#kelly severide x reader


not while i’m around

Pairing: Kelly Severide x SeverideSister!Reader

Requested:yes, by anon

Summary: The last person Y/N expects to see shows up at her door, stirring up old feelings. Later, he shows up at the firehouse and causes a commotion.

Word Count:1,888

Warnings: canon typical mentions of violence, mentions of toxic ex

A/N: I’ve been sitting on this for a while - half wanted to write, half couldn’t think of a way to write this satisfactorily. But I did write it, so here it is!


The doorbell rang and you looked up from where you were setting the table. Lily swung her head back up at you and you smiled. “That must be Uncle Kelly and Aunt Stella. You want to get the door?” You asked your daughter.

The grin on Lily’s face said it all. “Can I?”

You usually didn’t let her answer the door alone even though your five year old had already huffed more than once that she was able to do “big girl stuff” but since you were expecting Kelly and Stella for family dinner you figured there was no harm.

You nodded with a smile and you heard her feet patter out towards the main door, interspersed with her excited yells of “Uncle Kelly!”

You smiled as you heard her reach the door and the click of the door opening. Until it was quiet. Too quiet.

“Lil?” You called, heading out of the kitchen and sticking your head out to check on her.

It wasn’t Kelly.

Instead, it was the last person you expected or wanted to see.

Was it anger you felt first? Surprise? Or disbelief? You didn’t know, and you didn’t care. You headed straight for your daughter, picking her up into your arms.

“Kris, what are you doing here?” Your voice was cold and Lily seemed to have picked that up as she turned to look at you.

“Sorry, Mom. I don’t talk to strangers.” Lily sounded genuinely upset because she thought you were angry with her.

You flashed her a small smile. “It’s okay, baby. Why don’t you go get your stuff ready? Remember, the stuff you wanted to show Aunt Stella?”

Lily shook her head, seeming to sense something wrong and instead rested her chin on your shoulder, turning her back to the stranger at the door.

You glanced back at Kris. He wasn’t just your ex, he was Lily’s biological father. Biological. That was where you drew the line, seeing as how Kris had walked out on you after finding out you were pregnant. Lily didn’t have any memories of him since he’d walked out before you’d even started showing. You’d been devastated but on hindsight, it might have been the best thing that Kris had ever done for you.

“We need to talk.”

You’d almost forgotten the sound of his voice, the gravelly quality of it hitting your ears and triggering a bunch of memories that made your body stiffen despite the effort you were making to not let it.

You stepped backwards, reaching out for the door so you could close it. “We have nothing to talk about.”

There was a dangerous glint in his eyes that you’d seen before. “I think you’ve forgotten…”

“Forgotten what?”

You breathed a sigh of relief before you’d even looked up at your brother who was now striding towards you, pushing you gently into the house as he slid between you and Kris.

“Lily, didn’t you say you wanted to show me something?” Lily raised her head now to give Stella a smile. Stella nodded at you and you smiled back gratefully, allowing her to pick Lily from your arms and bring her inside.

Kris hadn’t said anything, but Kelly wasn’t waiting around for it. “Don’t you come around here again. You stay away from them.”

Kelly turned towards you, pushing you gently further into the house, closing the door right in Kris’ face.

“You okay?” Kelly turned to you.

You nodded and smiled. “Always great to have my older brother around.”

Kelly smiled back, pulling a comforting arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to the top of your head, only interrupted with Lily’s excited squeal of “Uncle Kelly!” as she actually spotted him now.

You spent the rest of the night without sparing Kris another thought, surrounded by Kelly, Stella and your daughter. Lily didn’t seem to have been fazed by the encounter, so you were thankful that she didn’t know him. You didn’t know if or even how you would handle a heartbroken five year old if she’d been old enough to understand her father not wanting anything to do with her.

Stella slid a glass over to you as she sat next to you. “Everything okay?”

You glanced up at her before looking over at Kelly who was giving Lily the ride of her life on his back in the middle of the living room now and you smiled. “Thanks to the both of you.”

Stella smiled, leaning over to give you a hug.

You glanced at your watch. It had been a long shift and not exactly a good one so you were dying to just go get Lily who, on the contrary, was probably having the time of her life at the Herrmann household.

Herrmann and Cindy had been a godsend. It didn’t help that you and Kelly were on the same shift but despite the hours you held as a firefighter on Truck 81, you tried not to put them out too much. When Herrmann had caught whiff of your thoughts, however, Cindy had marched right on over and stomped that nonsense out of you, assuring you that the kids loved having little Lily around and that family was family.

“Y/N!” The voice was coarse, like someone who was coming to pick a fight.

You frowned as you saw Kris striding up towards the firehouse, heading straight for you.

You glanced behind you, where Gallo and Ritter were walking out, their bags slung over their shoulders. Gallo frowned and you gave him a look, which he knew all too well after working with you for some time.

Ritter nodded at him, staying outside but hanging a little behind as Gallo turned back to the firehouse once again.

You took a breath and headed further out to meet him, muttering to yourself that you were going to kill Kelly for delaying you. “What the hell, Kris?”

“We didn’t finish the talk.”

You rolled your eyes. “And I told you there’s nothing to talk about.”

