

Just got done watching the Watcher making of video, and this exchange between Ryan and Shane caught my attention:

Ryan: “So we all put personal investment into this.”

Shane: “Yes.”

Ryan: “For an undisclosed amount but let’s just say it was a lot. How did you feel when you finally had put in that capital of your own?”

Shane: “Um, I felt nothing. I made myself feel nothing.”

Wait a deep fried minute, Shane Madej can make himself feel nothing? Like, AT WILL?? Why is no one talking about this clear super power of his?! Dude can apparently just click off his emotions. That’s dope as shit. I WISH I could do that instead of just simping to my own emotions all the damn time!

I guess you don’t have to be an artist in order to recognize this little deadly demon among the others.

Shane + Glasses

Shane lookin’ a bit like a film director here.

“Ryan looks 100% better when I can’t see him clearly.”

Shane + Obi

Obi looking at Shane like “I pretend bugs are you and I eat them”.


These are my favorites. He looks so maternal.

Shane is just a long, willowy-limbed, funny-ass guy with too much extra leg room.

Ryan: “Take your Shitcago right back to Chicago.”

“Ryan, can you put it on? Cuz I - my *hands*..don’t work.”


it’s 2:52 am and i can’t stop thinking about this:

Adding this to my collection.

And the SECOND most attractive thing Shane ever said was “Eat/Steal from the Rich.” I love a cute comrade! Whoever said the revolution would not be televised didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about.

“Hey there demons, it’s me, ya boi…”~

My best friend and I were ya bois for Halloween, we dragged my friend Micaev and her camera into my backyard and did a spoopy shoot and frankly it was the peak of our cosplay careers.

Ashquee’s faces we couldn’t see till we looked at the back of the camera because of now dark it was out and each one was an amazing new surprise.

I’ve connected the dots.

You havent connected shit.

I’ve connected them.

Been bringing the BOYS so here we are hehe


as rod stewart would say
twinsfawn:cheers i’ll drink to that bro


cheers i’ll drink to that bro

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