

not while i’m around

Pairing: Kelly Severide x SeverideSister!Reader

Requested:yes, by anon

Summary: The last person Y/N expects to see shows up at her door, stirring up old feelings. Later, he shows up at the firehouse and causes a commotion.

Word Count:1,888

Warnings: canon typical mentions of violence, mentions of toxic ex

A/N: I’ve been sitting on this for a while - half wanted to write, half couldn’t think of a way to write this satisfactorily. But I did write it, so here it is!


The doorbell rang and you looked up from where you were setting the table. Lily swung her head back up at you and you smiled. “That must be Uncle Kelly and Aunt Stella. You want to get the door?” You asked your daughter.

The grin on Lily’s face said it all. “Can I?”

You usually didn’t let her answer the door alone even though your five year old had already huffed more than once that she was able to do “big girl stuff” but since you were expecting Kelly and Stella for family dinner you figured there was no harm.

You nodded with a smile and you heard her feet patter out towards the main door, interspersed with her excited yells of “Uncle Kelly!”

You smiled as you heard her reach the door and the click of the door opening. Until it was quiet. Too quiet.

“Lil?” You called, heading out of the kitchen and sticking your head out to check on her.

It wasn’t Kelly.

Instead, it was the last person you expected or wanted to see.

Was it anger you felt first? Surprise? Or disbelief? You didn’t know, and you didn’t care. You headed straight for your daughter, picking her up into your arms.

“Kris, what are you doing here?” Your voice was cold and Lily seemed to have picked that up as she turned to look at you.

“Sorry, Mom. I don’t talk to strangers.” Lily sounded genuinely upset because she thought you were angry with her.

You flashed her a small smile. “It’s okay, baby. Why don’t you go get your stuff ready? Remember, the stuff you wanted to show Aunt Stella?”

Lily shook her head, seeming to sense something wrong and instead rested her chin on your shoulder, turning her back to the stranger at the door.

You glanced back at Kris. He wasn’t just your ex, he was Lily’s biological father. Biological. That was where you drew the line, seeing as how Kris had walked out on you after finding out you were pregnant. Lily didn’t have any memories of him since he’d walked out before you’d even started showing. You’d been devastated but on hindsight, it might have been the best thing that Kris had ever done for you.

“We need to talk.”

You’d almost forgotten the sound of his voice, the gravelly quality of it hitting your ears and triggering a bunch of memories that made your body stiffen despite the effort you were making to not let it.

You stepped backwards, reaching out for the door so you could close it. “We have nothing to talk about.”

There was a dangerous glint in his eyes that you’d seen before. “I think you’ve forgotten…”

“Forgotten what?”

You breathed a sigh of relief before you’d even looked up at your brother who was now striding towards you, pushing you gently into the house as he slid between you and Kris.

“Lily, didn’t you say you wanted to show me something?” Lily raised her head now to give Stella a smile. Stella nodded at you and you smiled back gratefully, allowing her to pick Lily from your arms and bring her inside.

Kris hadn’t said anything, but Kelly wasn’t waiting around for it. “Don’t you come around here again. You stay away from them.”

Kelly turned towards you, pushing you gently further into the house, closing the door right in Kris’ face.

“You okay?” Kelly turned to you.

You nodded and smiled. “Always great to have my older brother around.”

Kelly smiled back, pulling a comforting arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to the top of your head, only interrupted with Lily’s excited squeal of “Uncle Kelly!” as she actually spotted him now.

You spent the rest of the night without sparing Kris another thought, surrounded by Kelly, Stella and your daughter. Lily didn’t seem to have been fazed by the encounter, so you were thankful that she didn’t know him. You didn’t know if or even how you would handle a heartbroken five year old if she’d been old enough to understand her father not wanting anything to do with her.

Stella slid a glass over to you as she sat next to you. “Everything okay?”

You glanced up at her before looking over at Kelly who was giving Lily the ride of her life on his back in the middle of the living room now and you smiled. “Thanks to the both of you.”

Stella smiled, leaning over to give you a hug.

You glanced at your watch. It had been a long shift and not exactly a good one so you were dying to just go get Lily who, on the contrary, was probably having the time of her life at the Herrmann household.

Herrmann and Cindy had been a godsend. It didn’t help that you and Kelly were on the same shift but despite the hours you held as a firefighter on Truck 81, you tried not to put them out too much. When Herrmann had caught whiff of your thoughts, however, Cindy had marched right on over and stomped that nonsense out of you, assuring you that the kids loved having little Lily around and that family was family.

“Y/N!” The voice was coarse, like someone who was coming to pick a fight.

You frowned as you saw Kris striding up towards the firehouse, heading straight for you.

