#sex toy tf

Heya sexy! So, um, y'know how you always say that you’d wanna fuck Lexi? Well, like, we had lunch to

Heya sexy! So, um, y'know how you always say that you’d wanna fuck Lexi? Well, like, we had lunch today and she said she was gonna be alone for Valentine’s Day. That made me really really sad ‘cause she seemed lonely and she’s, like, my bestie and she should totes be getting fucked all the time. But then I had the best idea and I asked her if she wanted to have a three-way. I was super excited but she said no and it totally bummed me out ‘cause I really wanted to get you something special.

But then I got, like, another idea and I gave her the special juice that makes me all bimbo and sexy and stuff. I dunno what happened but she turned inta this instead. It’s kinda hot and her pussy feels super good! I know it’s not, like, a real threesome, but we should totally still play with her!

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