#shawn mendes fanfic

I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for

I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for this day, you’re 20! Happy Birthday, Muffin. And I love you so much. ❤️

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Shawn Mendes x Juliana Gambino
Summary: There’s secrets on both sides of the fence it seems…
Warning: Action, I guess. Violence, language.  
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged


I peered out into the horizon, watching the sunrise from my patio. It was a beautiful orangey-pink that made me feel warm.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Shawn said while holding a tray of food.
“Morning, baby,” I smiled.
“Your favorites, waffles with blueberry syrup, a fresh cup of coffee, and sliced mango,” He beamed at me.
“Aw, you’re too cute,” I said taking a small bite from a waffle.
“You don’t have to go to work today, do you?”
I fixed my sunglasses, “Shawn, you know I have to go…come on.”
“I arranged dinner plans for tonight…” He said dropping his head.
“I’ll be back before then, I promise,” I caressed his face.
The corner of his mouth lifted, “Good.”
“Now, let’s eat-” I began before my phone rang, “Hold on.”
“Ms. Madles,” A voice I recognized to be Lupo, my assistant, said.
“What can I do for you, Lu,” I rolled my eyes.
“It’s an emergency,” He said, “You have to get out of your house.”
“What? What the hell is going on?”
“Remember Algolucci?”
My eyes widened.


“Juliana, baby, if you have any goals in life, go for them,” My father casually smoked a cigar.
I was about 10 years-old at the time so I didn’t necessarily have any particular goals, “I don’t get it…”
“You will. Trust me,” He smiled, “Come here.”
I walked over to where his bodyguards usually would be standing. He was a giant compared to me. I’m talking 6'4, buff, broad shoulders, if he weren’t my father, I’d be terrified of him. But a gentle giant he was, at least to me.
“Always remember, however, there are bad guys that will always try and take your goals,” He said.
“I can fight them,” I said, frowning my face.
“Ah, but you can’t. Princesses don’t fight,” He softly poked me, making me giggle.
“Can I have a bodyguard like you?”
“I’m your personal bodyguard,” He winked as someone knocked on the door.
Both of us looked toward the door, “Who is it?” He said, his voice bellowed through our house.
“It’s Vinny, we got Rossi,” Vinny announced.
My father rubbed my shoulder, “Sweetheart, why don’t you go upstairs and play with your toys.”
Of course, I obeyed my father and opened the door, revealing a mob of huge men peering down at me as if my eyeball was hanging out the socket. There was one guy in particular that I saw. He had bright brown eyes, greasy black hair, a 5 o'clock shadow, and tattoos all over him. That was Mark Salvato Algolucci or just Algolucci. Another man, I was guessing to be Rossi, was shivering with fear. I walked through the valley of giants and skipped up the stairs, pretending like I was leaving until they closed the door. At the top of the stairs, there’s a window to the room that I discovered when my father and mother argued. I can see and hear perfectly as if I’m in the room myself.
“Rossi,” My father said with disgust.
“He was trying to get away from us,” Vinny said, he’s such a troublemaker.
“Did you get it?” My father asked.
“N-Not-” Rossi began before my father interrupted.
“Y'know, Rossi, I gave you 5 weeks…you should’ve at least accomplished something.”
“I tried-” Rossi started.
“I don’t want to hear…‘try’ or 'I wanted’…I want my fucking money.”
“I can try again,” Rossi pleaded.
“Mmm,” My father hummed.
“I have a family, please,” Rossi begged.
My father laughed, “I have a family too…if it were the other way around, I’d be dead.”
“No,no-” Rossi tried.
My father waved his hand, “Algolucci.”
Algolucci walked up to Rossi, calmly, and shot him in the forehead. His blood spattered on the wall behind him. When Rossi fell, Algolucci continued to ram bullets into his lifeless body. I jumped at the sudden sounds. I watched, tears welling up in my eyes. As I rubbed my chest to calm my heart, I remember seeing Algolucci staring up at me, as if he made the shots gruesome just for my innocent eyes.

“Yeah, yeah I remember him…” I said.
“Yeah? Well, he’s out for you,” Lupo exclaimed, “In fact, you’re on the run from…maybe…the whole mafia…”
“Me? Why?!” I screeched.
“I’ll explain later, I’ll meet you at the hideout,” He said.
I hung up. “Everything alright?”
I turned to Shawn who looked worried, “Oh yeah! Of course, honey…” I lied.
“Well, let’s eat-” Shawn sat down.
“Shawn, we have to go, now…”
“We have to leave…the house-” I began to explain before we both heard glass break in the house.
“What is that?” Shawn stood up, confused.
My heart raced, “I don’t know…”
We walked into our room which led from the patio, “Jul, tell me something for god’s-”
“Shhh,” I hushed Shawn. There were people downstairs.
I opened the door of our bedroom slowly and looked over the banister of the stairs. “Who are they?!” Shawn whispered.
I sighed, I didn’t want to tell him…but I had to at some point. I ran back to the room and opened my underwear drawer.
“What the hell is going on,” Shawn said sternly.
“You have to be quiet,” I said.
“I’m not being quiet until you tell me WHAT’S GOING-” He began raising his voice.
“Alright, alright!” I said, “I have to explain later. But those guys are out to get me.”
“I don’t get it…”
“Shawn, go inside the closet.”
“What? No way,” He laughed ridiculously.
“Just do it!” I pushed him the closet.
“But you’ll get hurt,” He said, his eyes sparkling.
“I won’t, I promise.”
I closed the closet door and went out into the hallway. I quietly slipped downstairs to see 4 guys searching through our stuff. I grabbed a vase and slammed it against the closest guys head. As he dropped to the ground, the other guy threw his fist at me. I dodged it and jabbed his chest which didn’t have much effect. I saw the opportunity to run so I did. To the kitchen. I grabbed a chair and knocked him in his head with it. Two down. Two to go. Now, over my years of growing, my father never taught me how to fight. But I taught myself. I took 4 years of martial arts, 3 years of defensive training, and I got a black belt in karate. Yet, I still suck at fighting.
“Why are you here!” I shouted.
“You know why,” A man with a beard said.
“Clearly…I don’t…” I narrowed my eyes.
“You’re quite the fighter, I must say. But you have something that I want.”
“Who are you?”
“Joey Maccapachi,” He smiled.
“Wait…so Algolucci didn’t send you?” I shook my head.
“No,” He frowned, “I beat them here.”
“Enough talking, give me the money or you’ll die,” He said holding his gun at me.
“I don’t have it!” I said.
“You do. Vinny told us exactly where you hid it,” He said, making my eyes bulge.
“Yes. Your father’s right-hand man…” He said, laughing maniacally. He pointed his gun at me and almost pulled the trigger.
From out of nowhere, a man jumped on me from the side. We flew into the cabinets, I looked up to see Shawn standing there, hovering over me.
“Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, aka the boss…what a surprise…” Joey said to my surprise.
How does he know Shawn?!

To be continued? Feedbacks?✨ Share this for more Follow my other blogs, @jjeepersnutss@riverdale-teenwolf

1. I wish I was that cat. 2. How is he that fucking beautiful while holding a cat. 3. His smile.4. T

1. I wish I was that cat. 
2. How is he that fucking beautiful while holding a cat. 
3. His smile.
4. The cat’s face. 
5. My husband, shirtless, with a cat.

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a/n: I’m just going to leave this here and I’m kind of scared about it. this is just a small portion from the beginning. tbh, it’s not that small because I don’t know how much to reveal during a sneak peek but oh well. also the full story is up to 16k words already!

based off the movie my best friend’s wedding

summary:you finally realize that you’re in love with your best friend from college just as he’s about to get married. your plan and solution… break up the wedding with the help of your obnoxious playboy neighbor as your wedding date


He was getting married. YourCameron.YourCam. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t how your lives were supposed to play out. He had loved you through college and years after that. He couldn’t have possibly proposed to some girl he had known for only a couple of months. It was completely wrong in every sane way and the only justification you could think of was that he was mentally unstable. To make matters worse, the wedding was in five days. You had five days to stop this wedding and knock him back to his senses. 

You barely had the strength to stand up, let alone change, so you walked across the hall in your work clothes and a pair of slippers. Your pencil skirt was wrinkled at this point and bunched up while your white button up was slightly unbuttoned on the top revealing the strap of your lacy bra. 

Out of it, the only thing you could think to do was drink and that was your plan of action as you were supposed to board a plane the next morning. Across the hall, the door of your neighbor was cracked and you heard the various voices of your friends on the other side. Slipping in, you drew the attention of a few who lingered by the door. Evie and Allen pulled you into their conversation but after a small catch up, you were able to slip away to the kitchen where you knew the fridge would be stocked with beer. 

You were the last to arrive out of the six people in your friend group. All having met in college and all still lived within the same city besides Cameron. You wondered if they knew of the news. That he was no longer yours or meant to be yours but instead belonged to some twenty-year-old trying to get a degree to become a teacher. It was soul shattering in every way and it reversed every single thing you had said about love because here you were trying to figure out a way to break up a wedding. 

Hand clasped around the cool handle of the fridge, you pulled it open and sure enough was met with a fully stocked fridge of liquor. You went for your usual and picked your poison graciously. As the door closed behind you and you popped the top off of the drink, you found the host of the “party” leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest nursing his own drink. He stared at you as if trying to pick out what happened and it only sparked annoyance in you. You raised a single brow and glared. 

“What?” you spat. 

“What’s wrong with you?” his nose scrunched up as he asked the question, and his voice alone had you rolling your eyes. 

You shook your head as you held the cold drink close to your chest, “Nothing, Shawn. It’s none of your business.” 

Shawn Mendes. Your neighbor across the hall and a man who had gotten roped into your life. He had been pulled into your friend group when he moved to the city as his childhood friend was someone you had been close to as long as Cameron. 

“You’re right,” he scoffed, “Forgot that I shouldn’t care.” 

Without giving you so much as the last word, he stepped out of the kitchen into the living room leaving you alone to have your own pity party. You groaned underneath your breath at his childish response as you couldn’t seem to have one conversation without him getting under your skin. He was the only one in your friend group that you seemed to butt heads with even if you didn’t consider him a friend.

Your eyes followed his back as he collapsed onto his couch next to Sasha pulling the brunette into a conversation. His gaze flickered back up at you through the kitchen and as he found you already looking, a smirk formed on his pink lips. It was enough to make you groan in annoyance again before turning your back to him. You took a large swig from your drink unable to stop the rage that was filling your veins quickly. It was clear, you wouldn’t be staying long as you didn’t want to ruin everyone else’s mood and you had to pack for your spontaneous trip and reserve a ticket for a flight. 

“Hey, there you are. I was wondering when you would get here.” 

Glancing over your shoulder, the anger subsided slightly as you found Conner, Shawn’s childhood friend and your other best friend aside from Cameron. The boy with his honey straight hair and soft smile went to grab a drink of his own from the fridge. You couldn’t form a response as you just stared down at your white fluffy slippers you tapped against the wooden floor. Upset was an understatement and by the curious look your friend sent over his shoulder, he could sense it. 

“Hey, you okay?” 

Taking in a deep breath, you released it and shook your head, “Did you know that Cameron was getting married this weekend?” 

