#severidesister fanfic


not while i’m around

Pairing: Kelly Severide x SeverideSister!Reader

Requested:yes, by anon

Summary: The last person Y/N expects to see shows up at her door, stirring up old feelings. Later, he shows up at the firehouse and causes a commotion.

Word Count:1,888

Warnings: canon typical mentions of violence, mentions of toxic ex

A/N: I’ve been sitting on this for a while - half wanted to write, half couldn’t think of a way to write this satisfactorily. But I did write it, so here it is!


The doorbell rang and you looked up from where you were setting the table. Lily swung her head back up at you and you smiled. “That must be Uncle Kelly and Aunt Stella. You want to get the door?” You asked your daughter.

The grin on Lily’s face said it all. “Can I?”

You usually didn’t let her answer the door alone even though your five year old had already huffed more than once that she was able to do “big girl stuff” but since you were expecting Kelly and Stella for family dinner you figured there was no harm.

You nodded with a smile and you heard her feet patter out towards the main door, interspersed with her excited yells of “Uncle Kelly!”

You smiled as you heard her reach the door and the click of the door opening. Until it was quiet. Too quiet.

“Lil?” You called, heading out of the kitchen and sticking your head out to check on her.

It wasn’t Kelly.

Instead, it was the last person you expected or wanted to see.

Was it anger you felt first? Surprise? Or disbelief? You didn’t know, and you didn’t care. You headed straight for your daughter, picking her up into your arms.

“Kris, what are you doing here?” Your voice was cold and Lily seemed to have picked that up as she turned to look at you.

“Sorry, Mom. I don’t talk to strangers.” Lily sounded genuinely upset because she thought you were angry with her.

You flashed her a small smile. “It’s okay, baby. Why don’t you go get your stuff ready? Remember, the stuff you wanted to show Aunt Stella?”

Lily shook her head, seeming to sense something wrong and instead rested her chin on your shoulder, turning her back to the stranger at the door.

You glanced back at Kris. He wasn’t just your ex, he was Lily’s biological father. Biological. That was where you drew the line, seeing as how Kris had walked out on you after finding out you were pregnant. Lily didn’t have any memories of him since he’d walked out before you’d even started showing. You’d been devastated but on hindsight, it might have been the best thing that Kris had ever done for you.

“We need to talk.”

You’d almost forgotten the sound of his voice, the gravelly quality of it hitting your ears and triggering a bunch of memories that made your body stiffen despite the effort you were making to not let it.

You stepped backwards, reaching out for the door so you could close it. “We have nothing to talk about.”

There was a dangerous glint in his eyes that you’d seen before. “I think you’ve forgotten…”

“Forgotten what?”

You breathed a sigh of relief before you’d even looked up at your brother who was now striding towards you, pushing you gently into the house as he slid between you and Kris.

“Lily, didn’t you say you wanted to show me something?” Lily raised her head now to give Stella a smile. Stella nodded at you and you smiled back gratefully, allowing her to pick Lily from your arms and bring her inside.

Kris hadn’t said anything, but Kelly wasn’t waiting around for it. “Don’t you come around here again. You stay away from them.”

Kelly turned towards you, pushing you gently further into the house, closing the door right in Kris’ face.

“You okay?” Kelly turned to you.

You nodded and smiled. “Always great to have my older brother around.”

Kelly smiled back, pulling a comforting arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to the top of your head, only interrupted with Lily’s excited squeal of “Uncle Kelly!” as she actually spotted him now.

You spent the rest of the night without sparing Kris another thought, surrounded by Kelly, Stella and your daughter. Lily didn’t seem to have been fazed by the encounter, so you were thankful that she didn’t know him. You didn’t know if or even how you would handle a heartbroken five year old if she’d been old enough to understand her father not wanting anything to do with her.

Stella slid a glass over to you as she sat next to you. “Everything okay?”

You glanced up at her before looking over at Kelly who was giving Lily the ride of her life on his back in the middle of the living room now and you smiled. “Thanks to the both of you.”

Stella smiled, leaning over to give you a hug.

You glanced at your watch. It had been a long shift and not exactly a good one so you were dying to just go get Lily who, on the contrary, was probably having the time of her life at the Herrmann household.

Herrmann and Cindy had been a godsend. It didn’t help that you and Kelly were on the same shift but despite the hours you held as a firefighter on Truck 81, you tried not to put them out too much. When Herrmann had caught whiff of your thoughts, however, Cindy had marched right on over and stomped that nonsense out of you, assuring you that the kids loved having little Lily around and that family was family.

“Y/N!” The voice was coarse, like someone who was coming to pick a fight.

You frowned as you saw Kris striding up towards the firehouse, heading straight for you.

