#fuck the rich


And the SECOND most attractive thing Shane ever said was “Eat/Steal from the Rich.” I love a cute comrade! Whoever said the revolution would not be televised didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about.


this isn’t a hot take so much as a legislative suggestion but honestly i think there should be consequences if you dress boring at the met gala. it should be like an elimination bracket where only the top 30 best dressed people get to come back next year and they have to find new people to fill it out and you can only try again after 5 years of repentance

What’s the point of a dress code if you’re allowed to ignore it??? These rich people can get away with so much as is, there needs to be SOMETHING where they actually have to respect the rules and can’t just do as they please.

We’ve got to have standards, dangit!


“A poor man died building a rich man’s luxury tower”

Pasteups in NYC





It’s that or “Just rely on your wealthy relatives! Everyone has those, right?”

literally the worst thing i have ever read

I’m gonna puke and I wanna punch him in his posing for middle school pictures face