Looking up you found Connor freeze, still staring into the open fridge. Caught, it was clear that it was something he had been hiding probably at Cameron’s request. Grabbing his own drink of choice, the fridge slowly closed and he turned to face you. The look on his face said it all and it was almost as if he regretted keeping a secret like this from you. “You finally called him back?” 

“Yes, and he’s getting married!” 

“I know,” he sighed, taking a step forward almost coaxing you into a comforting hug. 

You raised your arms, brows furrowed, hurt the only thing being shown on your face, “How long have you known?” 

“He called me about a month ago and I got the wedding invitation in the mail a few weeks ago. He asked me not to tell you.” 

You nodded, taking an even longer sip of your drink almost begging for that buzz to overtake the pain that seemed to be suffocating you slowly, “Of course, he did. You know what he asked me?” 

Connor didn’t say anything and you let the silence linger for a few seconds as a sad chuckle fell from your chapped lips, “He asked me if I was going to bring a date to the wedding. Like I could’ve possibly found someone better than him in this last year. Can you believe that?” 

“I’m sorry.” 

You didn’t even hear the weak apology as another thing had quickly dawned on you. Cameron had asked you to bring a date and above all things in that moment you said, yes. You were supposed to be leaving tomorrow and you needed a date to that wedding and someone who could ultimately help you stop the groom from marrying the bride. Your laughter slowly died and you stared forward at the buttons on the front of Connor’s shirt and slowly your eyes trailed up to his confused face. A light bulb had practically appeared on your head as the idea manifested.

“Y/N?” he said your name slowly as if you were a fragile child on the brink of crying any second. 

“Connor, I need a favor,” you blurted, crazy eyes widening as you grabbed meekly onto the sleeve of his shirt. 

You could see the hesitation on his face, “What?”

“Will you be my date to the wedding? I told him I was bringing someone and you and I both know there aren’t any contenders. Please?” your hand tightened around his shirt as you knew he wouldn’t like this favor you were asking of him. 

“Y/N…” he drew out your name, his own eyes dancing over your shoulder at his girlfriend sat in the living room. 

“Connor, please. I am begging you. I am way in over my head here and I need help. You said it yourself just a few months ago that Cam and I were meant for each other.” 

He shook his head as he peeled your hand from his shirt and held it in his own, “I can’t Y/N/N. I’ll be there wedding day but otherwise I have to work and you know how Sasha would feel if I hopped a plane with you and left for five days.” 

You huffed, squeezing his hand tightly, “Why can’t she just get over that we’re just friends.” 

“Look, I’m sorry but that’s what I told Cameron and I already said that I was bringing Sasha.” 

That was it… you were screwed. You dropped his hand from yours knowing that there was no amount of begging you could do to get Connor to change his mind. He was the only one who you were close enough to that could help you with this, could help you admit your feelings to the man you had been hoping to spend the rest of your life with. 

The plan was simple in your eyes. Say that Connor had broken up with Sasha and a romance had ignited out of nowhere and try to convince Cameron that he was the only man for you. Allen had crossed your mind but that was quickly off the table as he was gay and you wouldn’t be able to make Cameron believe otherwise. Which meant, you were set on going to this wedding alone. 

“Hey, I think I know someone who you can take as a date,” Connor suddenly assured which brought a new sense of warmth to your eyes. 

But as you looked up and found that your friend’s gaze was still over your shoulder, you instantly felt your stomach shake with worry. You knew who he was looking at before you even turned around but you followed who his orbs were locked on anyways. Your suspicions were proved correct when your eyes found the tall Canadian boy that was sunk in between the couch cushions. Shawn Mendes. 

At the simple suggestion, you twirled back around and laughed in Connor’s face. Was he insane? “You have got to be kidding me?” 

“I’m not.” 

“Shawn?” you gaped, “You want me to take Shawn Mendes as my wedding date?” 

Connor smirked, “Yes.” 

“That is the worst fucking idea I’ve ever heard!”


“I have an offer for you.” 

He nodded without so much as a question, “Okay, I’m listening.”

You took in a deep breath, unable to keep eye contact as you said what you did next, “You come with me this weekend as my date to a wedding and I’ll help you get rid of your hookups whenever you want.You can hide here or I can pretend to be your girlfriend or sister or whatever.”

He raised an eyebrow in your direction and you were already starting to doubt your decision, “Why do you need a date to this wedding?” 

“Shawn, I’m not going to ask twice. So deal or no deal?” you were pleading at this point and both you and him knew it. You stick out your hand to him and waited anxiously as he thought it over before he finally takes your hand and shakes it. 


ceo : part three 

a/n: I am so sorry this took me so long. time got away from me and then I was sick and then I was doing last minute plans with friends because it was our last week of summer. anyways, I hope this is good. 

warnings: 8.9k words of worried reader, teasing shawn, and lots of flowers


“I don’t believe you. He wouldn’t just disappear off the face of the Earth.” 

“He’s a busy man Loralie. What makes you think he wouldn’t do that? It’s been two weeks. I’d say you were very wrong about Mr. Mendes.” 

It was way too early for this. You were standing at your kitchen island gathering up your purse to head off for another shift at the bakery before your afternoon class, and Loralie was guarding the door. It had been two weeks since you’d seen Mr. Mendes. Shawn. As quick as his daily showings at the bakery started, they ended. It made you wonder if you were the sole reason why. Was it your conversation? Did you say something that didn’t sit well with him? 

You thought about it way more than you should have, and after he left that day, you kept telling yourself that it wasn’t you and that he had to go. However, when the next day came and seven o’clock passed, you knew that couldn’t have been true. You had been the problem. It was disappointing too. You had seen some sort of part of him; he clearly didn’t show a lot of people, and that was something you wanted to look further into. There was also the fact that he made you feel something you never had before with any other person. It was the kind of feeling where it was like the air had been knocked from you lungs and you were trying to remember how to breathe. That’s what it was like every time you saw him and you weren’t ready to give that up without figuring out what it all meant. 

After that first day, you thought maybe he just had a meeting that morning, he couldn’t miss but then the next day came and passed. Not seeing him walk through the door left you deflated and way more upset than you’d ever care to admit, but you had gotten used to it. Seeing him, making his order, getting a smug grin before he left. It made you feel stupid, too, as you had started to buy into all of Loralie’s bullshit. She was convinced that he was interested in you and maybe wanted you, and you felt stupid to believe that. There was no way he could want a college student who was drowning in her bills. It hurt a little because though it was terrifying, it was flattering when he asked you to sit and talk with him. 

Now, though, you were settled with the idea that he was a businessman, and he didn’t have time to go on silly bakery runs or to talk to you. It was harder for your roommate to accept than you. Loralie had invested in the two of you for weeks, and she just couldn’t believe that he would disappear without getting what he wanted from you. She thought all of this too without knowing about your last conversation with the man. You couldn’t tell her, knowing she would make it out to be more than it was, a disaster. You loved Loralie, you did, and you knew her intentions were nothing short of good, but sometimes she just cared too much about your love life and happiness. It had been two weeks, though, and all you wanted was for her to let it go. 

“Come on; I don’t think I was, though. Maybe he’s on a business trip,” she suggested, and you rolled your eyes, “Maybe it came up suddenly.” 

“Lo, can you just let it go, please. I have to get to work,” you sighed, practically begging at this point. 

Her shoulders slumped, and she nodded, “Okay, I’m sorry. Have a good day!” 

“Thanks!” you smiled, grabbing your purse from the counter and sliding it onto your shoulder, “I’ll see you later.” 

As you made your way to the front door, though, her voice called out to you again, and as you looked back over at her, you knew she was trying her hardest to hide what she was thinking. Raising an eyebrow in her direction, she sighed in defeat, “You know, I just want you to be happy, right? You haven’t been with someone in so long.” 

“I know, Lo, but come on, what makes you think a man like him would make me happy?” you admitted honestly, an ache felt in your chest at each word, “It wouldn’t have worked out even if he was interested.” 

“Agree to disagree.” 

You laughed and shook your head as she flicked a piece of black hair out of her face, “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Yeah, hot stuff, see you tonight!” 

Shaking your head again, that smile of hers was contagious, and you knew she had definitely made you late. You waved over your shoulder and practically threw the front door open, worried she was going to try to stop you again. Once, you were safely out of the apartment and in the hallway, a small weight lifted off your chest as finally, you wouldn’t have to talk about the CEO anymore. Finally, you wouldn’t have to hear Danny, Claire, and Loralie comment about him every few minutes to you. You wouldn’t have to feel them looking at you every time he walked in. And above all, you wouldn’t have to deal with that familiar feeling washing over you every time you saw him. Things could go back to normal.

You were late. Loralie had made you ten minutes late for your shift, and even when you walked through the door, Oscar hadn’t even batted an eye. He was busy writing the day’s specials on the board, fully concentrating with his tongue poking out of his mouth. Slipping past him, you entered into the kitchen to find both Danny and Claire there with their black aprons, working at the oven. You moved into the very back where the employees’ cubbies sat. 

Removing your coat and purse, you hung it up in the same one you used every single day. As soon as you reached for your black apron and name tag, you froze as the two other voices had stopped, and their attention had drifted to you. 

Glancing over, you found both Danny and Claire staring at you or, more specifically, at the dress you wore. That was another occurrence they had taken note of. Since Mr. Mendes started coming around, you had ditched the jeans and ratty shirts in favor of skirts or dresses which were shoved into the back of your closet. You swore there was no correlation and that you just preferred to look nice, but they never did believe you. Even after two weeks of the CEO being a no-show you still went for your nicer clothes. 

Claire shared a look with Danny before her green eyes shifted over to you. It was a look you knew all too well since you had known Claire since freshman year. You peered down at the light tan speckled dress with its v-neck and short ruffled sleeves. “I have a presentation today in class.” 

“Mhmm,” Claire hummed, tucking a piece of her honey-colored hair behind her ear. It made you fume slightly knowing that the small sound meant she didn’t believe you. 

Not everything you did had to do with the man they were convinced was into you. Couldn’t you have started to dress nicer for yourself because god forbid you wanted to be proud of your appearance? You narrowed your eyes over at the girl as she wore a black flowy skirt and a nice light orange shirt. She dressed up every day, and no one questioned her about it. 

“I do,” you huffed as you wrapped the apron around your front and tied the ends behind you. 

“Okay, girly,” Claire smirked as her fingers twiddled with the messy bun on top of her head, “Just wonder if a certain someone is going to come in today.”

“He’s not,” you snapped as you began to gather all of your hair into a high ponytail, “Okay, he’s not going to come in, and all of you can stop with the comments. Clearly, him coming here had nothing to do with me.” 

“Fine,” Danny agreed, nodding, “But we’ll keep an eye out for him anyway, and in the meantime, maybe you should make yourself a cup of coffee to cure that bitterness of yours this morning.” 

“Oh, thanks, Danny, glad you noticed.” 

“You’re welcome,” he chuckled as he pushed his brown straight locks out of his face, “But seriously we’ll keep the Mendes comments to a limit.” 

Claire nodded, “Yeah, we’re sorry. We realize now that it was kind of too much.” 

“You think,” you joked, “How about I make comments about you guys and some of our customers that walk in. I’m sure you’d love that. Any takers?”