You glanced behind you, where Gallo and Ritter were walking out, their bags slung over their shoulders. Gallo frowned and you gave him a look, which he knew all too well after working with you for some time.

Ritter nodded at him, staying outside but hanging a little behind as Gallo turned back to the firehouse once again.

You took a breath and headed further out to meet him, muttering to yourself that you were going to kill Kelly for delaying you. “What the hell, Kris?”

“We didn’t finish the talk.”

You rolled your eyes. “And I told you there’s nothing to talk about.”

Kris reached out to grab your arm. “And I told you there is.” The words slid out from his lips and you could hear him gritting his teeth, which was not a good sign.

You narrowed your eyes at him. “What do you want?”

“I need some money to tide me over.”

Your jaw fell open before you snapped it shut again. “You’re kidding.”

“Never been so goddamned serious in my life, Y/N. I know you do that stupid reserve fund shit, so just get me some and I’ll be on my way.”

“Or what?” You challenged.

“You know I could make your life a living hell.” Kris growled.

It was like he flipped a switch, as you felt anger fill your belly once again. “You should just be glad I didn’t ask you for child support. Walk away.”

“I’m not going anywhere until I get what I came from. Do not test me, Y/N.” He lowered his voice again.

“I’m not afraid of you, Kris. Not anymore.” You snapped.

It was a snap second, you’d stepped backwards to put more distance between the two of you, before you felt the impact of his palm striking your cheek. You stumbled backwards with the force as the old emotions roared to the surface again.

You didn’t have much time to react though as Matt’s voice rang out from behind you. “Hey!”

“You son of a bitch!” Kelly was here, too.

You spun around, throwing yourself at your brother to stop him from literally pouncing on Kris and probably beating him to death.

“I warned you about showing your face anywhere around us again.” Kelly yelled, the anger pulsating in his voice with each word.

Anyone who hadn’t left the firehouse was now being brought out by the commotion and soon Kris was facing a wall of firefighters. Your family.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Kris growled at Kelly, and you knew full well he was goading Kelly into delivering the first punch.

“Kelly, don’t.” You whispered, just as another voice interrupted the commotion.

“For starters, we can arrest your sorry ass.”

You glanced up just as Adam flashed his badge.


Adam just gave you a discreet nod, continuing to direct his words at Kris. “What’s it going to be, big guy?”

You didn’t like how well you could see through the changing expressions on Kris’ face. The only good thing about it was knowing the moment that Kris knew he was cornered and didn’t have much of a choice.

Kris gave you one last look but Adam took another step forward. “Continue down this line of harassment, I’ll arrest you myself.”

As Kris turned and left, you marveled at how this was probably the first time in his life that Kris looked like he was leaving with his tail between his legs.

You glanced back at Adam now that you knew you didn’t need to physically hold Kelly back any longer.

Adam smiled. “You okay?”

You nodded as Adam explained that he’d been in Chief Boden’s office with Kelly talking about a suspected arson case when Gallo had interrupted them to tell them you’d been approached by some guy in the front and it looked urgent.

“If he bothers you again, or even if you see him hanging around, you call me. Anything, anytime, Y/N.” Adam said, tapping your shoulder gently and reassuringly.

“Or I could kill him and solve everyone’s problems.” Kelly growled through his gritted teeth.

You smiled, turning towards him. “Settle down. I was holding you back for you, in case you missed the point. Lily doesn’t need the only male positive influence in her life to be thrown in jail for assault.”

“Ouch.” You glanced at Matt, who was looking at you with a smile teasing the corner of his lips.

You let out a chuckle. “I take it back. I take it back. You know she loves her Uncle Matt too.“ You paused, glancing around at your family again. "Thanks guys.”

You looked back around, smiling at the people that had yours and your brother’s back, as Kelly leaned forward to peer at your cheek where he’d struck you. “Are you sure…”

You rolled your eyes at your brother. “I’ve had worse. Come on, you promised Lily ice cream after shift. And we need to make sure she hasn’t torn Herrmann’s house apart.”

Herrmann let out a small laugh. “Next to Anabelle at that age? Lily’s a model kid.”

You laughed, falling into step next to Kelly and Stella as you headed towards Kelly’s car. “Kel. Thanks.”

Kelly frowned at you. “What?”

“Everything. Being here for me and Lil, for being protective even though you drive me crazy when you treat me like a ten year old.” You smiled, teasing him gently before you continued. “He said he’d make our lives a living hell and I just…”

“Fat chance. Not while I’m around.” Kelly assured you, ruffling your hair gently.

You smiled.

“Come on, let’s go get Lil. I’ll even buy youan ice cream.” Kelly teased.

