#sfw ddxlg


Somedays this can even be daddy’s! Sometimes we just need the physical affection of those we love and hold dear!!!

I love what this small little community is growing into! There is now over 100 you guys!! Thank you so much for enjoying what I show you guys!

Also this is just something cute and silly, but do not try at home!! You’re caregiver might have words for me if you do!

Just you’re friendly reminder your valid! Have a great day with your stuffies and cuddles!

Saw this and had to share. Doesn’t matter your size you are a valid little no matter what! If your skinny or a big girl! It has no effect on you being a little! Everyone is valid!!

No matter who are you are you deserve to feel loved! Daddy’s, littles, mommy’s! You are all valid and all deserve the best!

Sometimes your little want your attention and fun little things like this happen! Note love these moment! Dont get upset with your little if something like this happens. Smile and put em in your lap while you play.

If you got an FB check out this guy he’s pretty sweet!! Anyways, sometimes you just gotta know they want. Sometimes little want some of that sweet choccy milk. Others it’s a punishment, and sometimes it’s all and everything in between. It takes time to know that kind of stuff, so if you have a daddy that you recently got with do not expect them to understand everything right away especially if they are new! And daddys don’t get discouraged if you don’t understand at first use it as a game! See what they want and dont want taking mental notes!

When dating or being with someone that has days like especially if they are a little, or even a dom they’re few things that are a little different.

Littles: in these depressed states it’s hard, hard to get up and hard to do anything. Your little is a big part of your life so if this means they wake up real late. Still have them do the chores (or whatever else you have in the relationship) keep them in that schedule even if there super sad. BUT also keep in mind you may just have to let them have a day especially if it gets really bad. Those are the days you cuddle your little till they can’t breath (haha) or give them the space they need. Remember communication is key.

Cg: Cg care especially at a time like this is different from littles not as much just a little flipped, at least in my experience. Littles this may be a time to where they just need you, physically and mentally. Tell them how much you care and try to keep the daily stuff going. Encourage them to help you out or maybe even play! Try to get them to do stuff even if the day they’re having starts off at 5 pm.

Of course all of this is just from my experience and may widely differ person to person I Just thought it would be nice share my opinion on the matter!