Kris reached out to grab your arm. “And I told you there is.” The words slid out from his lips and you could hear him gritting his teeth, which was not a good sign.

You narrowed your eyes at him. “What do you want?”

“I need some money to tide me over.”

Your jaw fell open before you snapped it shut again. “You’re kidding.”

“Never been so goddamned serious in my life, Y/N. I know you do that stupid reserve fund shit, so just get me some and I’ll be on my way.”

“Or what?” You challenged.

“You know I could make your life a living hell.” Kris growled.

It was like he flipped a switch, as you felt anger fill your belly once again. “You should just be glad I didn’t ask you for child support. Walk away.”

“I’m not going anywhere until I get what I came from. Do not test me, Y/N.” He lowered his voice again.

“I’m not afraid of you, Kris. Not anymore.” You snapped.

It was a snap second, you’d stepped backwards to put more distance between the two of you, before you felt the impact of his palm striking your cheek. You stumbled backwards with the force as the old emotions roared to the surface again.

You didn’t have much time to react though as Matt’s voice rang out from behind you. “Hey!”

“You son of a bitch!” Kelly was here, too.

You spun around, throwing yourself at your brother to stop him from literally pouncing on Kris and probably beating him to death.

“I warned you about showing your face anywhere around us again.” Kelly yelled, the anger pulsating in his voice with each word.

Anyone who hadn’t left the firehouse was now being brought out by the commotion and soon Kris was facing a wall of firefighters. Your family.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Kris growled at Kelly, and you knew full well he was goading Kelly into delivering the first punch.

“Kelly, don’t.” You whispered, just as another voice interrupted the commotion.

“For starters, we can arrest your sorry ass.”

You glanced up just as Adam flashed his badge.


Adam just gave you a discreet nod, continuing to direct his words at Kris. “What’s it going to be, big guy?”

You didn’t like how well you could see through the changing expressions on Kris’ face. The only good thing about it was knowing the moment that Kris knew he was cornered and didn’t have much of a choice.

Kris gave you one last look but Adam took another step forward. “Continue down this line of harassment, I’ll arrest you myself.”

As Kris turned and left, you marveled at how this was probably the first time in his life that Kris looked like he was leaving with his tail between his legs.

You glanced back at Adam now that you knew you didn’t need to physically hold Kelly back any longer.

Adam smiled. “You okay?”

You nodded as Adam explained that he’d been in Chief Boden’s office with Kelly talking about a suspected arson case when Gallo had interrupted them to tell them you’d been approached by some guy in the front and it looked urgent.

“If he bothers you again, or even if you see him hanging around, you call me. Anything, anytime, Y/N.” Adam said, tapping your shoulder gently and reassuringly.

“Or I could kill him and solve everyone’s problems.” Kelly growled through his gritted teeth.

You smiled, turning towards him. “Settle down. I was holding you back for you, in case you missed the point. Lily doesn’t need the only male positive influence in her life to be thrown in jail for assault.”

“Ouch.” You glanced at Matt, who was looking at you with a smile teasing the corner of his lips.

You let out a chuckle. “I take it back. I take it back. You know she loves her Uncle Matt too.“ You paused, glancing around at your family again. "Thanks guys.”

You looked back around, smiling at the people that had yours and your brother’s back, as Kelly leaned forward to peer at your cheek where he’d struck you. “Are you sure…”

You rolled your eyes at your brother. “I’ve had worse. Come on, you promised Lily ice cream after shift. And we need to make sure she hasn’t torn Herrmann’s house apart.”

Herrmann let out a small laugh. “Next to Anabelle at that age? Lily’s a model kid.”

You laughed, falling into step next to Kelly and Stella as you headed towards Kelly’s car. “Kel. Thanks.”

Kelly frowned at you. “What?”

“Everything. Being here for me and Lil, for being protective even though you drive me crazy when you treat me like a ten year old.” You smiled, teasing him gently before you continued. “He said he’d make our lives a living hell and I just…”

“Fat chance. Not while I’m around.” Kelly assured you, ruffling your hair gently.

You smiled.

“Come on, let’s go get Lil. I’ll even buy youan ice cream.” Kelly teased.

You rolled your eyes as you climbed into the back seat, Stella shooting you a smile from where she was already seated up front. “Shut up.” You growled playfully back at your brother.


If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!


Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: I was inspired by The 1, one of Taylor Swift’s new songs, This one belongs to my 300 Follower Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


Your first day as candidate at Firehouse 51 had you all kinds of excited, you couldn’t believe you were going to be working in such great place, its reputation being one of the best in the city, but when you stepped in and saw a pair of familiar blue eyes everything changed, for a moment all the memories by his side came back at you with the force of a tornado. 

You were just kids when you had dated, barely 20 years old and had already planned to take over the world but life’s funny that way and it had different plans for the both of you, you were both growing and you needed to focus on your future, at least that’s what he said the day you broke up.

You have dreamt about this moment several times, wondering what you would say, how he would be and hoping to find him happy, new adventures in every corner for him like he always wanted, apparently he had made it.