They were silent at your joke, and you knew that you had gotten your point across, “That’s what I thought, but hey, I won’t hold it up against either of you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to get to work.” 

With one wink sent their way, you left the room with a massive grin on your face. It was familiar with the three of you or well four of you if you counted Loralie. You teased and made fun of each other way too much, always trying to piss the other people off. It never usually worked though, you all just laughed about it, but for some reason, this was something you weren’t taking lightly. Shawn had become a touchy subject and you didn’t know why, but one thing you did know was you didn’t like them continually bringing him up. Any other thing was fair game for joke making and absolute humiliation but this man, this man, you wished would’ve actually liked you or stuck around for a few more days was something you couldn’t hear about anymore. 

Oscar was still standing on that short ladder, finishing up the last word of the day’s specials. It was still only six-fifteen which meant the real rush or mass of people didn’t show up for another fifteen minutes. The bakery had been open since five-thirty courtesy of Oscar opening it every morning for the early birds or the five a.m. regulars. As of now, the bakery itself was empty as on occasion the type of people who like to sit down rather than have a to-go order start to show up around seven. 

The front display case was full of fresh batches that your two co-workers had no doubt been working on all morning and the music, today being Elvis Presley, was already flowing through the speakers. Sighing, you leaned against the front counter, hand tucked under your chin and eyes set on the front door. Oscar’s head tilted curiously over his shoulder as he popped the cap back on the chalk pen in his hand. 

“Loralie, make you late again this morning?” he asked, finally addressing your late appearance.

“Yeah, sorry, she just gets excited in the morning,” you mumbled out, picking at your fingernails. 

“Don’t I know it, with being a morning person like that, I still wish she would come to work here for me,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, but you and I both know she would distract the rest of us, and she gets a lot of tips-”

“-at Joey’s, I know,” Oscar said the words with you, having heard the excuse for months now, and it made you smile as you thought about your perky best friend. 

You went silent, though again, your mind seeming to drift as you twiddled your thumbs and refused to look up at your boss. He took notice as you suddenly seemed so far away and unbelievably quiet. Stepping down the ladder, he appeared at your side and looked over at you, brows slightly furrowed, “Hey, Y/N/N, you okay? You don’t seem much like yourself today?” 

“Hmm?” you spoke lazily, looking over at him as his words seemed to go in one ear and out the other. 

“I asked if you’re doing alright?”

You smiled, it was small and forced, and your teeth didn’t show which was all of an answer Oscar needed, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired you know with school and all.” 

“You okay to work?”

“I’m always okay to work,” you chuckled, standing up from your slumped over stance.

“A boss always loves to hear that. I have a few deliveries for you to run by the way and Claire and Danny insisted you take them,” Oscar patted your shoulder before he turned and gave you the order list. 

“Oh, did they now,” you grinned as you looked over the list in your hands that only read three names, but by the time you got to the last one, you froze hands practically shaking with the piece of paper in your hands. 

There it was, Shawn Mendes. Mendes Co. 982 Edgefield Drive, Toronto, CA R1AK3G. A small basket of blueberry muffins and a medium black coffee. 

You read it over at least three times and had to cover your mouth with your hand to hide the inaudible gasp slipping past your lips. Did this mean he wasn’t mad about your last conversation? Or was this order called in by his reception just asking for a few minutes alone in his office? You hoped more than anything, though the idea of seeing him left you scared shitless, that this was real and that he ordered it. It could have been merely him wanting the best muffins in the city, no doubt, but you were going to keep telling yourself that a small part had something to do with you. 

“Question,” you mumbled, drawing Oscar’s attention away from the cash register he was messing with, “When did we start delivering coffee?” 

“Today,” he replied, trying to hide his smile from peeking out over at you, knowing exactly who you were talking about upon that list, “There are some people I can’t say no to.” 

“And are these people multimillionaire CEOs who run recording labels?” 

He nodded, laughing, “Yeah, yes they are. He called a little bit ago, so you should get going. Won’t want to give him cold coffee.” 

“No, we can’t have that.” 

With that said, you shoved down the rest of your feelings and put a happy smile on your face though you didn’t want to go. You didn’t want to walk back into that sleek building with all of those expensive people and their judging eyes. You didn’t want to face Ms. Bloom again or even Mr. Mendes for that fact, but at the same time you kind of wanted to see him. You were so confused about so many things though you had only one conversation with the man. This could have been a quick in and out delivery. Drop the basket off at the reception desk, get the cash, and run. You could be overthinking the whole thing, or he might want to talk. You were doubting that, thinking above all, it would be the first outcome. Ms. Bloom and then you were out. 

As it was a colder day in the middle of the fall and there had been thunderstorms all day, you took your car and ditched the blue bike. It did take you an extra couple of minutes to park, but it was worth it as the coffee was still hot, and the muffin basket was dry. When you stepped out, the rain had softened to a sprinkle. You hesitated as you came up to the front door of Mendes Co. and the two doormen at the front, reminding you of weeks before. It was all deja vu and it created a new kind of anxiety you had never felt before.

The doorman didn’t even bat an eye as they noticed the basket and opened the doors for you. Surprisingly, and almost impossibly they seemed to recognize you as the first time you had come here there was more hesitation in letting you into the building. You nodded in their direction and as you stepped inside, the lobby looked just the same as it had before. 

There were fewer people now zooming through the hallways and towering over your smaller frame. Taking in slow shallow breaths, you passed the front desk to where you remembered the location of the elevators. The young woman behind the desk, just like the doorman, looked you over but seemed to recognize as well and even offered a small smile. You couldn’t get yourself to reciprocate the look as your nerves had made your face feel numb at this point. 

Slipping into the nearest elevator, you found it to be empty which soothed your thoughts from your last elevator ride. It didn’t feel as long either and it was the shortest ride up the twelfth floor you had ever had. When the doors opened, you locked eyes on the desk across the room. Ms. Bloom sat behind it, her hair pulled out of her face and in another set of clothes that were too tight for a casual workday. Her face was full of makeup and not a piece of hair was out of place from her tight top bun. 

It was opposite from the messy pony you had on the top of your head. Wavy pieces were falling out left and right in your face, and you didn’t even care to fix it. Ms. Bloom still had that sour expression on her face, except this time it was more prominent than before as she typed fiercely on the keys, a frown strewn across her face. 

You walked forward and the smell was just as intoxicating as the last time you had smelled it. The rosewood making your head spin all over again. As you got closer to the desk, Ms. Bloom lifted her head at the sound of your footsteps echoing across the tile floor. Her frown visibly deepened as her eyes set on you. 

You had felt stupid the whole way into the building and up to this floor but nothing felt worse than the death glare from her. No words were exchanged between the two of you as she motioned you towards the office at the end of the hall. You had to do a double-take from the ceiling-high wooden doors back to her. Her glare deepened and she motioned again. 

You choked back the saliva in the back of your throat, the gulp heard in your ears. Tightening your grip around the coffee in your hand, that warmed your palm, you shifted your gaze away from the receptionist towards the doors that held the man you had been thinking about for two weeks on the other side. So much for dropping the delivery off at the desk and sneaking back out. You approached the door and stared at it for a second before you lifted your hand and knocked softly. 

“Come in,” the voice was muffled and deep and even from a door away it left your knees wobbly. 

You gripped the silver rod and pulled, the door cracking open and you slipped in. As soon as the door fell shut behind you, you felt the whole world shift. His office was more massive than you expected with a white tiled floor and walls made of windows. Aside from his black wooden desk and swivel chair, there was a long grey couch and a few other chairs off to the side of the room. Your mind wandered slightly at what he had used that for but from the mere sight of what the women around this office wore, specifically his receptionist, you had a few ideas. The smell from the hall was even stronger in here and you were getting lightheaded just from that itself. 

As your eyes scanned and admired the office they stopped as you found him leaning up against the window near his desk. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and a black-tie was tied tightly around the neck of his shirt. He had both of his hands shoved into the pockets of his dark slacks and the sight alone of his back was making you overthink this whole thing. He slowly turned, the tension in the air thickening as his brown orbs found you near the door, tracing the sight of your bare legs. 

His face emotionless as he said one word, “Sit.”

You looked around the space dizzily and though you had other deliveries to make, you obliged anyway. You sunk into the black cushioned chair positioned right in front of his desk and placed his coffee and the muffins onto his shiny clean desk. Silence encased the large room and you stared over at him, hands fiddling in your lap with the end of your dress. 

Clearing his throat, he crossed the room and leaned against the front of his desk rather than behind it in his luxurious chair. His arms held softly onto the edge of the top of the desk, showcasing a few tattoos. A Toronto skyline was pressed along his forearm in the shape of a guitar, and just down from that was a black swallow inked on the back of his hand. You traced every line trying to avoid the feeling of him staring at you silently. This was more nerve-wracking than sitting across from him in the bakery. For one there had been a table in between you and you were in the bakery and not his office with a closed door. 

Shyly you crossed one leg over the other and looked up at him through your eyelashes to meet his dark irises already staring heavily at you. He leaned forward slightly, a small smirk forming on his mouth. You chewed on your lip, the anticipation killing you on why he asked you to be here in his office. 

Then like he was reading your inner thoughts, he spoke, “I want to take you out. On a date.”

You froze, everything coming to a complete stop including your thoughts. Mouth dropping open, your brows shot up towards your forehead as everything in you screamed what the fuck? The sentence alone left your legs shaking and your mouth dry, barely able to get out a strained cry, “W-What?”

“I want to take you on a date.”

Your eyes widened and you stared up at him in a daze, slightly startled, and on the edge of your seat. Raising your arms, you shook your head unable to stop the words falling from your lips, “Wait, hold on. I’m sorry, not to be blunt here but you just don’t seem like the dating type.” 

“I’m not,” he replied just as quickly, raising a single brow in your direction.

You licked your lips suddenly not sure of this guy’s angle, “Then why would-”

“And you don’t seem like the type to just want to fuck,” he interrupted you, the curt words making you sit up straighter and tilt your head to the side innocently.

“I’m not. So why would you want to-”

He cut you off again rubbing his palms together, not once breaking eye contact, “Because there are exceptions.” 

“I don’t understand. Am I supposed to be your exception?” you asked, for once not folding completely under his gaze. 

“I don’t know, let me take you out and we’ll find out,” he came back with, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. 

You gasped and chuckled awkwardly, feeling the heat rush to your face. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. He was asking you out rather than asking for a fuck. You weren’t sure if he was simply playing you but in that moment, you didn’t care if he was. Completely lost for words, you stand, knees wobbly, and legs shaking. He pushes off his desk, hands finding your forearms softly, warmth forming on your skin under his palms. As he stood over you, his lips had been the sole thing you could focus on; his pillowy pink very close lips. 

And out of all the things you could say at that moment when the hottest guy you had ever seen stood over you, you said this, “You’ve been MIA for like two weeks.” 

His brows furrowed at the response and in his mind he took it merely as a rejection. He, the CEO’s way of dealing with such a reply was to ever so slowly shift forward. He pulled you closer into him and his breath fanned against your face, minty that went along with his cologne that was filling your senses and making you even dizzier than before. You took in a single breath just as his nose brushed yours softly and the only reason you were still standing at this point was because of his hold on you. 