You rolled your eyes as you climbed into the back seat, Stella shooting you a smile from where she was already seated up front. “Shut up.” You growled playfully back at your brother.


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Pieces (7): Feelings are strange

Chapter 7: Feelings are strange

Chapter Summary: Y/N worries when Jay stops responding to her messages. Meanwhile, a ruckus in the waiting room attracts Y/N’s attention.

Word Count:1,879

Warnings: allusions to verbal abuse, threatening behavior

A/N: Things are… moving. Kind of. I hope you like this update! All the comments have really got me more excited to show you more chapters! Remember to stop by and let me know what you guys think!!!



You’d taken Chloe to school yourself the next day to talk to them and find out why Caleb was able to take her out of school and found out that even though you’d filled out the paperwork, they hadn’t processed it. It had taken a whole lot of effort not to scream at everyone in the room. Instead, you’d insisted on seeing the list of approved adults for Chloe just so you could rest easy that she wasn’t going to disappear right under your nose again.

So you’d definitely felt better for the rest of the day, your mind wandering back to what Jay had said to you the night before.

You’d always thought that when the day came again when someone, anyone, asked you out on a date again, you’d say no with absolutely no hesitation. That’s what you’d told yourself the day Caleb had walked out on you and Chloe. You’d never trust someone else with yours or Chloe’s happiness, ever again.

But that was before Jay Halstead.

You wanted to be mad at him, really. You wanted to be mad at him for crashing headfirst into your life, for wavering your determination to not let anyone too close, for making you feel like you mattered again. But you couldn’t even be mad at him.

You glanced at your phone.

You’d sent him a text to say that the two of you should talk but he hadn’t responded, so you stuffed your phone back into your pocket where it belonged. But now that you were anticipating a response, it felt like a boulder that you were carrying around all day, you literally had to fight the urge to check it every few minutes.

When he hadn’t responded by the next day, your initial annoyance had slowly shifted into worry. It wasn’t like Jay to not respond like this. At first, you’d thought he might have been annoyed that he hadn’t gotten a response from you, after all a guy like Jay Halstead probably didn’t face rejection much, or at all. But now, you weren’t so sure.

“Hey, Will.” You headed up to him where he was getting coffee.

You hesitated, now.

Will frowned. “What’s up? Everything okay?”

You nodded. “Is Jay okay?”

Will’s eyebrow rose. “Yeah, as far as I know. Why? Did you hear something?”

You shook your head. “I just… I haven’t heard from him. He usually doesn’t do that, so I was just wondering…”

“Oh, crap. I was supposed to tell you yesterday but I forgot.” Will said. “He came by my place in the morning to pass me some stuff and he told me to let you know he’s going under, probably for a few days, so he’d be uncontactable. I’m sorry, Y/N.”

“Under?” You asked.

Will nodded. “Yeah, they do some undercover work sometimes. When they have to.” Will paused. “He can’t have his personal phone with him when he does. He’ll show up in a couple of days.”

You nodded, a little absentmindedly. “Yeah, thanks.”

“Please don’t tell him I forgot to tell you. He will literally kill me.” When that didn’t elicit much of a response from you, Will paused. “Everything okay?”

You smiled and nodded. “Yeah, just needed to finish a conversation.”

Will studied you for a bit before he nodded again. “You know if you need anything…”

You smiled. “Yeah, I know. Thanks.”

By the end of the week, you still hadn’t heard from Jay.

But everytime you felt your mind go there, you yanked yourself back, wondering when this had begun. When had you begun to rely on someone again, when you’d told yourself again and again that you couldn’t go back down that road.

The worst part was that you had no idea how this had all happened and why it was Jay that gave you this sense of stability, this sense of security. And now that you found yourself here, you had no freaking clue what to do, but you had to figure it out before you spoke to him again.

The only good thing about a crazy day in the ED was that you didn’t have time to dwell on these little things floating through your mind. You’d come out into the waiting room to help Connor update his patient’s wife when a commotion near Leah’s counter caught your attention.

“I’ve been waiting for over an hour!” You heard his fist bang on the table. “And I want to know why I’m still waiting!”

You took a deep breath, wanting nothing more but to head inside. But there was no way a guy like that was going to let you leave peacefully.

Before you’d even taken so much as another breath, he’d caught sight of your white coat and pointed at you.

“You! Lady! You’re a doctor. Yousee me.”

Maggie raised her eyebrows at you and you’d turned around to look at him, controlling your expression as best as you could.

“Sir, we have to see patients based on their conditions. If you wait a while longer, we’ll try to move things along.” You kept your voice patient, before you tried to turn to go back into the ED.

“Lady! I demand to see a doctor now!”