All day you tried to avoid him, tried to focus on your job, still feeling unready to face him considering the string of crazy thoughts in your mind, making you think that if he wanted you he really should’ve showed because seeing him now made you realized that if your wishes came true it would’ve been him. You couldn’t stop asking yourself if one thing had been different would everything be different today?

All those times together, all the moments shared, made you believed you were one of the greatest loves of all time, making everyday count, it really would’ve been fun, if he would’ve been the one.

And that night as he came closer to say hello all you could say was “We really were something, don’t you think so?”




Warnings: Nop, just fluff.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: This is the first 300 words drabble from my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


“Kelly! Quick, come see this!” you yelled for him from your shared bed. 

“What happened? Is everything okay?” he said rushing through the door, for a moment panic visible on his features. 

“Look” you said lifting up your shirt, a tiny baby foot marking on your skin from the inside as your baby boy kicked at the sound of his father’s voice. “He knows you’re here, he can hear you. Say something else” you asked as the baby stood still again. 

“Hey there, baby, are you ready to come home with us?” Kelly whispered to your swollen belly, another tiny foot making its appearance as he sat next to you on the bed. 

“No yet, daddy, this baby still need to be right here for a couple more weeks, is that right, honey? Of course it is” you said, the two of you in your own personal bubble of happiness, all noises from the outside world blocked out. 

Grabbing his hand you could see a little of hesitation on his eyes, always being extra careful with you since you found out you were pregnant. 

“It’s okay, I want you to feel” you reassured him. 

Very slowly, as your baby kept kicking, you placed Kelly’s hand over the most prominent spot of your belly.


“I love you very much, baby, your mama loves you very much too. We can’t wait to meet you” he spoke to your belly as happy tears came to your eyes, your baby boy instantly reacting to his daddy’s words. 

“I can’t believe we made him, Kelly, our baby boy” you said, your voice really quiet in fear you would start crying if you spoke louder. 

“Our baby boy” Kelly repeated with the same look as you, nothing but pure love and adoration in his tone. 




Words:4,420 words

Warnings: Mentions of abuse, gangs, drugs and cheating, a little bit of violence and a couple curse words but overall I think it’s friendly.

Request:Can you write a imagine where kelly’s girlfriend has Aiden her 5 years old son and kelly’s been his father figure since he was two and then the reader’s ex comes back and wants to be in Aiden’s life and go to the firehouse where kelly is with Aiden to take the little boy with him because the reader doesn’t want him in his life because he is involved with gangs and drugs so kelly tells him that Aiden is his son and that he won’t take him and all 51 support him? You finished, please…

A/N: Hi!!! I’m so happy with how this turned out, hope you all enjoy it and like it as much as I do so let me know how you feel about it. 

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading


Life had never been easy with you, leaving your home in a small town at age 17 to ran away from a place where nothing ever happened, arriving to the big city of Chicago where you didn’t know anyone with barely any money, looking for a job as a waitress to afford the expenses of your new life and last but not least, meeting the man who would later turn into your worst nightmare.

Once you arrived to Chicago and settled in a little apartment you could barely afford, you decided to enroll in Chicago’s Community College to become a nurse, it had been hard with a lot of double shifts at weekends and many many nights awake studying but finally you did it and got a nice job at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center, that’s where you met the person who you thought you would spend the rest of your life with, Ryan.

He had entered to the ED after a motorcycle accident and you immediately felt attracted to him, it was crazy, he was your patient and there was more important things to think of,  like taking care of his multiple wounds, mostly cuts and scratches, but still, you couldn’t fell for a patient, that was basic.

But life’s funny like that so after Will cleared him off to leave the hospital, he asked you out, you tried to refuse even when you didn’t really want to saying that he was a patient and it was wrong, but he insisted, he wasn’t a patient anymore, he had just been released, so with that argument and a little flattering of his part, you agreed to go out with him.

One date turned into two and then three and without realising it suddenly 2 years had passed by and you were moving together. You loved him, you really did and that was the main reason why you stayed with him, even after learning that he was part of a gang on the southside of the city and his day job was selling drugs, yes it was bad but he had always been so good to you.

A year later and things started to change, every cell in your body often told you to run away from that guy, that he was bad news and he was going to get you killed someday but your heart couldn’t bare the idea of leaving him. You had passed many sleepless night trying to figure out what to do, always trying to convince yourself to leave but you couldn’t, you were sure you could change him and get him out from that life, after all, that was your job, to help people. That thought was kept you going every day, despite all your fights and all those times he would grabbed your arms so hard that you’d have to wear long sleeves to work to hide the bruises, despite the nights he would come home so high or drunk that he could barely pronounce your name and all the nights you knew he was cheating on you, because, after all, it wasn’t his fault, right? It was all the drug’s fault and the people he hang with.

And one day, right when you thought nothing was going to change, you took that pregnancy test, two lines staring back at you giving you the hope you needed, that little person growing inside you was going to be the light at the end of the tunnel, that little baby was the answer to all your prayers.

But that wasn’t how Ryan thought at all, when you told him the news he was so furious, yelling at you for being so sloppy, for getting pregnant to tie him up and finally for cheating on him because there was no way that baby was his. After that he just left with his friends, probably to get high again and sleep with some other girl, leaving you at home alone and crying your heart out.