You were on fire and on the urge of just running from the room altogether. Finally releasing the breath you were holding, you slid his hands from your arms and took a step away putting distance between the two of you, “It’s not a no. It just means that even though you might be the wealthiest man in Toronto, I’m a woman and I deserve to be treated like one. You’ll have to earn me, Mendes.” 

It seemed what you said had surprised him and left him speechless and with his eyes tracing your face slowly, you took another step back and another until you were right next to the door. You sent one more longing gaze at him over your shoulder before walking out. You headed straight for the elevator avoiding looking over at the receptionist’s desk as the expression on Shawn’s face was imprinted into your mind. 

As soon as you had gotten in the elevator, a room, and floor away, you could finally feel yourself be able to breathe again. You weren’t sure where the sudden confidence had come from or how you had managed to control that situation but you were glad you did. A part of you wanted to kiss him because who wouldn’t,  but if you had, it would have painted you like every other woman in his eyes. That was something you weren’t and he knew as you confirmed it yourself that you didn’t like one night stands. Even with that information he still wanted to take you out which was surprising in itself but now you still had your doubts. 

Large ones and they followed you around all day to your lectures, during your presentation that was nothing short of disastrous, and all the way home. It was the mere thought that because he would have to put in the effort to get you to agree to a date, he would drop the whole idea. He would move on to someone else that wouldn’t waste his time and just get on with the fucking or one nightstand. That was and never would be you and if that’s what he wanted out of this, sex than he was going to be disappointed. 

It worried you at the same time too. What if he didn’t move on to pursue someone else? What if he did do everything in his power to make you feel like the lady you always wanted, just to go on a date with you. In itself, it didn’t seem real. That Shawn Mendes had asked you on a date. He wasn’t the dating type, he said it himself, and as for that exception bullshit, that had to have been so far from the truth. A line, no doubt just to get what he wanted and you hadn’t fallen for it. 

The rest of the day, you just worried, unable to stop the thoughts from suffocating you. By the time you were on your way home, you just wanted to shower and slip into your bed. Your dress was wrinkled and you had chewed on the inside of your lip so severely that it was bleeding and slightly swollen. You were exhausted from the day, from your endless thinking, and from being anxious about everything that had happened. 

As you entered the hallway of your apartment, those familiar feelings of embarrassment resurfaced as you thought about how you had gotten called on during one of your lectures, and you had no answer. You stuttered and slipped over your words which got a few laughs from the other students in your class. You usually could answer no problem, but as fate would have it, you had been distracted as the sole distraction was Mr. Mendes. Another downside if he won you over, your grades might end up dipping or falling which had never happened with other boys before, but this was more than just a college boy situation. 

As you used your key and entered into your apartment, you heard more than one loud voice swirling from the living room. You heard three. The other two were just as familiar as the first. You groaned under your breath, practically throwing your purse onto the kitchen island. So much for showering and going to bed because your friends would never allow it. 

They peeked their heads from over the back of the couch, and you met your two co-workers’ eyes. Claire hugged one knee to her chest as the bun and boho headband from this morning were gone, her hair now falling across her back in soft waves. Her skirt was hiked up slightly and her bulky bracelets rattled as she sipped from the beer in her hand. Danny was beside her; his long legs stretched out across the coffee table as his shirt was untucked from his pants, and he hugged a yellow throw pillow to his chest.

Loralie, who was across from them, was wrapped up in her favorite blanket in the recliner, hair knotted and wet from her shower she took every single night before bed. She grinned over at you, one way too large for a weeknight and a few beers, which prompted you to eye the extra empty beer bottles lined across the table. 

“Y/N!” Claire cheered, raising her hands in the air as her head lulled back hitting the couch softly. 

“Hi,” you waved, heading for the fridge knowing that after your day and coming home like this, you needed a drink. 

“How was your presentation?” Loralie asked, sitting up straighter in her chair. 

You sighed loudly as you yanked open the fridge doors, “It was a disaster.” 

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she pouted, downing the rest of what was in her bottle. 

Gaining sight of the clear bottle you were looking for with the light blue liquid, you took it and leaned against the island, “It’s fine, I’m over it anyway.” 

You weren’t over it. You might not be over it for a while. Weeks. You had been working on that presentation for weeks, all for it to go to shit because of one man. You shook your head, fuming at the idea of you becoming so unfocused as another question was directed your way. “How did the deliveries go?” 

“Fine,” you cracked open the bottle and flicked the top onto the counter before you tipped the glass bottle back and took a large sip, the taste being something you hadn’t had in over a week and a half. 

“Just fine?” Claire questioned slowly. 

You spun on your heels mustering the fakest smile you could, “Yes, it was quick. In and out. I gave it to the receptionist and that was that.” 

The lie was smooth, and you hadn’t even stuttered. It was believable for maybe the first time ever and as Claire nodded, seeming to lose interest in her change of topic, you pushed off the island and moved towards the living room. As you went to settle in between Danny and Claire, though, your eyes caught something on the dining room table. You didn’t know how you hadn’t noticed it before but it had your interest now. 

“Who’s flowers?” 

It was a white arrangement of roses and tulips within a clear glass vase. There was a single white card folded with a blue ribbon tied around it. Changing your course of direction, you came up to the table, fingers tracing the tablecloth as you looked down at the card reading the name inked on the outside at the same moment Loralie spoke, “Yours. They got delivered an hour ago. The guy wouldn’t tell me who sent them.” 

Plucking the card from the bouquet, you pulled the ribbon off slowly and opened it instantly met with two words displayed in a fancy font. Challenge accepted. Two letters, SM, were displayed in the bottom right corner and you had to read over it twice to admit that this was real and this was happening.

“So, who’s it from?” Loralie pried, practically jumping from excitement in her chair. 

Closing the card, you set it down and placed your hand over the top of it. You turned and looked over at your three closest friends and smiled softly, “No one.” 


“Y/N, there are some flowers here for you.” 


You stepped out from the back of the kitchen, shock laced over your face at the words from your boss. Sure enough, though, there were a large bouquet, bigger than the ones from last night. This time daisies sat on the counter. You slowly walked over to them and shared a glance with Oscar before picking the white card from the bouquet. He tried to lean over your shoulder, like a nosy father, as you opened the card. See you soon, beautiful.-SM

“You have a secret admirer now?” your boss chuckled lightly as you hid the card away from him by slipping it into the front pocket of your apron. 

You shrugged, grabbing the bouquet by the bottom of its vase, “Something like that.” 

“Do you know the guy?” 

“Hardly,” you replied as you steered your way towards the back kitchen, “I’m just going to put these back here.” 

But as if fate had decided just as you went to slip into the back, out of sight from the rest of the customers, the door opened and the bell rang signaling the return of the man himself. You froze as he stepped in, his eyes immediately finding you from behind his sunglasses. A tan suit adorned his body over a white button-up shirt and a grey tie. His expensive shoes once again clattering against the tiled floor. You peeked your head around the flowers that stood tall in your hands and visibly shivered at the sight of the smirk on his face. Mr. Mendes had gained the attention of the room but acted like he hadn’t even noticed. 

Nodding in your direction, he walked up to the counter, not bothering to remove his sunglasses from his eyes. He glanced over at you, licking his lips slightly as he spoke to Oscar, “Good Morning.” 

“Morning, Mr. Mendes. Glad to see you back! What were you thinking for today? Usual, or would you like to try something else?” Oscar asked, completely oblivious of the lingering stares from the customer in front of him. That man was a teddy bear with the biggest hard but sometimes he just didn’t pay attention to details. 

“Ah, I’ll have my usual but no muffin today,” he whipped out his card and handed it over all while sending you another look, so much that you narrowed your eyes back at him. 

You were used to being all shy and closed off around this intimidating man but in this moment you saw nothing but a cocky boy trying to get you to agree to go out with him. There were no rules now as his ego was higher than life and something that was ticking you off easily. 

You had always disliked boys who always thought highly of themselves over everyone else. If they wanted to impress you they didn’t need to act like a jerk to do it. Even this man, who seemed so much more mature and at higher standards was acting no different than any other college boy you dealt with daily. As soon as he got his card back and his wallet was slipped back into his pocket, he stepped to the side of the counter towards you while Oscar made up his coffee. 

Taking his sunglasses off, he smiled cheekily over at you, which sent your stomach into a jumping fit. His gaze trailed down to the bouquet you were holding tightly to your chest, “Those are some nice flowers. Who are they from?” 

“Oh, just some guy,” you played along, annoyed by the arrogance suddenly dripping from his lips. 

“Yeah? He must really like you,” he said, glancing over to Oscar who was grabbing a lid for the to-go cup. 

You shrugged, adjusting the bouquet in your hands again, “I don’t know, he is kind of a ladies man. I can’t be so sure that I’m the only one he’s sending flowers too.” 

His head snapped back in your direction, noticing the amused look you now wore. He took another step forward, lowering his voice enough so you were the only one who could hear, “Well, maybe you should give him a chance. Go out with him and see what kind of man he really is.” 

You bit into your lip, confidence slowly burning out right in front of him. It seemed no matter how hard you tried, the ball would always be in his court. He would still be in control, and now, though you could resist everything tempting about this man, you knew you would eventually give in. You would let yourself dangle over the edge of the line drawn in between the two of you. You would let yourself be engulfed by this man and that scared you enough because there was a feeling, deep in the pit of your stomach, that he was going to break you. Worst of all, you knew you would let him and thank him all at once for it. 

“Hmm, no. Not yet. It’s not that easy,” you whispered, before turning around and sliding into the back room not giving him a second to have a final word. 

You knew yourself, and you knew that you were attracted to Mr. Mendes. To Shawn. You had been hooked from one conversation, and he would have you… eventually. In whatever way he would want, but for now, for one more day he didn’t and you planned to annoy him as much as possible.


You honestly had thought by now that he would have given up. That Shawn Mendes would have moved on to some other girl he didn’t have to work so hard to get into his bed. Then again he liked a challenge and not accepting his date offer after getting two vases filled with flowers, classified you as challenge number one. He was committed and was making it his mission to win. 

First, starting with coming back into the bakery every morning at his usual time. Seven a.m. sharp. From there, you were being showered with gifts left and right. Flowers came in every morning at the same time he seemed to walk in, so that he could watch you as you opened each new card and read what was put inside. Mostly they were compliments or teasing comments edging you on to finally accept the date. He couldn’t get over the glare you would send to him every morning followed by a small soft smile. Then came the chocolates and the cookies and scented candles, all looking far too expensive. It was getting hard to lie to Loralie about who was the one actually sending you all this stuff. Your lie; it was Peter from Physics. 

The truth was, you had never been chased after like this and treated like the woman you felt. It was always a half-ass question asking to fuck. It wasn’t anything like this and though on one hand you felt guilty for Shawn spending so much money on you, it also made you feel wanted in a way you weren’t used to. You were on the bend of jumping and letting him catch you. Almost about to fold and let him take the prize willingly even as your doubts and worries cloud the back of your mind. It finally had became the last straw though as you had been sat in your Economics class, writing out notes as your professor spoke when there was a knock to the lecture hall door. 

