

An upcoming exhibition at the Wien Museum in Vienna will feature the only know surviving pink triangle from the Nazi period and the persecution of homosexuals. 

Orginally owned by Viennese Josef Kohout (also known as Heinz Heger), the badge from his Flossenberg concentration camp uniform was donated to the USHMM in 1994 by his partner. The video above shows the object arriving at the Wien Museum and being unpackaged by the museum staff. 

The exhibition, “Sex in Vienna: Desire. Control. Transgression” opens on September 15th and will run until 22nd February 2017. 

A review will follow in due course, naturally!



For more information about Josef Kohout.  

For the online catalogue entry at the USHMM

Information about the Sex in Vienna exhibition

#sexinvienna    #wienmuseum    #exhibition    #vienna    #austria    