You felt destroyed, how could he said all those things to you? You always were faithful, you always forgive him and, more importantly, you always stayed until suddenly something changed, your tears stopped and you realized now you really had to leave, if not for you then for your baby who now depended of you so grabbing a bag you started to pack all your stuff, leaving nothing behind that could be a sign that you ever lived there.

Once on the street, with the air hitting your face as you put everything in your car, you felt the weight of the world being lifted of from your shoulders for the first time in a very long time, taking your phone out to call April, your best friend in the world.

You had met her when you first started working at the ED, from the beginning she was nice and helped you to get used to the craziness you had to deal with everyday. Being the sweetheart she was, she let you stayed at her place through all your pregnancy, you insisted to stay just for a couple days, just enough until you could found another apartment but she didn’t let you go, completely excited with the idea of being the aunt of your baby. 

Time flew by and when you least expected it, Aiden was born, the whole ED crew by your side, April and Will holding your hands, Natalie making sure everything was going fine and Maggie supporting you from the side with her encouraging words. 

In that moment, with your little baby boy in your arms and all your friends around you, life couldn’t be better. 

After Aiden turned 1 you moved to a nice little apartment near the hospital where you met Kelly Severide, he was April’s childhood friend and went with her at the housewarming party. He was sweet, charming and so handsome and you both really hit it off immediately but after Ryan and everything you had gone through you were a little bit wary of going back to the dating world, specially now that you had your little boy with you, Aiden being your number 1 priority. You knew Kelly was nothing like Ryan but that didn’t change the fact that you had some trust issues regarding guys.

It was really hard to say no to him when the boy was so persistent, going to visit you at the hospital whenever he had time in between calls when he was working or going to your place with some takeout to help you take care of the baby. 

Slowly but surely, he eventually won your heart, having all those little details with you made you warm up to the idea of dating him and break down all the walls you had around your heart.

One rare night when you had the opportunity to go to Molly’s with Maggie and April after shift, he showed up, flowers in hand and a huge smile on his face, to ask you officially on a date, how could you ever say no to that? He was the perfect gentleman and more importantly than anything, he accepted you with all your baggage, trust issues and Aiden, willing to be his father figure.

He soon started to be there in every first of Aiden, his first tooth, his first steps, his first word, the first time you ever took him to a zoo or his first day at daycare, staying with you at night and helping you whenever he woke up at 3 am crying or taking care of him when he wasn’t on duty and you had long shifts at the hospital.

He was fully committed, not only with you but with Aiden too, so much that one day when you had stopped by the firehouse with Aiden to pay him a quick visit you caught him at the table of squad 3 reading a book about “100 things you need to know about babies”, the sight melting away all doubts and fears you ever had, leaving nothing behind but love because that was the moment you realized you loved Kelly and it was such a strong and powerful feeling you had never experienced before.

Time flew by and before you realized it you were throwing Aiden’s fifth birthday party, the theme: firefighters. Ever since he was aware of what Kelly did for a living and understood what it was about, all he wanted was to be a firefighter, rescue people and be lieutenant of the squad just like him and every time he would mention it the smile on Kelly’s face would only get bigger full with pride.

“Happy birthday to you…” you all sang to Aiden in front of his fire truck birthday cake, the whole firehouse and Med staff there to spent the day celebrating with you.

“Blow out the candles, champ” Kelly said ruffling his hair.

“Don’t forget to make a wish!”

“Done!” he yelled before blowing the candles while everyone laughed and clapped, the boy having everyone in the room wrapped around their little finger.

“So… tell us, Aiden, what did you wished for?” April said

“I wished…” he said slowly creating expectation in the room “to be just like dad! A firefighter!” he screamed before hopping off his chair to go play with his friends, everyone on the room celebrating and laughing without realizing what had just happened. They couldn’t know it but that had been the first time Aiden called Kelly his dad, bringing happy tears to your eyes. 

Even though Kelly had been there for you both since Aiden was almost two and Aiden couldn’t remember much before him, you had always told him the truth, letting him know that Kelly was your boyfriend and his biological father had disappeared long before he was born, it had been a little bit difficult to explain it to a 4 years old boy but with Kelly’s help you managed to do it avoiding all the ugly parts of the story and letting him know that no matter who his biological father was, you and Kelly would always love him. 

Since he was a toddler who was barely starting to speak you had taught him that honesty was the best policy so you always tried to teach him by example even when it came to situations like that, once you explained it all to him Kelly and you made sure he knew that you were his family no matter what, trying to clear all fears from his little head when he asked if Kelly would leave you just like the other man did, the question almost breaking your heart and leaving you without an answer, fortunately Kelly immediately told him that he would never leave either one of you, that he loved you both and that we wanted to be his dad if he let him. 

Around a year has passed since that day and you were more than happy to know that finally Aiden’s fears had gone away and he was ready to call Kelly his dad, sure that he would never leave you.

In that moment you felt Kelly’s strong arm around you waist making you come back to reality, proud and happiness all over his face as he looked down at you, that one look being more than enough to let you know what he was thinking, that moment in time being the proof that it was all worth it and without the hardest and darkest moments in your life you wouldn’t be standing there surrounded by the people you loved most.

