#ddxlg little


Hey guys! Sorry I was away for so long, I’ve been working a lot because of this virus.. then I even got sick!! Finially feeling better though! Back to our regular wholesome fun!!

This is definitely some people I know, they wear the biggest things from they’re cg, or even their own big sweaters/jackets and do this. I have been PHYSICALLY ATTACKED before with sleeves.

Somedays, this is all it comes down to. Having someone you can be vulnerable with and share your experiences and emotions. Even through the tears, and the pain. Always find someone who you feel safe enough to be vulnerable with!

For every little and caregiver out there!! No matter what time (even with this locking us up at home stuff going on!)Its always a good thing to make sure your little does what they need to, but make sure you tell them how much you love them and how proud you are too!!!

I’ve had this happen before… its ridiculous but at the same time can bring a smile to both faces for being so silly!!

Sometimes ya just gotta be bratty ya know? But definitely make sure to tell your caregiver that you still love and cherish them! It’s always really good to hear that!

No matter who you are cuddles are amazing!!! Weather your a caregiver or a little. Or maybe even a lizard! Everyone loves cuddles!

This is very true guys, I cannot tell you how many times this has happened. Littles do this for your caregivers as well!! This is a big deal! Sometimes they can feel unloved and need that big boost just like littles do!

Just you’re friendly reminder your valid! Have a great day with your stuffies and cuddles!

All I want right now is to be held by daddy while I cuddle with stuffies and drift off to sweep


Reasons I make baby noises

I’m comfy

I got snackies

I’m not comfy

Daddy isn’t home

Daddy is doing icky homework

Daddy is home

I’m excited

I like noises

I am Baby
