

…if it ain’t got that swing! 

I dance a lot. If you can’t find me at any given time, it’s probably because I’m twirling somewhere. When you’re a follow in swing dance, you have to be a “zen master.” Attuned to my partner’s cues, my mind goes blank. If I think too hard about what my body is doing, I stiffen and the dance falls apart. Yet, I’m still completely focused, aware, and ready in motion. 

It’s a lot like that with diabetes, too. If I think too hard and become neurotic about my BG, things go wrong. I overcorrect, under eat, and dip too low. If I’m not aware at all, well then…no one likes DKA. 

Like dancing, diabetes relies on communication between you and your body. And yeah, sometimes you trip and fall or accidentally punch your partner in the face, but that’s okay. It happens! 

Plus, dance (or any physical activity) is great for BG control and looking sexy. Representing that pump life!