“Who wants some cake?” you heard April in the background “Kelly, be nice and hand me some plates, please” she said while cutting the slices without realizing you were just having a moment when suddenly the doorbell rang.

“I’m coming” you said.

“Hey, (Y/N), if it’s Capp he better be standing behind that door with a really big present for Aiden, we will not tolerate him arriving just in time for the cake” Herrmann said making you laugh.

“I’ll let him know” you said opening the door still laughing.

“Miss me?” said the man at the door, his voice sending a chill down your spine and making you want to grab your son and run.

He hadn’t change a bit since the last time you saw him around 6 years ago but now all you ever saw in him transformed into disgust and fear.

“R-Ryan?” you stuttered closing the door as much as you could so nobody could see him “What are you doing here? How did you found me?”

“Well, it certainly wasn’t easy, especially since you left no trail behind you that time you left me but a couple days ago a friend of mine told me he saw you entering this building, I thought I would pay you a visit to check on you, see how are you doing now”

“I’m fine, thanks for the visit but I have to get back inside” you said trying to hide your nerves and closing the door when a rough push from his hand stopped you.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in, (Y/N)? It’s not like everyday your son turns 5 years old” in that moment you felt like your soul had left our body and all color drained from your face.

“I-I don’t… don’t know what you’re talking about”

“Don’t play stupid and let me in, (Y/N), I want to meet my son” he said threatening when it reached you from the inside the sound of Aiden’s laugh, making you snap out of your fearful state.

“He’s not your son, you made that very clear 6 years ago when I told you I was pregnant” you said firmly taking back all your power, your mother instinct kicking in instantly. “So now leave before I call the police” you finished before closing the door in his face, still shocked from your outburst.

It took you a second to recompose yourself, still trembling from the encounter with the man that some nights still haunted your dreams.

“Babe, do you want some cake?” said Kelly approaching you when he noticed the state you were in “Hey, what happened? Are you okay? Who was it?” he quickly questioned putting his hands in your shoulders to look at you and make sure you weren’t harm.

“He’s back, Kelly” you whispered, the lump in your throat barely letting anything out “Ryan’s back”


“It was him at the door, he said that he wanted to meet Aiden. Kelly, what am I going to do? What if he wants to take him away?”

“What we are going to do is talk to Antonio, hell we’ll talk to Voight if we need to, we’ll put a restraining order and make sure there is no way he can get close to you again, you’re not alone anymore, (Y/N), you have all of us, you have me”

“I’m scared”

“I know” he said enveloping you in a hug as if that way he could protect you from all the bad in the world.

“Mom, hurry! I want to open my presents!” said Aiden running to you and tugging at your hand. With your head still buried on Kelly’s chest you took a second to breathe and push all your worries to the back of your head, making sure to put in a smile for Aiden.

“Let’s go, honey” you said stepping back, grabbing Kelly’s hand and letting the kid guide you to the living room where everyone was sitting around a big pile of presents.

“Okay, champ, open up mine first” said Kelly sitting in the floor next to him and passing him a box.

“Kelly…” you said, you had told him that it wasn’t necessary at all, he had already helped a lot with the organization of the party.

As Aiden ripped the paper and took the lid on a big red firefighter helmet came into view.

“Mom, look!” Aiden exclaimed putting it on “Now I’m a firefighter!”

Everyone laughed, he was so happy and that was what mattered the most. He continued opening the rest of his presents: clothes, a superhero cape and a bunch of toys.

It was around 7 when you and the girls could finally just sit down in the living room to talk and drink some wine, the guys at the kitchen with some beers and a mess of chips and popcorn around them and the rest of the kids and their parents gone.

Aiden had fallen asleep in your arms half an hour ago with his firefighter helmet still on and you wished everything could stay just like that.

“Hey, Antonio, I need to ask you a favor” said Kelly taking him apart for a moment.

“Yeah, of course, tell me”

“I don’t know if Dawson ever told you anything about (Y/N)’s ex boyfriend, Aiden’s father”

“Not much, she once mentioned he was into drugs and gangs but not much more, he’s not in the system”

“Well, he came by earlier saying that he wants to meet Aiden and (Y/N)’s afraid he might want to take him away, is there anything we can do? I was thinking about a restraining order but I don’t know how much that can help considering his background”

“Well, we can start with that but there’s not much we can do without any evidence”

“Okay, thanks”

“If anything happens let me know, okay?”

“Sure, thanks Antonio” Kelly said going back with the rest of the guys.

When you least expected it it was already 10 pm and everyone was going, it was saturday but that didn’t mean anything being a nurse, doctor, detective or firefighter, most of you having to work the next day.

“Aiden was so happy, I think we did something right today” Kelly told you while you were getting ready to get in bed.

“Yeah, I swear I could see his little face lighting up when he opened your present, thank you, Kelly, for everything”

“It was nothing, really. I saw it the other day on my way back to the fire house after a call and I thought of him”

“I don’t know what I’d be doing without you”

“Handling it like you always have, sweetheart, I’m here because you want me around, not because you need me”

“You always have the right words, don’t you?” you said laughing a little bit.