You felt your irritation rise. You had a four year old that behaved better than this.

You moved towards Leah, peering at his registration sheet and you nodded at her, noting his non-emergent symptoms.

“Sir, as we have told you many times, we have to see patients based on the urgency of their condition. Please wait your turn.” Your voice was stern now. He moved forward as if to confront you again but eyed Earl keeping a watching eye by the corner, as you stepped backwards.

You glanced at Leah who nodded, before you turned and headed back into the ED.

You glanced at the clock as you pulled on your jacket in place of the white coat you’d been in all day.

“We’re going for drinks, can your babysitter do another few hours?” Will asked, as he closed his locker and pointed to Connor.

You gave him a smile. “Not today, she can’t work late. Sorry.”

Connor shook his head. “Come on, we can’t compete with a kid for her mom. We’ll do a kid-friendly one sometime.”

You laughed and nodded, grabbing your bag.

“Have fun guys!”

You headed out towards your car. It was already late, the streets felt a little darker than usual so you looked up at the sky for a moment before you continued walking. You’d been a little late at the start of shift thanks to Chloe’s school, so you’d had to park your car a little further from the entrance.

You were about two cars away when you felt someone tug roughly at your arm.

Spinning around, you frowned at the man who was holding your arm so tightly it was starting to hurt. It took you a moment before you placed him again - the man screaming at Leah in the waiting room earlier today. The man you’d told to wait when he’d yelled at you demanding you see him then and there for a flu.

You glanced down at your arm, attempting to pull it backwards out of his grasp but he was way stronger than you were.

You could still see the anger flash in his eyes even in the dark as he stepped forward and you stepped backwards. He pushed you roughly before your back hit the hard wall of the external hospital wall. “What do you want?” It took you some effort to keep your voice steady.

“You’re really rude.” He commented, not really answering your question. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s that rude women need to be taught a lesson.”

You could feel your heartbeat quicken as you tried again to tug your arm out of his grasp with barely any success.

He raised his other arm now and even as you tried hard not to, you flinched as you saw his palm come swinging down at you.

And then, nothing.

You opened your eyes again and there he was. You felt the rush of something that felt suspiciously magical, before your brain and mouth connected. “Jay.”

Jay didn’t turn to look at you, almost like he hadn’t heard you. He’d caught the guy’s arm midair and you were sure if he’d been even a second later you’d have already felt the impact.

“Step the hell back.” Jay growled, speaking each word slowly.

It was the first time you’d heard this much anger in his voice. You don’t think you’d even heard it that few times he’d spoken to Caleb. This was different.

“What’s it to you?” The man didn’t look like he wanted to back down.

Jay didn’t respond, merely glancing down at the badge attached to his waist. “I won’t say it again. Walk away.” Jay looked pointedly at his other hand.

The guy wrenched his arm out of Jay’s grasp as he let go of your arm. Jay shifted, standing in front of you now. “If I see you anywhere near her again…”

The guy seemed like he was weighing his options but instead turned to leave.

Jay turned towards you now. “You okay?”

You took a deep breath. “Yeah, I think so.”

Jay exhaled.

“Great self-control there, Jay.” You said with a smile. “I’m not sure Will could have kept his cool.”

Jay smiled. “Oh, you have no idea the effort it took. If he’d actually hit you…” He paused. “I might have beaten the crap out of him.”

“ Oh Detective Halstead, you wouldn’t.” You teased gently, smiling as you watched the hard look in his eyes slowly give way to the gentle green eyes you knew so well.

Jay glanced down the street to make sure he was really gone. “Sorry I haven’t been in touch.”

You shook your head. “Will told me. Everything okay with you?”

Jay nodded. “Yeah, I…”

He was interrupted as his phone rang and you nodded at him as he answered it. You watched his frown deepen.

“I’ll be right there.” He said as he hung up. “Y/N, I’m sorry, I…”

You shook your head, smiling.

“You gonna be okay?” He asked. “Should I call Will?”

You laughed. “I’ll get home okay. Thanks for… I’m glad you were here when you were. Thank you.”

Jay nodded, squeezing your wrist a little. “I gotta…”

You nodded. “Be safe.”

Jay smiled and jogged towards his truck which was parked a little way away. Jay turned just as he was getting into his truck for one last look.

You raised your hand and waved, as he smiled and waved back before driving off.

You watched a little while longer as he drove away before you hurried to your car and sped off, taking two detours just in case before you got home. Truth be told, you were hoping you’d have the opportunity to talk and you had been this close to actually inviting him over. So you weren’t sure whether it was a good or bad thing he’d been called away.

The only thing certain tonight was one thing - the fluttering feeling in the pit of your stomach and the race of your heart.


