#know your enemy

“Know Your Enemy” DVD promo video

“Know Your Enemy” DVD promo video

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look not to be a bitch about this, but since people love to not fucking read, the people claiming the backpage indictment makes no mention of trafficking are wrong. the document is available in full here (csa warning at the link), and in paragraph 162 it makes specific mention of the trafficking-related charges in paragraphs 1-161. as the founders did not themselves transport or coerce anyone, they are not being charged under the actual trafficking acts, but ARE being charged with a plethora of trafficking-related shit under the travel act. i just fail to see what help obfuscating this fact does anyone advocating backpage as a resource for sex workers.

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#winter    #invierno    #paillaco    #valdivia    #dreams    #santiago    #concepcion    #temuco    #valparaiso    #fanzine    #present    #know your enemy    #cinema    #video art    #artist on tumblr    #jano soto cossio    #argentina    #window    #nature    #evolution    #cine diario    
#skateboarding    #skatepark    #paillaco    #winter    #artist on tumblr    #jano soto cossio    #cine diario    #glitch    #valdivia    #santiago    #mexico    #covid-19    #know your enemy    #dreams    #evolution    #nature    #concepcion    #temuco    #argentina    #españa    #video art    #documentary    
#rifitax    #winter    #paillaco    #covid-19    #dreams    #cine diario    #know your enemy    #santiago    #valparaiso    #concepcion    #temuco    #chiloe    #osorno    #valdivia    #iquique    #antofagasta    #argentina    #españa    #mexico    #skateboarding    #street photography    #film is not dead    #dead kennedys    #dog bite    #nature    #jano soto cossio    
#paillaco    #artist on tumblr    #video art    #jano soto cossio    #valdivia    #osorno    #puerto montt    #concepcion    #temuco    #santiago    #valparaiso    #chiloe    #antofagasta    #argentina    #mexico    #brasil    #españa    #germany    #uruguay    #covid-19    #know your enemy    #misfits    #dead kennedys    #film is not dead    #cine diario    #bolsonaro    