“I hope so” he said getting into bed and extending his arms for you to crawl with him.

“What are we going to do tomorrow?” you asked once you were both in bed, your head on his chest and his hand playing with your hair “You have shift and I have to be at the ED”

“I can take him with me, come pick him up after your shift, we can even have dinner together there”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to cause you any trouble”

“Totally, I’ll speak with the chief and whenever we have a call he can stay with Connie, she’ll love him, don’t worry about it” he finished pressing a kiss on your forehead, the feeling of his fingers playing with your hair relaxing you and making you feel sleepy.

“Okay but if anything happens or you need me to go get him, just call me, okay?” you said suppressing a yawn.

“Just sleep, babe” was the last thing you heard.

That night was probably the worst you’ve had in a while, images of Ryan, your past together and him taking Aiden away constantly awakening you and keeping you from resting properly so you were more than happy when you noticed the sun was rising from behind your curtains.

Trying to not wake up Kelly you slid out of bed and headed towards the kitchen, coffee being your only thought after the horrible night you had.

Once you had a cup of coffee in your system you went to the bathroom to take a shower, the caffeine and the water helping you to feel completely awake and ready for the day. After you finished and put your nurse uniform on you found your way back to kitchen to start breakfast and since it was sunday you choose to spoil your boys a little bit with some nutella waffles.

You were halfway done when you heard steps coming from the hallway and then a pair of strong arms wrapped around your middle, Kelly resting his chin over your shoulder and leaving a small kiss on your neck.

“Morning” he said in a low husky voice.

“Good morning, babe. Can you go wake Aiden up, please?”

“Are you sure you want me to?” he said now peppering your shoulder with small kisses.

“Not exactly but you both need to get ready to go to the firehouse” you said giving a squeeze to one of his hands before going back to your current task “Puls, don’t forget that tuesday’s our day, we’ll leave Aiden with Matt and Gabby and then it’ll be just us to do whatever you want”

“Fine” he said finally letting you go “Can’t wait for it to be tuesday though” you heard him saying from the hallway.

You were setting the table when you heard laughter coming your way, Kelly appearing with Aiden on his back, the red firefighter helmet once again on his head matching his fire truck pajamas.

“Hey Aiden, tell mama what I was just telling you” Kelly said putting Aiden down on a chair and sitting next to you.

“I’m going to dad’s job today!” Aiden yelled raising his arms, a light on his eyes you would do anything to protect.

“That’s right, buddy, now eat your breakfast so we can get ready to leave”

An hour later you were saying goodbye to your boys and heading towards your car, ready for the day ahead.

“Ok, Aiden, let me give you the tour” Kelly told the 5 year old once they reached the firehouse, the toddler hand on his while they walk to the front door.

“Hey! Look who’s here” yelled Herrmann from the inside, the rest of the house coming out to receive Aiden.

“Look, I’m one of you” he let go of Kelly’s hand to go running to the guys, showing them his red helmet again.

Everyone there loved the little guy, he had won their hearts a long time ago and it was obvious as they all show him around and let him get into the fire truck, never treating him as Kelly’s partner son but as if he was his own because for anyone who ever had the pleasure to meet the three of you all they could see was a family, not mattering blood but the real connection you all had.

“Hey, Aiden, I need to tell you something” said Kelly in a moment of quiet, kneeling down to be eye level with him “Listen, champ, because it’s important, okay?”

“Okay” he said putting on his serious face and trying to cross his little arms over his chest almost making Kelly laugh.

“There will be a moment when the sirens will go on and we’ll be call to go do our job and I won’t be able to take you with me so you are going to stay with Connie, okay? She’s nice but you have to listen to her while I’m gone” he said pointing at her who was going over some papers at her desk.

“Ohh, I like her” he said now relaxing and getting closer to Kelly “She once draw with me while you and mom were busy but told me to keep it a secret” Aiden whispered to him and put his finger over his lip.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone” Kelly said playing along.

“Is that him? My son?” was suddenly being heard from the front, Kelly well aware of who was the owner of that voice and fire started to run down his veins.

“Hey, why don’t you go with Mouch to watch some cartoons? I’m sure he was looking for something new to watch” quickly said Kelly to the boy, Aiden running to the inside excited to show someone else his new favorite show and unaware of anything else.

Standing up and turning around he met eye to eye with the man who had hurt you so much many years ago and now was trying once again to do it.

“Leave, now” Kelly said angrily

“I’m not leaving anywhere unless it’s with my son”

By now everyone had already noticed the tension between the two and were getting around them, ready to back their lieutenant up or keep him from doing something stupid.

“Are you out of your mind? He never was and never will be yours”

“I have rights, he’s my son and I demand to see him” said getting closer to Kelly.

“You have no rights here, pal, you’re in my territory now and I’m not scared of you so before you do something you might regret just leave and leave my family alone because he’s MY son”

“Your family?” Ryan said before laughing “That dumb bitch will leave you just like she did with me, she’s not worth all the trouble, man”

“What did you just said!?” exploded Kelly pushing him back, everyone ready to break them apart.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” said Matt getting in the middle when Ryan was about to push Kelly back.

