#sfw art


Felt like drawing mersai

B or o s

Alien.. man..

Happy hallowweeeeen

I have my regular stylus back :’D free time not so much yet

I think I’m getting the hang of drawing without pen pressure. Kinda

In case you’ve been wondering where I am, my kitten needed surgery and then my stylus broke so it’s been a very busy yet unproductive few weeks :’D new stylus has no pen pressure sensitivity… it will.. have to do for now…

My half of art trade with @rorobun !!! She asked for her oc Mayu and Saitama hanging out :D

Tfw your reflexes are faster than your brain



Saw a kitten in my backyard Q_Q left it alone for its mama to find it but here’s king living my dreams

Update pic because kitten is now around three months old and is my precious son

practice… also the full sketch which my cat would not let me inkpractice… also the full sketch which my cat would not let me ink

practice… also the full sketch which my cat would not let me ink

Post link

Nin ?????

Repainted an old piece