On the other side was a delivery man for a shop you had never heard of. He was dressed in a suit of his own and holding a pot with white tulips which Mr. Mendes had figured out were your favorite. You froze in your seat as all eyes in the room were on your professor as they spoke with hushed tones to the delivery man. As he glanced over his shoulder to you though, you felt your heart stop dead in your chest. This couldn’t be happening. You were panicking, your pen dropping to the ground as your professor took the bouquet and said goodbye to the man. As soon as the door closed, whispers enveloped around the room, questioning who such expensive flowers could be for. Mouth slightly parted, you had tried to control your breathing as he walked forward, focused on you. 

You were shaking your head as everyone seemed to catch on. Handing the bouquet to you, he raised a single eyebrow, clearly not happy about the interruption in his class, “These seem to be for you Ms. Y/L/N. You’ve got quite the admirer.” 

“Ha, yeah,” you mumbled out awkwardly as you could hear the whispers and comments closing in around you, embarrassment the only thing you could feel. 

Cheeks burning red, your professor sent a glare over the class silencing them all together before he got back to lecturing. The rest of the class was history. You cowered in your chair unable to look up in case anyone was still staring at you. You were sure you had died right there and were planning to give that CEO a piece of your mind. 

That night, you had ranted for hours to Loralie about how humiliated you felt because even after the class was over, it followed you across campus. The comments and the stares. Some girls also came up to asking who had put his heart on the line to send you flowers. You just half-shrugged and told them you didn’t know. Secret admirer, your excuse. They thought it was romantic, but you found it all straight up irritating. It was nice at first, but now you were over it. 

The next day, that morning you had off and with only having one afternoon class, you got to sleep in trying to forget how you felt the day before. It was eleven when Loralie ripped you from your bed. First, she pulled the blankets off and then you. A thud had rippled through the room when you had hit the hardwood floor and then you laid there for another ten minutes before finally getting up. 

You had gone to your class, daydreaming through the whole thing before you reported to the bakery where you had the closing shift. Which happened to be your favorite, since it was usually close to empty and all you had to do was clean up. As both Claire and Danny had heard about the flower debacle the day before, they left you alone for most of the day, their teasing and jokes nowhere to be found. It helped that Loralie had threatened them slightly to leave you alone. 

Exhausted, on the verge of crashing, you moped the floor silently to the sound of Louis Armstrong singing through the speakers. The door was locked, the open sign flipped toclosed, and you were thankful for the day being almost over, so you could crawl into your bed and sleep the rest of the night away. Hair messily thrown in a bun, your blue and green flannel kept you warm from the cool air conditioning. You were yawning and completely drained, still having to lock up and wash off the counters. 

It was dark, the street mostly pitch black as other businesses were closing or closed. Most people were home at this point snuggled in their own beds ready for the next day. There was a single street lamp on the corner of the road that was so dim it was close to burning out. Even with the small amount of white light, you hadn’t noticed the figure walking up to the glass door. You jumped as a knock echoed from the door. Your head whipped up, eyes wide, slightly unsettled but you relaxed as soon as you laid eyes on the CEO. Your fear disappeared and was instead replaced by annoyance as he was in his typical attire, even this late into the night. 

Sighing, you placed the mop to the side of the bucket full of soapy water and approached the front door. You stared at him from the other side of the glass which prompted him to send you the cutest smile you had ever seen. Shaking your head at him, you unlocked the door and opened it enough where you could stick your head out. 

“Can’t you read?” you chuckled, “We’re closed.” 

“Yeah, you and all the other coffee shops in this city. Look, please, I am working late and I will not make it through the night unless I have coffee. I have a deadline,” he explained, almost begging which was a sight you hadn’t seen before. 

This was not the typical man you saw. He was always confident, demanding, and constantly trying to make you blush or uncomfortable in the best way. This was not the same man you had seen in his office, basically telling you to go out with him rather than asking. This was not the man who every day was there to see you get the flowers he bought for you and made snide comments. No, this man was in many ways the same person you had seen the first time you had talked to him. It was in this building in that front booth. That vulnerability was there, something you wished was always there around you, but you knew if you let him in, it would disappear just as quickly as it had appeared.

You leaned against the door frame and quirked a single eyebrow up in his direction, “And you don’t have coffee in your building?” 

“None that’s as good as what I get here.” 

“So you’re this big CEO with loads of money and you can’t afford to buy good coffee?” you asked, bluntly and unapologetically. Your filter didn’t exist when you were this tired. 

He exhaled loudly as he was clearly in a hurry, and you were stepping on his toes, “Yes, now Y/N, please.” 

You stared at him for a second longer contemplating it all as you tapped your finger on the side of the door frame. What would it mean if you did let him in? Was this serious or was he just here to sweet talk you? Whatever his reasoning was, you knew it didn’t matter what his excuse was as soon as you had seen him standing on the other side of that door. You would never openly admit this but you were going to let him in no matter what he would said. 

You didn’t mutter a single thing as you opened the door letting him in, and as his shoulders seemed to relax and he stepped in, you closed the door behind him and locked it again just for the sake of being in the city. 

“What would you like?” you asked, stepping around the counter, knowing you would have to rewash everything but would do it willingly for him. 

He leaned against the other side of the counter, his hands placed close to yours as he stared up at the menu, “Uh, a cold brew.” 

“And how many shots of espresso do you want in that?”

“Let’s do two,” he stated confidently, needing an extra boost desperately to work for a few more hours. He pulled his card out like he did every morning when he came in but you didn’t take it. 

You just stared at it and before you knew what you were doing, you were pushing his hand back, “No, this one’s on me.” 

His eyes widened at your words and immediately began to shake his head back and forth, opposed to such an idea, “You don’t have to do that. Just take the card.”

Instead, you just innocently batted your eyelashes up at him, “Shawn.” 

“Y/N,” he growled, his tone nothing short of scolding, 

“Just say thank you and let me do this,” you insisted, chewing on your bottom lip, dropping all of your usual eye rolls and attitude you dished to him whenever you saw him now. 

Sighing loudly, he grumbled underneath his breath as he slipped his wallet back into his coat pocket, “Thank you.” 

“You’re welcome,” you beamed before turning around your heels and getting to work on his cold brew. 

As you did so, you became completely silent and focused on making it the best cold brew yet. You were so focused that not only was your tongue sticking out, but you hadn’t noticed the lingering stares coming from Shawn or that he had moved around to the back of the counter. He curiously watched your movements as you had done this so many times, you didn’t even have to question yourself. While the cup was placed under the machine, the coffee being poured, you turned, a small gasp tumbling out of your mouth as you found Shawn behind you rather than on the other side of the counter. 

That smirk of his returned and suddenly he was way too close. You could almost feel the heat radiating from his body, and it was making you flush from head to toe. He made it so hard to try and resist him. A man couldn’t look that good and be looking at you the way he was. He didn’t say anything either. He just stared down at you, threatening to move even closer. 

Tilting your head to the side, you leaned against the counter for support as you looked right back at him. La vie en rose by Louis Armstrong was the only thing heard in the whole room and you swore though you didn’t know Shawn, and he didn’t know you; it felt like he did. His brown eyes seemed lost on your face unable to look away for any reason. You weren’t sure exactly why, but all you knew was the moment was getting far too romantic with a guy you didn’t know. 

Luckily the coffee machine beeped, signalling that the cold brew was done. You swiftly turned around, tearing your gaze from his altogether. He cleared his throat, again watching as you took the cup and located a cover. “Go out with me.” 

You stared down at the to-go cup of coffee as you slowly pushed the lid on, “Why should I?” 

“Because I want you to,” he admitted, which didn’t seem enough of a reason at all. He sighed, “You should go out with me because I want to sit across a table from you and just listen to you talk. I want to hear everything you have to say and ultimately, I want to give you a night that you won’t forget because that’s what you deserve and not anything less.” 

You couldn’t speak as he explained further why he was asking you out aside from that he he wanted you too. It was something you never expected. It sounded genuine and real but it didn’t ease your worries the slightest that he only wanted one thing from you… sex. After all, that’s all a man like him wanted, so why now all of a sudden did he appear to want more? Was this his tactic? Woo a woman into having dinner with him and then charm her into his bed. Did he do this for all of his conquests? Because there was no way, he just met you and felt like you were anything different or more than a piece of ass. You had your mind made up. He wasn’t the man for you and that probably would never change. 

“You think I give that many flowers to every girl I meet? I mean-” 

Though you had made a decision it didn’t stop the complete opposite from coming from your mouth, “Okay.” 

His rambling stopped quickly as you mumbled out the single word, it shocking not only him but yourself. His eyes widened slowly and a smile began to form on his beautiful face, one that eased your worries of this being a bad decision. “Okay?” 

“Yeah, okay. I’ll go on a date with you,” you agreed, sliding his coffee across the counter top to him, “Anything to keep any more flowers from being delivered to my classes.” 

“You thought they were too much?” he asked, cheekily. 

“You didn’t?”

He shook his head proudly, “Are you kidding? It was perfect.” 

“Huh, my professor definitely didn’t think so,” you mumbled, giving him a pointed look, which only made his smile stretch wider on his face. 

Raising his hands in the air, he laughed, “Okay, alright. I won’t send any more flowers while you’re at school. Noted. So, since you said yes, can I have your phone number then, so I can text you about this date?” 

For some reason, the words brought a smile upon your face and though you tried, you couldn’t hide it. Instead of responding though, you slowly reached forward and grabbing the top of the coffee cup; you turned it around. There on that cup were digits written out in sharpie letting him know that even before he asked again tonight, you had already accepted his offer, and it was enough to let him know you were just as interested as he was.

He was a person with many different sides and you saw a new one every day. Standing here in front of him, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to walk away anymore. It was toolate. You wanted more. You wanted to delve deeper into the complexity of this man and more than anything, you wanted to see every single part of him. Even the worst parts because at the end of the day, you wanted to know him and all of who he was. 

“This coffee literally is going to save my life.”

You laughed, “Yeah, I’m sure.” 

“No, really, you’ve made my night, and I can’t wait to take you out.”


Type: One shot about Shawn Mendes
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content 
Trigger Warning: Death 
Word Count: 3100+
Part 3/?

His father’s guards pulled him away from the king. Shawn pulled away from the guards and picked up her body. Placing her body in the carriage and leaving for the palace. He had the helpers take her body to his bedroom. Locking them into his room so no one could bother them. He wanted her to wake up but honestly, he had no idea what his father did to her. He sat down next to her, taking her hand into his. Kissing her hand softly, brushing the hair from her face.

“I’m so sorry,” he said as he fought back tears.

He covered her up with the blankets before heading out of the room. He knew that he had to tell her parents, he didn’t know what to say. He made his way to the stables and got his horse. By that time his father just made it back to the palace. Shawn just got onto his horse and left the palace. He made his way to her parent’s place, he stood outside for a while trying to figure out what to say. He was just about to get back on his horse when her Isobellas mother came outside.