“Yeah man, just leave” added Cruz, a halligan in his hands.

That’s when they both took a second to look around, almost everyone was there including chief Boden who was watching everything from behind, the only ones missing were the girls and Mouch, taking care of Aiden.

“I’m not done yet” said Ryan when he realized he was outnumbered.

“Yes, it is. Now leave and don’t ever come back” added Herrmann from the side.  

“Whatever, we’ll see about that” finished Ryan before leaving the fire house. 

“Are you okay, Severide?” stepped in chief Boden.

“Yes, sir” he said breathing and running a hand down his face.

“Good, now I suggest we let CPD know about this situation, it must be enough for them to do something. Back to work everybody”

Kelly knew it wasn’t going to be that easy but he didn’t care because no matter what he would always be ready to fight for his son, for his family.




Words:2,309 words

Warnings:Not that I can think of… maybe a couple curse words  

A/N Hi!!! I’ve been working on this for a while so I wanted to post it before the requests I’m working on, it’s inspired by Tate McRae’s “You Broke Me First”. The lyrics will be italicizedand I change the order a little bit but I hope you like it. Like always requests are open and feedback is always welcome <3

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner. 

Thanks for reading


Kelly and you had a lot of history, him being your friend since you were just childs, you knew everything about him or so you thought…

Like in all the cliché romantic movies, you fell for your best friend, hard, and even when it took several years, somehow along the way he asked you out wanting to make things between you two official, making you feel like the happiest and luckiest girl in the world that night.

As you grew up life started to get difficult but you always had each other, he became this super badass firefighter, soon turning into the lieutenant of the rescue squad 3 in firehouse 51, and you started working in your dream company as a executive assistant. 

Maybe you don’t like talking too much about yourself

But you shoulda told me that you were thinkin’ ‘bout someone else

With the pass of time you realized things were changing between you two, you knew that he didn’t like talking much about himself or his job, always carrying so much baggage with him but when he stop talking to you at all you knew something was different.

You both had crazy lifes, he had 24 hours shifts and you were most of the time busy as well, your boss being super demandant, but tired of missing him, one day you asked your boss for permission to leave early, your to - do list already done and everything ready for the next day, he wasn’t very pleased but even then he let you go.

It was your anniversary night and you thought some quality time together and a nice homemade dinner would make things better, attributing the lack of communication to your busy schedules, so that day you asked Shay to let you in, them being roommates for a couple years.

You had met Shay and the whole firehouse crew a couple times, they were Kelly’s family after all, so once in awhile when the CFD celebrated some big events you had the opportunity to interact with all of them.

Once everything was ready, you left the lasagna you had just made in the oven, not wanting it to get cold until Kelly arrived. You had set the table, lit some candles and choose some nice music to enjoy, now all you had to do was wait.

You sat on the table taking out your latest book to keep you entertained until he got home. One hour passed and you were already halfway done with your book, three chapters becoming ten and then fifteen, the candles almost all melted over the tablecloth, when suddenly you heard the lock of the door being open,

As fast as you could you tugged your book into your bag again and stood up to welcome him and surprise him with the dinner you had made but when you got sight of him, the surprised one was you.

He entered the room with a girl pressed to him, their lips never leaving each other as they started to rip each others clothes, immediately bringing tears to your eyes. He had not only forgotten your anniversary but he was also cheating on you, that completely explaining why you had been radio silenced.

“God, I love you, Royce” he said still unaware of your presence, eyes closed as he tried to take off her shirt, that’s when you couldn’t hold yourself anymore and a sob escape your lips bringing their attention to you.

You saw as his eyes opened up in surprise and just for a second you saw hurt in them, quickly being replaced for shame.


Before he could say anything else you grabbed your bag and left, not only exiting his apartment but his life too.

Took a while, was in denial when I first heard

That you moved on quicker than I could’ve ever, you know that hurt

Swear for a while I would stare at my phone just to see your name

But now that it’s there, I don’t really know what to say

The first months after you caught him with another girl were the hardest you had ever lived, you still were so busy with job but that didn’t stop you from going to the bar almost every weekend to get drunk and call him. You knew it was stupid, he had someone else and every morning you regretted it, especially since he never picked up, but it was hard to stop.

After two months of the same thing, one night you decided to just stay home, tired of the same destructive routine that had you in tears and drunk most of the night, so you turned your phone off and put some movie marathon that was playing on the TV.

It wasn’t easy but eventually things got better and when you needed it the most a promotion was given to you, keeping you now busier than before and with almost not time at all to think about him.

It had been six months now, you were happy and you were living your life again when one night your phone ringed, his name appearing on the screen, you hesitated for a moment but still answer it, you had swore you would be friends forever and you had meant it.


You’re drunk at a party or maybe it’s just that your car broke down

Your phone’s been off for a couple months, so you’re calling me now

I know you, you’re like this

When shit don’t go your way you needed me to fix it

And like me, I did

“Please don’t hang up… I know that we haven’t talk in a while but I don’t know who else to call… I need your help”

“… What happened?” you said unsure of how to answer, you were expecting an apology, not this.

You knew you would regretted it but you couldn’t just say no, specially if he needed help, so like you had always done, you helped him.