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Pieces (10): Work This Out

Chapter 10: Work This Out

Chapter Summary: Jay keeps his promise to Chloe and helps Y/N make temporary arrangements for Chloe.

Word Count:1,928

Warnings: canon-typical mentions of injuries

A/N: In Resa’s effort to try to go to bed early I’ll be pushing up the postings to 10PM (GMT +8), so just an hour earlier! Updates will still be on Tuesday and Fridays in my timezone! Hope you guys like this update, please drop by to let me know what you think!


Previous Chapter || Next Chapter

Jay hoisted Chloe more securely onto his arm as he hurried into Med to look for someone, anyone.

It had been a hard decision, as Jay watched the paramedics pile you in and heard them say that he could come along for the ride. Technically, he could have had Hailey bring Chloe to Med but it didn’t feel like that would cut it. He’d glanced at you and turned back to the district to deliver his promise.


Jay spotted Will and headed straight in. Will glanced at Chloe in his arms and nodded at him. “You should wait to talk to Connor.”

Will opened his arms. “Chloe, why don’t we go get something to eat?”

Chloe nodded slowly before she turned to Jay and Jay smiled, nodding. “Will knows the best snacks here.”

Chloe smiled and allowed Will to lift her from Jay’s arms.

Jay watched them disappear, just as Connor walked into the waiting room.


Connor nodded, heading towards Jay. “Her injuries are extensive. We had to put in a chest tube when she first came in, she had internal injuries, two fractured ribs. Her arm is broken, and the stab wound caused even further damage.”

As Connor watched Jay’s expression change, he quickly added. “The surgery went well. She’ll need some time to recover, but she’s going to be okay.”

Jay exhaled.

“You can see her now if you want.”

Jay nodded. “Thanks.”

When Jay entered your room, he was glad he hadn’t gone to get Chloe first. Your arm had been put in a cast and the bruises across your face were now more pronounced.

“Hey.” Jay greeted, as he reached your bedside.

You looked back up at him, glad to see him. “Chloe?” You whispered.

Jay smiled and nodded. “Will took her to get some food. I’ll bring her by later. You feeling up to talking?”

You exhaled, but nodded.

Jay got as much information from you as he could without pushing, clenching his fist as he felt the rage course through him while you recounted what had happened in the bodega. The only thing you were thankful for was that they were so hopped up, they hadn’t noticed Chloe, merely thinking that you’d been trying to run. So they’d taken their anger out on you, hitting and kicking at you, a few times with the baseball bat. You could hear the rage turn into shrieks of excitement at the violence they were inflicting as they pounded into you.

As you recounted the attack, you exhaled as the memory of the moment you’d felt the knife slice into your abdomen hit you and Jay reached out for your good hand, gently squeezing. “It’s okay, we can stop.”

You glanced up at Jay and squeezed back. “How’d you find her?” You asked after a while.

Jay smiled. “She found me. Kind of.”

You frowned in confusion.

“Apparently her school had taught them how to identify police station buildings, fire stations, that sort of thing. One of the patrol officers found her somewhere outside the district and brought her in. When I came into the building, Trudy was already talking to her. You got a brilliant kid.”

“I was scared, Jay. Putting my four year old out on the street like that? What if someone took her? What if something worse happened because she was alone?” You whispered, your voice trembling. “But she would be in far more danger inside, so I…”

Jay leaned forward to stroke the top of your head. “Slow breaths, Y/N. It’s okay, she’s okay. I promise.”

You met his green eyes and nodded, your breathing slowing again.

“Get some rest. Connor said they’re moving you to a room. I’ll check on Will and Chloe and I’ll bring her by, alright?”

You nodded, as Jay smiled at you and disappeared out the door.

This had thrown a whole wrench in your plan to not fall deeper into what you already knew were feelings for Jay Halstead. You’d told yourself, and him, that you weren’t ready, that you couldn’t deal with anything romantic. But this? You weren’t prepared for. The way Jay just swept in to take care of you and Chloe even though you were holding him at arm’s length, the way you knew that if Jay was there, Chloe would be safe, and so would you.

“We got them, Jay. They were too high to worry about security cameras, Kim got them before they hit another store.”

Those were the only words Jay needed to hear right now. “Where are they?”

Jay heard his partner sigh over the phone. “Coming down from their high. It’ll be another few hours I think. Everything okay there?”

Jay glanced over where Will was bringing Chloe back in. “Yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can. I want in on the interrogation.”

Jay hung up the phone as Chloe ran towards him. “Jay, can we see Mom?”

Jay glanced at Will but bent down to speak to Chloe. “Yeah, but can we talk first?”

Chloe nodded.

