your phone in hand with 911 already typed out on your screen.

you walk to his apartment clad in pyjama bottoms and your hoodie, and you knock. you knock so furiously that it doesn’t take him much time to open his door with drooping eyes and a boyish smirk on his face.

“oh hey neighbour,” his voice slurs and you instantly get a whiff of the alcohol reeking from his sweat soaked body. “can you please for the love of god keep it down?” you plead, tears already lining your eyes because one, you hated confrontations and two, you’re goddamn tired from the hell week your boss put you through. the endless samples he assigned you to analyse and the not to mention the missing samples that disappeared from the PCR machine.

“oh come on neighbour it’s my birthday, give me some slack,” he grins goofily and if you weren’t so angry at his being, you heart would’ve swooned at the sight but it didn’t. you raise your hand up where your phone is and you click your screen.

“what the fuck, did you just call 911?”

“you bet,” you smirk, walking away from your neighbour and leaving him gobsmacked and sobered.

he’s still annoyed with you. he’s annoyed at the fact that you called the cops on him after having too many drinks and blasting music until the early hours of the morning. he took advantage of the fact that his neighbours adored him, bar you, and the fact that your neighbours are all elderly people that use hearing aids.

he catches a glimpse of you in the elevator and he almost backs away but when he sees you struggling with a box, his conscience tells him to help you even though he knows how he gets on your nerves.

“new furniture?” he asks, taking your box easily into his arms and you almost complain but your arms are tired and your body is exhausted beyond relief. you don’t answer him and he doesn’t bother pressing you on any further. when you finally arrive on your floor, you expected him to drop it off by your feet and walk over to his own apartment but to your surprise, he walks ahead of you and waits for you to open the door.

“where do you want me to put this?” he peers over at you and that’s when he notices the bags under your eyes and your sunken cheeks. “have you been eating properly?” he places the box in the living room and he makes his way to your kitchen to snoop around. he finds different take away boxes and he notes how your fridge is almost empty.

“you’re eating at my apartment, let’s go,” he grabs your hand and you don’t have any energy to protest so you let him lead you into his apartment. you even let him sit you down on the kitchen counter and he proceeds to busy himself with preparing your first meal of the day. you didn’t mean to skip your meals, but the lab was just so busy this week that you forgot to take them altogether.

this wasn’t new to you. he used to make you meals while you were clad in his oversized t-shirt, fresh out of the shower while you ogled his bare back. he’d often turn around and give you his infamous smirks which made your heart skip a few beats in return.

“how long has it been since your last meal?” he looks over his shoulder for a second and you avoid his gaze and shrug instead. you hear him sigh, and he turns off the stove momentarily. mingyu walks over to stand in front of you. he slots himself between your thighs, rubbing soft circles on them as he coaxes you to look at him.

“come on sweetheart, won’t you look at me?” he whispers, leaning down to catch your eyes with his own and when he finally does, he sees your tearful face and he suddenly regrets being the meanest ex-boyfriend to exist. “why’d you have to turn into such an asshole?” you sob, smacking his chest with your fist. he grabs your wrists and he pulls you into him. your body shakes with every tear you let out and he lets you cling on to him as if your life depended on it, as if he was the only person that can keep you afloat.

“i-i didn’t mean to,” he huffs out, instantly regretting his words because nothing he can say or do can justify how he treated you after your hasty break up. your relationship lasted as they all do, but the mess that came afterwards caused a rift between you and mingyu and it was never the same.

“you’re an ass,” you sniffle, removing yourself from his embrace and he instantly grabs ahold of your cheeks. he wipes your remaining tears with his thumbs and you bask in the warmth from his hands and you almost melt in his hold.

“i love you,” he says out of the blue. your heart beats rapidly at his words that he failed to utter when you were still together.

“b-but didn’t you have someone over last night?” you gasp, tears starting to line your eyes again. he looks as you in confusion first and a sign of relief takes over his face once he realises what you were talking about.

“i’m pretty sure that was wonwoo and his girlfriend,” he grimaces, making a mental note to change his sheets before he sleeps.



you sniffle again and he helps you wipe your tears from your face.

“so you love me?”

“you don’t say.”