“Hey Shawn,” she said.
“Hey,” he said.
“Where is Isobella?” she questioned.
“About that” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I need to tell you something,” He said.
“Come in please,” She said as she held the door open for him.
“I don’t know how to say this” he took a deep breath in.
“Just say it ” she grabbed his hand.
“Isobella is dead,” he said as his tears slipped from his eyes.
“Where is her body?” she questioned.
“In the palace, whatever funeral arrangements you want to make, I’ll cover it,” he said.
“Thank you,” she said as she started to cry.

Shawn left the house as Isobellas father walked in. He didn’t know what to say so he made his way back to the palace. Over the next few days, Isobelals parents made arrangements. Shawn kept his word and covered everything. On the day of the funeral, Shawn was in his room getting ready. He requested a few moments alone with Isabella’s body, to say his peace.

“Her body is through those doors,” the guard said.
“Thank you, please do tell my father that this isn’t over ” Shawn said as he entered the room.

He shut the doors behind him and made his way to the coffin. She was laying there so peacefully, he took her hand into his. Kissing her forehead softly, still wishing she would wake up.

“I’m sorry that this happened, I never wanted this,” he said as his tears slipped from his eyes. “I love you” he whispered.

He leaned down and kissed her softly before leaving the room. Allowing her parents a few moments with their daughter before the service started. They closed the coffin and started the service, it was a quick one. They took the coffin to the site where she would forever rest. They already had the hole dug, they placed the coffin into the hole. Starting to put the dirt on the coffin to cover it up.

Isobella started to wake up inside the coffin, confused about why it was dark. As she tried to move she slowly started to realize what was going on. She started to panic and scream, just hoping someone was close enough to hear her.

“HELP!” She screamed.
“Wait did you guys hear that?” Shawn asked.
“What?” the guards said.
“Someone was screaming,” Shawn said.
“SOMEONE HELP ME” Isobella screamed as she tried to get out of the coffin.
“It’s Isobella,” Shawn said as jumped down into the hole.  

He cracked open the coffin and sure enough, she was alive. He helped her out of the coffin and got them both out of the hole. She just held onto him as he rested on the ground.

“Shhh I got you” he whispered in her ear as he rocked her in his arms.
“W-What happened?” she questioned.
“We will talk later, let’s get out of here,” he said as he stood up.
“Ok,” she said as she held his hand.

They caught up to her parents, there were a lot of tears but also joy. Her mother didn’t want to let her go neither did her dad. She grabbed Shawns hand and they walked off.

“What kind of sorcery was that?” the King asked his guard.
“I have no clue, is she a witch?” the guard question.
“We need to find out,” the king said.

Shawn and Isobella made their way to the palace. He had his cook make her something to eat, pulling out her chair for her to sit. She sat down and he sat next to her, just grinning from ear to ear. He couldn’t believe that she was truly right in front of him. He took her hand in his, kissing it softly.

“So what happened?” she questioned.
“You left the woods and then by the time I got to the cabin, you were lying there lifeless,” he said.
“I only remember leaving you in the woods,” she said.
“So nothing about my father?” he questioned.
“I can’t remember ” She looked at him.
“That’s fine, as long as you are fine” he spoke softly.
“I’m ok, kind of shaken up but I’m ok,” she said.
“I’ll take care of you,” he said as the food was brought to the table.

They ate and once she finished he got up and held his hand out for her. She smiled softly and took his hand, getting up from the table. Leading her up to his room, closing the door behind them. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. He smiled against her lips before kissing her back, resting his hand on her neck. She slowly pulled away as she looked at him.

“Tonight I just want to lay with you,” she said.
“Of course,” he nodded.
“Thank you” she smiled softly.

He grabbed her hand and led her to the bed. Laying down with her, she laid her head down on his chest. He covered them up with the blanket before holding her close to him. They both started to drift off to sleep, that was until there was a knock on the door.  He gently moved her over so she would stay asleep as he got up. Making his way to the door, opening it slightly, seeing his father standing there.

“What do you want?” Shawn asked.
“We need to talk,” the king said.
“I don’t have anything to say to you,” Shawn said.
“Just come to the courtyard,” the king said.

Shawn slipped his shoes on and went out to the courtyard with his father. He could tell his father was concerned but at this point, Shawn didn’t want anything to do with his father.

“What is this about?” Shawn asked.
“It’s about Isobella,” the king said.
“You are not touching her! Nor or your guards” Shawn said as he crossed his arms. “Or there will be war” Shawn looked at his father.
“No one is touching her, we are just concerned,” the king said.
“About?” Shawn asked.
“Don’t you think it’s weird that she woke up?” the king questioned.
“No,” Shawn said but then started to think. “It is weird but I’m glad she’s back,” Shawn said.
“We think she’s a witch,” the king said.
“She is not a witch! Stop making shit up!” Shawn said.
“Weirdly, she woke up after being dead for three days,” the king said.
“Maybe she was in just a deep sleep,” Shawn said.
“Just think about it,” the king said before walking off.

Shawn rolled his eyes and made his way back to his room. Slipping back into bed without waking her up. He fell asleep quickly but couldn’t seem to stay asleep. In the middle of the night, he got up and went into the kitchen. Fixing himself a hot cup of tea and sitting at the table. Thinking about what his father said, could it be true. He took a sip of his tea as he looked out the window. Even if she was, why would it matter? He knew he was in love with her and didn’t want to lose her. He sighed as he sat back in the seat just trying to wrap his mind around it. She shuffled in the bed and noticed that he was gone. She got up and grabbed his robe. Pulling it over her shoulders as she makes her way down towards the kitchen.

“Shawn?” she spoke softly.
“I’m in the kitchen,” he responded.

She made her way to the kitchen and saw him sitting there. She made her way to him and sat on his lap, placing her hand on his cheek. He looked up at her and brushed the hair from her face. She leaned down and kissed him softly but he hesitated.

“What’s wrong?” She looked at him as she pulled away.
“Nothing, just stuff on my mind” he nodded.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she questioned.
“Not really,” he said as he rubbed her back.
“I’m here if you do,” she said as she looked at him.
“I know,” he nodded.
“What are you drinking?” she nodded towards his drink.
“Just tea,” he said.
“Oh,” she said as she picked up the cup, taking a small sip. “Strong tea,” she said.
“How I like it,” he said.
“Are you angry with me?” she questioned.
“No,” he responded quickly.  
“Ok, I’m going back to bed, join me?” she asked as she stood up.
“I’ll be up shortly,” he said.
“Ok” She kissed his cheek softly before going back to the bedroom.  

She sat on the bed trying to figure out what was going on. She laid back staring into the dark still wondering. She couldn’t seem to fall back to sleep and he never came back to the bed. In the morning she got out of bed and got ready for the day, going to the kitchen to get breakfast. The cup of tea was sitting on the table but he was nowhere to be found. He was in the courtyard with his father.

“Hello madam,” the maid said.
“Good morning,” Isobella said.
“What do you fancy this morning?” the maid asked.
“Oh, just some eggs are fine,” Isobella said.
“For someone in your condition you need more,” the maid said.
“Just eggs are fine,” Isobella said. “My condition?” she questioned.
“Aren’t you with child?” the maid asked.
“No I am not,” Isobella said.
“Sorry, my mistake,” the maid said before going into the kitchen.
“Is that why Shawn was angry?” she asked herself.

The maid brought the food to the table and Isobella started to eat. Once Shawn was finished talking to his father he entered the palace. Making his way to the kitchen and noticing that Isobella was eating. He smiled softly walking over to her, kissing the top of her head. He sat down and the maid brought his food to him. They sat in silence and ate, Isobella was finished first so she got up from the table.

“Hey, where are you off to?” Shawn asked as he grabbed her arm.
“I’m going back home” she pulled away from his touch.
“Wait what? why?” he asked as he stood up.
“It’s clear that you are angry with me so I should go,” she said.
“I’m not angry,” he said.
“Do you think I’m with child?” she looked at him.
“Wait, are you?” he asked.
“No! would everyone stop assuming that!” she crossed her arms.
“I’m sorry, Who said you were?” he asked.
“Your staff,” she said.
“I’m sorry for their mistake, but I’m not angry with you,” he said.
“Sure could fool me,” she said as she walked away.  

He caught up with her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She leaned back slightly and placed her hands on his arms. He kissed her cheek and just held her close to him.

“Please don’t go,” he whispered.
“I don’t want to,” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in.
“It’s just things with my father,” he said.
“Let me in,” she said as she turned to face him.
“Are you a witch?” he questioned.
“What type of question is that?” she looked at him.
“A question,” he said.
“A question with no answer,” she said as she pulled away from him.
“Wait what does that mean?” he asked as he grabbed her hand.
“No, I am not a witch,” she said.
“Oh ok,” he sighed “good” he kissed her softly.

She smiled against his lips and gently tugged at his bottom lip. He pushed her against the wall, placing his hands against her cheeks. She lifted her leg and wrapped it around him, just keeping him close to her. She started undoing his shirt as she kept the kiss between them. He reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. He pushed her leg off of him and went down to take her panties off. She placed her hands on his shoulders and helped him take off her panties. He stood back up and kissed her softly before moving to her neck. Gently sucking against her neck as he ran his leg up to her leg. She moaned and picked her leg up, resting it on his hip. He placed his hand between her legs, pressing his thumb against her clit. She squirmed slightly before he placed his hand on her hip to keep her from moving.

“Shhh,” he whispered in her ear.
“Baby” She moaned as he moved his finger faster.

He covered her mouth as she edged closer to cumming. He made her climax and held her against the wall. He quickly unbuttoned his pants and picked her up. Allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He laid her down on the kitchen table and took himself out of his pants. Quickly but gently pushing himself into her, leaning down kissing her softly. She kept her legs around him as she started to move her hips towards his. He thrust into her, moving his hands down her side. As she arched her back he started to suck against his neck again. She edged closer to another climax with each thrust. He was close as well, he pulled her up. She held onto him as they both climaxed together. She rested against him as they both tried to catch their breath. He pulled out and pulled his pants up as she fixed her skirt. He helped her down off the table and grabbed her panties off the floor.

“Can I have those back?” She questioned.
“No, I like you like this” he smirked as he placed his hand between her legs.
“Not fair,” she said as she bit her lip.
“Just means I can have you whenever I want” he kissed her cheek.
“Uh-huh,” she rolled her eyes.
“So truly are you a witch?” he chuckled slightly. “Can’t believe I believed my father” he said.
“Wait what?” she looked at him.
“My father is the one who questioned if you were a witch,” he said.
“Oh” She nodded slowly.
“Is that a problem?” he asked.
“If people believe I’m a witch, that could end badly,” she said.
“You would be hung,” he said.
“Yea” she swallowed hard. “Would that change things between us?” she questioned.
“No it wouldn’t, I still love you” he grabbed her hands.
“I love you,” she said.
“Why am I not getting a straight answer from you?” he asked.
“I’m not a witch, but I know one,” she said.
“Oh, how did you come back from the dead?” he asked.
“I can’t tell you,” she said.
“I trust you” he kissed her softly.
“No one can know,” she said.
“Alright,” he nodded. “So we were going to take the boat out later,” he said.
“Who are we?” she questioned.
“The family, come with me,” he said.
“Only for you” she smiled slightly.