“Mom got a bit hurt. We can go see her but it might be a little scary, alright?”

Chloe studied Jay before she nodded. “I’m not scared.”

Jay smiled. “Alright, come on.” He picked her up easily, as Will led the way to your room.

Jay could see the relief on your face when you finally laid eyes on Chloe. “Gentle, okay?” Jay whispered as he put Chloe down next to you and she hugged you, burying her face into your neck. You held her close to you, finally feeling like you could breathe right.

“You okay?” You asked her.

Chloe nodded. “Jay kept his promise. And Will and I had pudding.”

You smiled, glancing back at them. “Thanks, guys.”

Will smiled, nodding before he joined Connor to peer at your chart. “I’m gonna have you here at least a week if not longer.”

“Connor… I can’t.” You said, glancing at Chloe who was lying comfortably beside you now.

Connor sighed. “Y/N, your injuries… you know this. There’s an equal chance of internal bleeding so close after surgery. A week is already pushing it, alright? Is there anyone… her father?”

Chloe’s eyes darted up. “No, I don’t wanna.”

Jay glanced at Connor, then Will, before back at you.

“Y/N, we’ll work something out, alright? Let me talk to Voight, see if there’s anything I can do.” Jay said, standing up. “I gotta go back to the district, but I’ll swing by later this evening?”

“What are you…”

Jay just smiled. “Trust me.”

He leaned forward to pat the top of Chloe’s head affectionately. “I’ll see you later, kid.”

Chloe grinned back up at Jay and Jay squeezed your hand discreetly. But not discreetly enough, as Will gave his brother a look accompanied by a small knowing smile.

Jay’s idea of ‘work something out’ was the village. Natalie had come by to tell you that Owen would be more than happy to have a playmate for a few days, Jay had said that he had a few days he could take and he’d be more than happy to take Chloe home or stay with her, whichever made you more comfortable.

So you’d let Chloe decide.

You’d been trying to ease Chloe back into seeing Caleb more, especially since he seemed more interested in reconnecting with his daughter. But it hadn’t been easy and you weren’t keen on shipping her off there while you were in the hospital. You’d rather have Chloe choose who she wanted to stay with. Chloe and Owen had been on a few play dates, even though you and Natalie weren’t terribly close, but you kind of knew what Chloe would choose even before she’d said it.

To say you weren’t happy with it was an outright lie, because you knew that Chloe would be safe and happy. But it wasn’t helpful to you.

“You sure you can take the few days? I don’t want to put you out more than…” You asked Jay. He’d been gone for most of the day but he’d just come back from the district.

Jay gave you a look. “I already took the few days. They owe me furlough anyway and it’s a…” He shrugged. “Family emergency.

You felt the breath catch in your throat. Here you were, practically dangling him on the line, not wanting to cross a line with him, but there he was willing to do almost anything just to keep you at ease and to keep your daughter happy.

Jay smiled, putting his hands up. “I didn’t mean anything by it, alright? I’m not pressuring you or anything.”

“Jay.” You stopped him. “I know.”

Jay let his mouth fall shut before he smiled. “Anyway, we got them. I went back to do the interrogation. They were high and just…” He sighed. “This shouldn’t have happened.”

You just gave him a small smile and turned just a little to look at your daughter who was busy drawing on some papers that April and Maggie had delivered up to you.

“At least she wasn’t hurt.” You whispered.

Jay headed over towards you, stopping just a little distance away like he was being careful about pushing the boundaries. “You shouldn’t have been hurt either.” His voice was low.

“Did she give it to you?” You asked.

Jay raised an eyebrow.

“Chloe? Weren’t you going to give Jay something?” You asked.

Chloe’s head jerked upwards and she grinned before she reached for her bag and took out the paper she’d been carefully carrying around all day, before she handed it to Jay, her little features scanning his face and watching his reaction.

Jay took it from Chloe, the four-year old handwriting of “My Hero” scribbled at the top, along with a drawing of what could only have been Jay in a police uniform.

“And that’s me and Mom!” Chloe said excitedly, pointing to the two small figures next to him. “Do you like it?”

Jay glanced at you, smiling, before he turned back to Chloe, bending back down to her eye level. “I love it. Thank you, Chloe. This is for me, right?”

Chloe nodded and Jay smiled as she threw her tiny arms around his neck.

“I’ll keep it really well.“ Jay told her as she pulled out of the hug. "So what do you say we go home and let Mom rest? We can come back tomorrow.” He told her.

Chloe nodded. “Are we going to your house?”

Jay glanced at you and you pointed to your bag, where Jay found your keys so that he could go pick up some of Chloe’s things.