It was stupid really, she was leaving to Spain and at first he thought he wanted to go with her, telling you all about his injury and how he thought he would never be able to do his job again but after he knew he could get a surgery that could fix him up in just a couple months, he didn’t know anymore what to do.

When he finished telling you everything you told him what he wanted to listen, you knew he already knew what to do, just wanted to hear it was okay. It had always being like that with him, always insecure about making the wrong decision.

“If you want to stay then stay Kelly, you love your job and helping people, I’m sure you will be unhappy if you leave, away from you family at the firehouse and away from doing what you love” you hold back the tears in your eyes and taking a breath to steady your voice you added “I know.. I - I don’t doubt you love her but I know you love your job more than anything so just keep that in mind” saying that had taking a lot from you so letting out a final sigh you said “I have to go Kelly, I have things to do. Take care and I hope you get better soon. Goodbye” 

After you hung up, you cried yourself to sleep that night, how could he do that to you? Telling you all about how he was still with her, how he loved her and had planned to run away with her to Spain without thinking how much it would hurt you? Was he really that blind? That selfish? He cared that little about you? He didn’t even apologized for all the hurt he caused you.

But I ran out of every reason

Now suddenly you’re asking for it back

Could you tell me, where’d you get the nerve?

Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had

But I don’t really care how bad it hurts

When you broke me first

You broke me first

A year flew by and when you least expect it you were back in Chicago after 2 months in London, a year ago you had been fired, your life was a mess and your heart was shattered but after hitting rock bottom you could only go up from there.

After that last call from Kelly where he asked you to help him a lot had happened, including a couple more calls from him that you refused to answer. That last time he made you cry also help you realize that you deserved better, yes, he had been your friend all your childhood and you had made everything in your power to be with him but looking back it was you who always tried the hardest to make it work.

So you focused on yourself, you started learning a new language and going to the gym, you applied for some new jobs and got a really good one as an executive so eventually you also moved from your apartment to a new one, you needed the fresh start.

Along with your new job came some new opportunities to travel, at first you got to know some other cities like Los Angeles, New York, D.C. or San Francisco but as your bosses were impressed with your commitment and hard work you got to travel to some other countries like México, Italy and most recently England.

Everything was going fine now and were ready to unpack your stuff before going to bed, the plane always leaving you so tired, until you heard a knock on your door. You had no idea who could it be, it was late and not a lot of people had your new address.

When you opened the door you couldn’t be more surprised.


“Hi, (Y/N)” he said scratching the back of his neck, he was nervous.

“What are you doing here? How… how do you get my address?” you said crossing your arms over your chest, you were no longer the woman who had cried for him a year ago.

“I asked around, it wasn’t easy but I really needed to see you, you changed your phone number”

“Yeah, I did. What do you want?” it hurt you a little to talk to him like that, you never imagined you would be in this position but you had justify him for so long, you were just tired now.

“You… I want you back, (Y/N)… I miss you”

What did you think would happen?

What did you think would happen?

I’ll never let you have it

What did you think would happen?

Now suddenly you’re asking for it back

Could you tell me, where’d you get the nerve?

Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had

But I don’t really care how bad it hurts

When you broke me first

You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips, it was short and it kinda pained you but you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.

“Sorry, it’s not really funny, it’s just that… where did you get the nerve, you know, to just come in here and tell me this like you hadn’t broke my heart a million times before?” you said watching him get more uncomfortable with every passing second.

“Look, I know I made some mistakes in the past but I really mean it, (Y/N), I miss you and I know I fucked it up but all I can think about is you, I lose my girlfriend and my best friend the same day”

“Yes, you did, when you cheated on my, may I add and not just that, Kelly, it wasn’t just like she was a one night stand, you told her you loved her in front of me on the night of our anniversary, you already had another relationship and I don’t know, I guess you just forgot to break up with me, you know?” you finished with sarcasm.

“You left, you didn’t even give me the opportunity to explain you anything” he said a bit exasperated, things were not going how he expected it and you were only raising your voice almost getting in a fight, not the definition of his perfect reunion.

“What were you going to say? I’m sorry? Because 6 months after that you called me to tell me all about the love problems you had with the woman you cheated on me with, then could’ve been a good time to apologize too, a little bit late but I was still willing to be your friend”

“I’m sorry, okay? It’s that what you wanted to hear? Because I do, I am sorry and more than anything I am sorry for being a jerk and letting you go, I never should’ve done that, please, just… give another chance, please, it kills me being without you” he finished with a whisper.

“No, I’m sorry but I won’t, Kelly, you’ve hurt me enough already. What did you think would happen? That you would just knock on my door after 18 months and everything would be fine? That I would throw myself at you and we would be what we were before all this?”

“No, I know and I don’t want to go back to what we were, I want better, I’ll be better for you, just, please, say yes…”

“I’m sorry but no, I’m better now, it took me a lot of time and effort but I finally got over you”

“C’mon, you’re killing me, (Y/N), please, don’t do this, you’re breaking my heart”

“You don’t get to say that, Kelly, not when you broke me first” and without any other word you entered back to your apartment and closed that door.