He went to his bedroom to collect his things for the boat trip. She rushed out into the courtyard trying to figure out what to do. They were onto her but they couldn’t know the truth. She took a deep breath in as she saw Shawn coming out to her. He grabbed her hand and led her outside of the palace. They went down to the dock and got onto the ship, his father and stepmother were already there. She stayed as far away as she could from her father. They sat on the edge of the boat as they went out to see. Shawn pulled her closer to him as she rested her head against his shoulder. As the sun started to set, that’s when things started to get weird. Shawn’s father kept his eye on Isobella the whole night, while they were eating. With the King’s nod, one of his guards started a fight with Shawn. They were arguing and then it got physical. Shawn pulled away and grabbed Isabella’s hand and led her to their room. The guard grabbed Shawn pulling him onto the deck. There was more arguing and once again things got physical. Isobella came out trying to get them to stop but there was no stopping them.

“Stop your guard!” Isobella said as she looked at the king.
“Not my problem,” the king said.
“That’s your son!” Isobella said.

Before the king could say another word Shawn went overboard. Isobella rushed over to the rail to see if she could see Shawn. She was screaming for him but she couldn’t see him.

“Use your powers,” the king said.
“You are CRAZY” Isobella yelled out.
“You are a witch, so use your powers,” he said once more.
“Go to hell,” she said as she jumped off the boat.

She finally found his body, she grabbed him making sure his head was above the water. She pulled him back to the shore, laying him in the sand.

“Come on breath,” she said. “SHAWN” she screamed. “HELP” she screamed. “Please” she started crying as she held him close to her.

The wind started to pick up and it became cold. She was shivering but she wasn’t going to leave him. She was so tired and cold that she couldn’t move him. She covered his body with hers and just hoped that he would wake up. She ended up passing out from the cold.

Type: One shot about Shawn Mendes
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 3000+
Enjoy! | part 2 / ?

She kept quiet in her cell, only eating enough to survive. She didn’t have small talk with the guard but she did start wondering where the older woman was. She pushed that thought out of her head since she didn’t want to make things worse. Her parents were worried sick about her since she never returned from the woods. Search parties were trying to locate Isobella but no one could find her. No one knew the trouble that she was in. Late one evening she heard someone shuffling in the room heading to the cell. She could see a light coming towards her cell, it was Shawn.

“Are you ok?” he questioned.
“Ask yourself that, you are the one to throw me in here,” she said as she turned to face the wall.
“It wasn’t my idea, but I had to be there because I’m the prince,” he said.
“A prince full of shit,” she said.
“You don’t know,” he said.
“Clearly you kiss and run in the forest, come back and do a little more than run away when daddy comes home” she crossed her arms as she turned to face him.
“That’s not fair, I didn’t expect to have feelings for you,” he said.
“Feelings for the poor girl,” she said.
“I don’t see you like that and you know that,” he said.
“You should leave before daddy catches you,” she said.
“Stop it, please” he sighed. “I know I screwed up,” he said.
“I’m sorry” she whispered.
“I’m going to do everything in my power to get you out” he reached his hand through the bars, taking her hand in his.
“I believe you” she looked up at him.
“Don’t give up hope” he cupped her face in his hand. “I’ll get you free,” he said.
“Go before you get caught,” she said.
“See you soon,” he said before he left.

She ended up falling asleep in her cell. She was awakened when the sun started peeking through the window, plus there was a bunch of noise. She rubbed her eyes and leaned against the wall, just waiting for anything or anyone to come into the room. The guard came in and opened her cell, putting cuffs on her arms. Pulling her out into the main room, making her kneel to the ground as the king walked in. She kept her head down knowing she didn’t want to make anything worse for herself.  

“Isobella isn’t that your name?” the king questioned.
“Yes sir it is” she replied.
“And killing my men for?” he asked.
“Do I get to tell my side or are you assuming?” she looked up at him.
“Excuse me?” he said.
“Do I get to tell my side of the story?” she asked once more.
“Sure, let’s see what you have to say,” he said as he nodded the guard away.
“The guy was attacking me” she started to say but Shawn walked in catching her attention.
“Go on,” the king said.
“He um” she took a deep breath in. “Was trying to force me” she said as she looked down at the ground.
“I don’t believe your story, see there were other guards around and they said something different,” the king said.
“Don’t ask for her side if you aren’t going to believe her ” Shawn said.
“Excuse me?” the king said as he turned to face Shawn.
“If you aren’t going to consider her side of the story then don’t ask,” Shawn said as he crossed his arms.
“You don’t run this palace so you can hush,” the king said.
“I’ll be a better king than you” Shawn snapped back.
“Enough!” the king said as he stood up. “Get him out of here and Isobella back in her cell!” he said.
“Please I have a family” she pleaded.
“Should’ve thought about that before you stepped foot in this area and killed MY men” he said.

The guard grabbed Isobella and pulled her back to the cell. They also took Shawn out of the room and he was furious. He couldn’t believe what they were doing. He was especially angry at his dad, he couldn’t understand why his dad was doing this. Shawn pulled from the guards and marched himself into his dad’s chambers.

“I want an explanation,” Shawn said as he slammed the door shut.
“Who do you think you are?” the king asked.
“Why won’t you let her go?” Shawn questioned.
“Because she needs to pay for her crimes,” he said.
“Yet you won’t believe what she says, you know these guards of full of it,” Shawn said as he rolled his eyes.
“I just can’t let her go,” he said.
“And why not?” Shawn asked.
“Because,” he said.
“THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!” Shawn yelled.
“Watch your tone, ” he said.
“I care about her,” Shawn said.
“That’s why,” he said.
“Wait what?” Shawn asked.
“She’s not the type of girl you need to be around,” he said.
“I’ll make that choice!” Shawn said as he crossed his arms.
“What do you think you are going to turn a poor girl into a princess?” the king asked.
“If I do then that’s my choice and you should be glad it’s not someone out for our money,” Shawn said.
“It wouldn’t look right, different people,” he said.
“I don’t care what people say! This is what I want to let her go” Shawn said.
“I’m not changing my mind,” he said.
“Fine I’ll do what I have to do ” Shawn said as he left the chambers.

She was thrown back into her cell, she fell onto the ground. Skinning her knees up but she kept quiet as she heard the door shut and lock behind her. She tried to clean up the blood from her knees with the blanket. She laid down in the bed and started drifting off to sleep. They bought her food but she didn’t touch it as she stayed laying in the bed. Night had fallen and the guards had left the cell room. It was quiet but with a few sounds from the animals outside. She laid back on the bed, looking out the small room seeing the moon. She heard someone shuffling around in the other room, hearing keys ringing. She sat up as she saw a light coming towards the cell. It was Shawn and this time he had the key. Unlocking the cell opening the door as he came inside. Grabbing her hand and kissing it softly, getting on his knees asking for forgiveness.

“Please forgive me” he whispered.
“I do,” she said as she stood up, pulling him up with her.
“You do?” he asked.
“Yes I do,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Good” he smiled softly as he placed his arm around her waist.
“So shall we leave?” she questioned.
“Yea just don’t know where too yet, surely can’t stay in the palace,” he said.
“Wait, your father doesn’t know about this,” she said.
“No he doesn’t, this is a jailbreak,” he said.
“Even sweeter,” she said as she kissed him softly.
“You love this stuff,” he said against her lips.
“Yea I do,” she said as she grabbed his hand.

He started to lead her out of the cell room. Making sure they didn’t get caught, surely his father would throw them both in a cell. They finally left the palace and started running towards the forest before being spotted. She ran with him, not letting his hand go. Once they were clear she pulled him closer to her, catching her breath slowly. She placed her hand against his cheek and looked at him.

“We should keep moving, try to find somewhere before morning,” he said.
“Can we stop by my village so I can tell my family I am ok?” she asked.
“Of course,” he said.

They walked by the creek to clean up a little bit. They kept moving through the forest and by the time they made it to her village it was morning. She went to her home and found her mother and father worried sick.

“Isobella,” her mother said as she walked through the door.
“I’m ok mother,” Isobella said as her mother hugged her.
“Oh my you are ok,” her father said as he walked towards them.
“Yes I am,” Isobella said.
“Where have you been?” her father questioned.
“It’s complicated but I’m going away with Shawn for a few days, please don’t worry,” she said.
“At least we will know you are safe,” her mother nodded.

Isobella grabbed a few of her things and said her goodbyes to her siblings. She left with Shawn as they still didn’t know where to go but they were finally together. As they were walking he remembered that his family had a small cottage up in the mountains. No one ever went there so he knew they would be safe from the king’s wrath. They finally arrive at the cottage. She sets her stuff down on the chair and sits down, resting her feet as it was a long walk. He made sure no one was there and went into the kitchen. He wasn’t the best cook in the world but he did know how to make a few things. He cooked them dinner and they sat down to eat together, after they ate he cleaned up. He went into the bedroom as she started to look around the cottage.

“Such a cozy place,” she said.
“Yea my parents were once so simple,” he said as he leaned against the door frame, just watching her.
“Once so simple” she smiled as she turned to notice him.
“Yea once so simple, wish my life was still simple” he admitted.
“It can be, your life is in your hands” she walked towards him.
“Maybe I can” he reached for her hand.
“Of course you can” she moved closer to him, resting her hand against his chest.
“Will you join me for a bath?” he questioned.
“Sounds amazing, after today” she smiled slightly.
“This way my lady,” he said as he grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.

The bathroom had candles lit around the tub. He had already drawn the bath and was waiting for her. They both started to get undressed and he entered the bath first. She soon followed and laid between his legs, with her head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and just enjoyed the moment between them. He took the bath sponge and started to wash her, squeezing slightly so the soap would run down her body. Between her breast as he started to nibble at her ear. She giggled slightly before starting to moan. She could feel him underneath her as he started to get hard. Running his hands down her body, sucking against her neck. Placing his hands on her thighs, gently pulling them apart. His hand disappeared between her legs under the water, using his thumb to find her clit. He gently rubbed her as he continued to suck on her neck. She let out a few moans as he continued to move his thumb against her.

“Let’s move to the bedroom” he whispered into her ear.

She nodded as she got out of the tub. Wrapping a towel around her as she moved to the bedroom. He wasn’t too far behind but he didn’t even bother with a towel. She turned to face him as he moved closer to her. He undid her towel and allowed it to fall to the floor. Placing his hands against her hips, lifting her slightly, and laying her back on the bed. Moving between her legs as he laid over her, resting on his elbows. Leaning down, kissing her lips softly, then moving down to her neck. She placed her arms on his shoulders, as she laid her head back moaning. He ran his hand down her side, pulling her leg up around him. Moving closer as his dick rubbed against her softly, he moved his hand down between her legs. Rubbing himself against her clit, making sure that this was what she wanted.

“Are you sure?” he asked as he looked at her.
“Yea I am,” she said as she leaned up and kissed him softly.

He slowly started pushing himself into her, taking her innocence. She closed her eyes from the slight pain of him entering her. He grabbed her hand and leaned down kissing her softly. Slowly moving inside of her waiting for her to be ok with his movements. She finally opened her eyes and leaned up kissing him softly. Placing her arms around his neck as she started to move with his movements. He smiled gently and leaned down kissing her neck as he thrust into her. She moved her hips towards his as it started to feel good for both of them. He moaned against her neck as he slipped his hands down grabbing her ass. She placed her hands on his shoulders, digging her nails into his back. He continued to thrust into her bringing her close to her first climax as he was close as well. He bought her to a climax and allowed her to enjoy it. He moved her hands above her head as she climaxed.