“Are you sure about this, Jay? You can still back out of this.” You asked him in a low voice.

Jay nodded. “We’ll be fine. Won’t we?”

Chloe smiled. “We’re going to have a sleepover!”

You laughed, feeling the pain from well, everywhere, shoot through your body and you winced.

Jay’s head snapped towards you and you shook your head. “I’ll be fine. Go on.”

Chloe came to the side of your bed. “Bye, Mom.”

“Be good.” You whispered, leaning out far enough to give her a quick kiss to her forehead.

Jay picked Chloe into his arms and grabbed her bag. “Jay.” You stopped him, as he turned to look at you.


Jay winked, before he left with your daughter, leaving you staring at the ceiling.

Everything hurt, and everything felt more confusing, but at the very least, you knew you and Chloe were in safe hands.


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Never Later

Pairing: Adam Ruzek x Reader

Requested:yes, by @adamruz for my “Write That GIF!” 2.5k celebration!

Summary: Adam and Y/N get interrupted when they need to get a move on their current investigation. Y/N soon finds herself in an unexpected predicament.

*not my gif*

Word Count:1,761

Warnings: canon-typical mentions of guns, hostage situations, blood

A/N: Lexi, you know how I feel about my Adam writing, so I hope you like this! Also, special mention to @mertes4cker for being my beta!


“… so we checked through her recent transactions but there’s nothing that even hints of any ties to cartels.”

Adam leant against one of the desks in the bullpen, moving his hands as he spoke. You struggled to focus, to stop staring at the way Adam’s eyebrows furrowed a little slightly as he was talking, or the way his hands moved as he talked.

Get a grip, Y/N.

You could only say you were glad that you’d almost perfected the art of multitasking, especially since there was something about the way Adam briefed the team about a case, decked out in his checkered shirt and denim jacket that had you extremely distracted. So you were glad when Voight had finally interjected with his own views and instructions, you had no choice but to tear your eyes away from your boyfriend.

Faced with another pile of footage to go through, you’d retreated back into the pantry for a cup of coffee.

“Did you hear a word I said in there?”

You looked up just as Adam stepped in, closing the pantry door behind him. You could see the twinkle in his eyes that meant he was in a cheeky mood, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Of course I did.” You narrowed your eyes at him and Adam let out the tiny laugh that you loved, so much so you turned away again.

You felt Adam’s hand close gently around your wrist before he turned you back around to look at him.

“Adam, we’re at work.” You growled, as he leaned in closer with a smile.

“I wanted to tell you something.” He said and you could hear the smile in his voice, just as someone knocked the pantry door.

“Hey, we gotta go.” Jay said, cracking the door open.

You saw the stupid annoying smile cross your partner’s face and you rolled your eyes, before you looked back at Adam.

Adam smiled. “We’ll talk later.”

You nodded and Adam squeezed your hand before you followed Jay out, punching him on the arm for being annoying and shooting your boyfriend one last smile.

You and Jay had hit another dead end at the victim’s workplace, but Kevin had called to say that he and Kim had found an address that seemed like a storage unit which had kept popping up and was probably worth checking out. So Jay had turned his truck back around and Kevin had told you that Adam and Hailey were on their way and would meet the both of you there.

You glanced around as Jay pulled up but the street was quiet and you looked up at the building. It was one of those self-storage places which you were used to, since if there was anything to hide, a self-storage place which wasn’t manned by any staff was the best place to use.

You glanced at your phone. “Warrant’s clear.” You told Jay as your eyes quickly scanned the contents of the text that Kim had sent you.

Jay nodded back at you, breaking open the lock and pulling up the shutters of the storage unit.

Jay stepped in, his eyes falling on a secured box and you were about to step up to join him just as you heard the cock of a gun and the unmistakable feeling of the nozzle of a gun pressed to the back of your neck.


You froze, just as you saw Jay freeze as he looked up from where he was.

You’d let your own fucking guard down. Just because you thought you’d been coming to check out some of the victim’s stuff. You should have known something was up, especially since Kevin had reminded the both of you that they’d found this unit under the victim’s mother’s name.

Jay raised his hands slowly, his eyes flicking to yours.

“Alright, we are all going to calm down, alright?” Jay said, and you could hear the concerted effort it took your partner to keep his voice even and steady.

“You’re going to give me that box. That bitch stole it from me.” You heard the growl from behind you, realizing at that moment that the investigation had been clean because of him. He must have been a hidden boyfriend or something that none of you had dug up, yet.

Jay looked back at the box he’d been going for. “Okay. I need you to put your gun down.”

“Shut the hell up.” The guy growled and you felt him tug you backwards, feeling your body crash against him as he now held the gun to your temple.

You exhaled.