You glanced behind you, where Gallo and Ritter were walking out, their bags slung over their shoulders. Gallo frowned and you gave him a look, which he knew all too well after working with you for some time.

Ritter nodded at him, staying outside but hanging a little behind as Gallo turned back to the firehouse once again.

You took a breath and headed further out to meet him, muttering to yourself that you were going to kill Kelly for delaying you. “What the hell, Kris?”

“We didn’t finish the talk.”

You rolled your eyes. “And I told you there’s nothing to talk about.”

Kris reached out to grab your arm. “And I told you there is.” The words slid out from his lips and you could hear him gritting his teeth, which was not a good sign.

You narrowed your eyes at him. “What do you want?”

“I need some money to tide me over.”

Your jaw fell open before you snapped it shut again. “You’re kidding.”

“Never been so goddamned serious in my life, Y/N. I know you do that stupid reserve fund shit, so just get me some and I’ll be on my way.”

“Or what?” You challenged.

“You know I could make your life a living hell.” Kris growled.

It was like he flipped a switch, as you felt anger fill your belly once again. “You should just be glad I didn’t ask you for child support. Walk away.”

“I’m not going anywhere until I get what I came from. Do not test me, Y/N.” He lowered his voice again.

“I’m not afraid of you, Kris. Not anymore.” You snapped.

It was a snap second, you’d stepped backwards to put more distance between the two of you, before you felt the impact of his palm striking your cheek. You stumbled backwards with the force as the old emotions roared to the surface again.

You didn’t have much time to react though as Matt’s voice rang out from behind you. “Hey!”

“You son of a bitch!” Kelly was here, too.

You spun around, throwing yourself at your brother to stop him from literally pouncing on Kris and probably beating him to death.

“I warned you about showing your face anywhere around us again.” Kelly yelled, the anger pulsating in his voice with each word.

Anyone who hadn’t left the firehouse was now being brought out by the commotion and soon Kris was facing a wall of firefighters. Your family.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Kris growled at Kelly, and you knew full well he was goading Kelly into delivering the first punch.

“Kelly, don’t.” You whispered, just as another voice interrupted the commotion.

“For starters, we can arrest your sorry ass.”

You glanced up just as Adam flashed his badge.


Adam just gave you a discreet nod, continuing to direct his words at Kris. “What’s it going to be, big guy?”

You didn’t like how well you could see through the changing expressions on Kris’ face. The only good thing about it was knowing the moment that Kris knew he was cornered and didn’t have much of a choice.

Kris gave you one last look but Adam took another step forward. “Continue down this line of harassment, I’ll arrest you myself.”

As Kris turned and left, you marveled at how this was probably the first time in his life that Kris looked like he was leaving with his tail between his legs.

You glanced back at Adam now that you knew you didn’t need to physically hold Kelly back any longer.

Adam smiled. “You okay?”

You nodded as Adam explained that he’d been in Chief Boden’s office with Kelly talking about a suspected arson case when Gallo had interrupted them to tell them you’d been approached by some guy in the front and it looked urgent.

“If he bothers you again, or even if you see him hanging around, you call me. Anything, anytime, Y/N.” Adam said, tapping your shoulder gently and reassuringly.

“Or I could kill him and solve everyone’s problems.” Kelly growled through his gritted teeth.

You smiled, turning towards him. “Settle down. I was holding you back for you, in case you missed the point. Lily doesn’t need the only male positive influence in her life to be thrown in jail for assault.”

“Ouch.” You glanced at Matt, who was looking at you with a smile teasing the corner of his lips.

You let out a chuckle. “I take it back. I take it back. You know she loves her Uncle Matt too.“ You paused, glancing around at your family again. "Thanks guys.”

You looked back around, smiling at the people that had yours and your brother’s back, as Kelly leaned forward to peer at your cheek where he’d struck you. “Are you sure…”

You rolled your eyes at your brother. “I’ve had worse. Come on, you promised Lily ice cream after shift. And we need to make sure she hasn’t torn Herrmann’s house apart.”

Herrmann let out a small laugh. “Next to Anabelle at that age? Lily’s a model kid.”

You laughed, falling into step next to Kelly and Stella as you headed towards Kelly’s car. “Kel. Thanks.”

Kelly frowned at you. “What?”

“Everything. Being here for me and Lil, for being protective even though you drive me crazy when you treat me like a ten year old.” You smiled, teasing him gently before you continued. “He said he’d make our lives a living hell and I just…”

“Fat chance. Not while I’m around.” Kelly assured you, ruffling your hair gently.

You smiled.

“Come on, let’s go get Lil. I’ll even buy youan ice cream.” Kelly teased.

You rolled your eyes as you climbed into the back seat, Stella shooting you a smile from where she was already seated up front. “Shut up.” You growled playfully back at your brother.


If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
