#sex workers rights


look not to be a bitch about this, but since people love to not fucking read, the people claiming the backpage indictment makes no mention of trafficking are wrong. the document is available in full here (csa warning at the link), and in paragraph 162 it makes specific mention of the trafficking-related charges in paragraphs 1-161. as the founders did not themselves transport or coerce anyone, they are not being charged under the actual trafficking acts, but ARE being charged with a plethora of trafficking-related shit under the travel act. i just fail to see what help obfuscating this fact does anyone advocating backpage as a resource for sex workers.

Please share: Presentation for 4/23 9 PM EST Urban Survivors Union sex worker organizing group confePlease share: Presentation for 4/23 9 PM EST Urban Survivors Union sex worker organizing group confe

Please share: Presentation for 4/23 9 PM EST Urban Survivors Union sex worker organizing group conference call: Shawna Ferris and (time-permitting) Amy Lebovitch will be discussing how to protect ourselves from potentially exploitative researchers as our sex worker orgs gain visibility. Shawna Ferris wrote the groundbreaking _Street Sex Work and Canadian Cities: Resisting A Dangerous Order_, the most brilliant book I’ve ever read on sex work, neoliberalism, gentrification, and media tropes. Of course, most of us know Amy Lebovitch as the acclaimed sex worker activist famous for being one of the plaintiffs in Bedford v. Canada. Outdoor sex workers in particular,as well as other marginalized groups of workers, get pressure to take part in research, so it behooves outsider sex worker orgs made up of street workers, drug-using workers, trans workers, migrant workers, etc, to prepare strategies for responding to these queries. Shawna and Amy will go over how to set agendas and protect ourselves from or in research w/various kinds of academics-students, graduates, university professors, etc. They’ll also outline what different kinds of researchers can offer our communities and what they can pay us as subjects. As usual, any current or ex drug-using sex workers or current or ex sex workers interested in harm reduction or drug users union work are invited to the call! Respectful harm reduction and drug users union allies who don’t center themselves at our expense are also welcome. Again, this biweekly call will take place on 4/23, 9 PM EST. The info for the call is always the same–over laptop/tablet/smartphone– https://www.gotomeet.me/LouiseVincent
On your phone in the US–+1 (786) 535-3211
Access Code–615-430-549

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Urban Survivors Union sex worker organizing call tonight at 9 PM EST! The next one after this will b

Urban Survivors Union sex worker organizing call tonight at 9 PM EST! The next one after this will be 4/23 at 9 PM EST. Info always the same:
Over laptop/tablet/smartphone: https://www.gotomeet.me/LouiseVincent
On your phone in the US–+1 (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 615-430-549

All current or ex sex workers interested in harm reduction, particularly current or ex-drug-using sex workers, are welcome, as well as respectful harm reduction or drug users union allies.
What we’ll be discussing on the call tonight:
1) Strategizing to have all call members attend the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in St Louis in November, either via DPA scholarship or through USU-created scholarships, so that we can meet as a nascent group in person.
2) What I can do to represent us at some coming harm reduction events
3) What presenters do you want on the call in the future?
4) What do you want to do with any funding we acquire? Does anyone want to volunteer to help with grant writing or grant editing?
5) What can we do to link up the Urban Survivors Union #reframetheblamecampaign against drug-induced homicide laws to sex workers’ rights and women’s issues? (Not to say those are the same thing.) http://ncurbansurvivorunion.org/sex-work-and-reframethebla…/
6) What would you like to do with the free reign we’ve been given with the sex work section of the USU site? With USU server space?
7) What is the best way to utilize a national call like this in general? How can we use it to help with the regional work we’re all doing separately?
If you’re interested in the calls in general, PM me your email and I can add you to the regular calendar alerts,

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It’s that time again–I’m soliciting submissions for Tits and Sass, the blog by and for sex workers which I co-edit. How do you feel Trump’s presidency is affecting sex workers–migrant sex workers, Latinx sex workers, Muslim sex workers? We especially welcome pieces by and interviews with migrant sex workers themselves. What should the sex workers’ rights movement do to participate in the resistance, and how is that participation made more difficult by exclusionary gestures against us like the recent fiasco over the Women’s March document? How are we as sex workers adapting to the Backpage closure? Any commentary on BP CEO and shareholders’ continuing battle against California pimping charges against them and their next court date on Thursday? And, as always, reviews of sex work related media, personal essays with universal significance, and analysis of movement issues are always welcome. Pseudonymity and confidentiality is guaranteed, and we’re always eager to help beginner writers hone their craft. Email me at [email protected]!