“He’s just nervous because you got a gun pointed at my head, alright?” You spoke for the first time now, finally feeling confident enough to speak without your voice shaking.

“Shut up.” He growled, digging the gun harder into your temple.

There was a short silence. It was almost like he hadn’t thought of how he was going to get out of this one.

“We’re leaving. Give her the box.”

Jay looked up again. “I can’t let you do that. You can take the box, just let her go.”

You glanced up at him in alarm but Jay gave you a look. You’d been partners long enough to know what it meant - stand down.

You took the box from Jay, failing to stop your hands from shaking just a little. You swallowed and the moment your fingers wrapped around the box, he tugged you right back, creating the distance between Jay and you again but he didn’t stop this time as you felt yourself being dragged back out of the storage unit to God knows where.

Adam stopped the car right behind Jay’s, glancing up.

“They must have gone right in, come on.” Hailey said, putting a hand on the door when movement caught their eye.

Adam felt himself freeze, his heart dropping right down to his gut as he saw you being dragged out onto the street, Jay close behind.

“What the…”

Hailey glanced at Adam. “Adam, look at me. Can you handle this?”

“What are you going to do?” Adam asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the scene that terrified him to his bones.

“I’m gonna shoot.” Hailey answered, reaching behind for her long range weapon.

You had your eyes fixed on Jay, your feet trying to keep up with the pace as he yanked you backwards.

“We’re leaving together.” The guy growled.

“You know I can’t let you do that.” Jay said, trying to talk over the street sounds.

There was the very obvious sound of a car engine and the perp turned, forcing you to turn with him.



You could see the checkered shirt from earlier that day peeking out from under his police vest and you swallowed, just feeling the relief of seeing Adam standing there, although Jay wasn’t as relaxed.

You gave Adam a small nod.

I’m okay.

Adam could feel the emotions threaten to bubble over the surface, could feel the impulse rage under his skin that made him want to pounce at the man standing there with his gun to your head. But Adam also knew that any step out of line would put you in danger. Adam would risk his life but he would neverrisk anyone he cared about, especially you.

Adam put his hands out in front of him. “Rick, right?”

Kevin had called just minutes before they’d pulled up to update them on the newest development.

You could feel him tense up and you took another breath as you felt his hold on you tighten.

“Listen to me. Right now, this isn’t looking good for you alright?” Adam said, his eyes flicking towards you, before he glanced at Jay and made a small motion with his head.

A small frown crossed Jay’s face before he realized what was happening and stepped off to the side. “Hey, hey. Let’s all calm down.” Jay said, as Rick swung his head to glance at Jay, allowing Adam to step backwards.

Adam glanced at you, nodding. “Let’s all get what we want, alright? You let her go and we’ll let you go too. Fair swap, alright? We just want her safe, that’s all.”

Adam’s eyes rested on Rick’s finger which was now hovering near the trigger. If Hailey didn’t…

The gunshot resounded across the street as both you and the perp fell against the floor, the blood pooling on the concrete.

“Y/N!” Both Adam and Jay’s voices mixed together as they headed towards you, Jay pulling the perp off you as Adam reached for you.

“Y/N, please, oh my god.” Adam mumbled, his hands reaching around you to pull you towards him.

You opened your eyes and Adam breathed out a sigh. “You okay? Are you hit?”

You exhaled a shaky breath before you shook his head. “It’s all him, it’s all his blood. For a moment, I thought…”

Adam didn’t let you finish your sentence as he pulled you into his arms, not caring about the blood that was all over. A gentle hand on the back of your head, Adam gently pressed you into him, as if he was afraid you’d fall to pieces if he let go.

“Thank god.” Adam whispered, as you buried your face into his shoulder, taking deep breaths to try to slow your own heartbeat.

As your breathing slowed, Adam pulled away enough just to help you to your feet.

Jay nodded at Adam. “I got this.”

You glanced back at your partner and gave him a small smile, which Jay reciprocated.

Adam helped you off to the side, before he pulled you back into a hug.

“Adam, you’re gonna get all…”

But Adam didn’t care, fitting you right where you belonged, in his arms. His hands wrapped around you gently and you sighed into his shoulder, as he rested his cheek against the top of your head.

“I love you.” Adam whispered.

You smiled without looking up, pressed into him. “I love you too, you know that.”

Adam nodded. “But I’m always going to say it when it comes up in my mind. No more laters, never later. I thought I was going to lose you.”

“No way, you won’t get rid of me that easily.” You muttered into his shoulder.

Adam didn’t answer, just pulled you in even deeper.

“Never later.” You agreed.

Adam pulled back to look at you, before he pressed his lips firmly onto your forehead. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”


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