“Good?” he smirked.
“Oh god,” she tried to catch her breath.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it” he leaned down and kissed her softly.
“Did you?” she questioned.
“Yea I did,” he said as he moved from between her legs.

He excused himself to the bathroom where he finished himself. He didn’t want to risk the chance of her getting pregnant but he surely enjoyed himself. He made his way back to the bedroom and laid next to her. She shifted so she was lying on her side facing him. Running her hand through his hair as she looked at him. He smiled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed her touch. She leaned over and kissed his lips softly before snuggling against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her close. They both started to drift off to sleep. In the morning he woke up without her in the bed. He sat up in a panic thinking something happened while he was asleep. He got dressed quickly and went into the living room. He saw her standing in the kitchen cooking, he sighed in relief that she was ok. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Resting his head against her shoulder.

“Morning,” she said as she leaned back in his arms.
“Morning,” he said as he kissed her cheek.
“I thought I would make you breakfast,” she said.
“That’s sweet but I could have made breakfast,” he said.
“If this relationship is going to work then it has to be equal,” she said.
“Fair enough,” he said as he spun her around kissing her softly.

She smiled against his lips and went back to making breakfast. He sat at the kitchen table and waited for the food. She placed it in front of him, kissing his forehead before making her plate. She sat down next to him and they started to eat. Since she made breakfast he made sure that he was the one that would clean up. He grabbed her plate once she was done and made his way to the sink.

“Hey,” she said.
“Rules are rules, you cook and I clean,” he said.
“But I’m used to cleaning,” she said.
“I didn’t make the rules,” he said.
“Ok fine,” she said as she crossed her arms.
“Don’t do that,” he smiled. “you are cute” he said,
“You are too,” she said as she moved closer to him.
“I know” he smiled as he splashed her with water.
“Hey!” she said as she splashed him back.

Before they knew it they were splashing water at each other. Getting water everywhere in the kitchen, was all fun and games. She went to splash him and her foot slipped, knocking them both to the ground. She landed on her back as he landed near her.

“Ok ouch,” she said as she laid there.
“Are you ok? he asked.
"Yea I am, are you?” she asked.

She sat up and looked at him, they both started to laugh. He got up off the floor and helped her up. He cleaned up the kitchen as she went to get dressed. She got ready for the day and reentered the living room. He was sitting on the couch writing in his book. She came and sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulders. He kissed her head as he put his book down. Wrapping his arm around her as she placed her hand against his chest.

“So what are we doing today?” she questioned.
“I want to take you around and show you some stuff,” he said.
“Like sightseeing?” she asked,
“Yea something like that,” he said.

She slipped on her shoes and waited for him to catch up. He grabbed her hand and led her out of the cottage. He took her around town and showed her where he grew up. All the same, spots that he loved when he was growing up were still there. She could see how happy he truly was and she wanted to keep it that way.

“Look, it’s the prince,” someone said.
“I’m not the prince today,” Shawn said.
“You will always be the prince,” someone said.
“Just don’t tell anyone else please” Shawn begged.
“Of course not,” the person said.
“Thank you,” Shawn said as he grabbed her hand.

He led them down a trail where no one would dare follow them. They finally made it to where he wanted to be, on top of the cliff looking out to the lake.

“Wow,” she said.
“Yea I’ve always loved it here,” he said.
“Can I ask you something?” she looked at him.
“Of course,” he said.
“Why did you guys leave here?” she asked.
“My father always wanted more and of course my mom would follow him anywhere,” he said.
“But how did he become a king?” she looked at him.
“It’s complicated,” he said.
“Ok” she smiled softly and sat down on the edge.
“I hate talking about it,” he said as he sat behind her.
“I know, you don’t have to,” she said.
“I just want to give you the world” he pulled her between his legs.
“I just want you happy,” she said as she leaned back on him.
“I am when I’m with you,” he said.
“I know,” she said as she played with his fingers.

She just laid back against him as they became quiet. Just watching the view and enjoying each other’s time. Before it started to get dark they left the cliff and started to head back to the cottage. He started to notice a big fuss going around town. That’s when Shawn noticed that his father was in town with his guards. He guessed the person from before just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Shawn pulled her back behind a building trying to figure out what to do.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“My father is in town, so he must know we are staying in the cottage,” he said.
“How does he know?” she looked at him.
“The guy from before when we made it to town” he sighed.
“oh,” she said as she sat down.
“Give me a minute, I’ll figure out how to get us out of this situation,” he said.

She tried to stay patient with him but she knew that it would be her life at risk. If they were to be caught she knew the king wouldn’t forgive her and hang her. She stood up and tried to figure out the best way to leave.

“Where are you going?” he asked.
“Away from here,” she said.
“Stop, I’ll figure something out,” he said.
“Sorry, I can’t wait for that because if we get caught it’s MY life,” she said,
“I know that and I’m going to figure it out,” he said.
“I can’t wait,” she said as she left the spot where they were.

She went into the woods by herself, he tried to follow her but ended up losing her. He also ended up getting lost in the woods. He stopped and made camp for the night, well until the sun started coming up. Then he was back on his feet trying to find her. She didn’t know where she was, she was lost and confused. To make matters worse it started to rain, so she found shelter under a tree branch.

“At this point, I think I’m just going around in a circle” she sighed to herself.

She gathered herself and started walking, finally finding a trail. She made it to the main part of town, she had no clue where Shawn was. She finally made her way back to the cottage where she was met with the King. He was waiting for them to return and she finally did.

“I must say you two are hard to find,” the king said.
“Where is he?” she questioned.
“I thought you knew,” King Mendes said.
“No I don’t, I think he got lost in the woods,” she said.
“I will go find my son, you stay put,” he said as he left the cottage.

Of course, she wasn’t going to stay and wait for her death. When she did try to leave the cottage guards were stopping her. She sighed and sat down trying to figure out a way to get free. She ended up falling asleep on the couch since she didn’t get any rest last night. Meanwhile, Shawn was still in the woods and he was in full panic mode because he couldn’t find her. Finally, he made it to the trail and he was met with his father.

“What did you do to her?” Shawn asked as he saw his father.
“Nothing,” his father said.
“Where is she?” Shawn said as he fought back tears.
“Up in the cottage” his father looked at him.
“Did you hurt her?” Shawn asked as the tears slipped out of his eyes.
“You truly care for her,” his father said.
“I have been saying that since you had her” Shawn took a deep breath in.
“Maybe we can figure something out,” His father said.

Shawn pushed past his father and made it back to the cottage. He entered the cottage and found her laying on the couch. He thought they had done something to her, he shouted as he rushed to her side.

“NO!” He yelled. “Please wake up” he held her body close to his.

He held her tight against him but there was no response from her. He started crying just hoping she would wake up. He laid her back on the couch and stood up, wiping the tears from his eyes. Standing face to face with his father, ready to start a war. He couldn’t believe that his father would hurt the girl that he was in love with. He wanted blood for her, his anger grew as he looked at his father’s face.

Shawn thinks he can switch between dating and not dating Y/N when it’s convenient to him.

Word Count: 4K

Thank you to the anon who requested this!


“Can I get another tray of shots?” Shawn giggles, cheeks tinted a bright red as they glow under the lights of the noisy club. His soft cheeks are bunched together as he smiles, and the more he drinks the floatier he feels.

Shawn tries to push the memory to the back of his head, the tears glistening against her chicks. The way her voice would squeak as she tried to form cohesive sentences through a faceful of tears streaming across her face, and perhaps, just her. The look of her supple lips engraved in his mind, pressing painful bruises into his memories and he wishes the drinks could drown her away.

Y/N walks in through the front door of the loft, body tired from running around all day. Her eyes scroll carelessly around the living room, but then she spots Shawn on the couch, hands fiddling with his fingers in her lap as he sips on a cup of tea.

“Y/N, I think we should take a break.”

And then he sees her pause for a bit, eyes still flickering between him and the ground to process the information, maybe trying to convince herself it isn’t real. That it isn’t happening, but it is. The person she loves, telling her he doesn’t want her anymore. And so the bottle of water she had held onto for the entirety of her day falls to the ground, and she croaks out a shaky word.


It’s no use, evidently, because every time he tries to push her out of his mind, she reappears in small flashes.

And deep down he knows it’s his fault, knows that he was childish for thinking she would wait for him. He knows that there were better ways of handling the situation, perhaps any way that didn’t involve losing her. But here he was, drinking in a club in London after telling the girl he loved that he wanted a break.

“I just think we should take a break when i’m in Europe! That’s it! Just for a few months.” He rushes to tell her, he wants her to know that he still wants her, that he still loves her and wants to be with her afterwards. He just wanted some time, to figure out who he was before he was with her.

“I-If you think that’s what’s best.” Y/N has stuttered out, pips trembling a bit as she tried to keep herself together. She had  hand placed on the kitchen counter, supporting her weight as she took his words in. He didn’t want her, he wanted to drop her and then take her back because of what was convenient to him.

Truthfully, Y/N was devastated, and she reconsidered even being with him at all many times. The break he’d suggested hadn’t made her understanding, or made her sure about being with him at all. If anything, it had made her skeptical, and it had made her wonder just how easily he thought he could slither out of their relationship if needed.

So when Shawn had called her two weeks into the break, telling her he’d made a mistake and that he didn’t want to lose her at all, he was heartbroken when she replied on the other side of the line.

“Shawn, I…I don’t know.”

Shawn couldn’t stop picturing her in his head. He opened his eyes and things reminded him of her, he closed them and he envisioned her with someone else. Tugging at his hair, he downed another hot shot of liquor, throat burning as the music made everything seem woozy.

Maybe she’d found another guy? Perhaps his reckless decision of breaking her heart by saying what they had was easily disposable had led to her finding another guy, someone who would never ask her to break up and get back together with him when it was convenient. Maybe he’d messed up the only love he’d ever had.

He pictured the softness of her face when she would walk outside in the cold, the way she would look around with her eyes narrowed when she woke up in the morning and didn’t know where she was. The little indents on her cheek, and the hair ties she left around the flat.

“You don’t know?” Shawn runs a hand through his hair, letting out a scoff as his worry shows through his voice (and sounds a bit too close to anger). He can’t help himself. He’d just recently come to the epiphany of how stupid the idea alone was, and now he was being faced with the repercussions of it. Right after he’d realized what he’d done, he was being faced with the consequences.

“What do you mean?” He was worried quite a bit before, but when Y/N stays silent on the other side of the line, no nervous rustling or any indication of movement there, he’s properly panicking. Hand running through his curly locks, he rushes through all the possibilities of what she could say next.

“Shawn, when you just…paused us like that when it was convenient for you.” Y/N shakes her head on the other side of the line, “It just made me wonder how much you actually cared, I just need time.” She admits, chest tightening as she hears his breathing grow heavier through the phone.

Shawn stumbles off of the seat to the bar, legs a bit wobbly as he stares at the tops of people’s heads. Everything is blurry, yet he’s extremely confident in what direction he’s heading in. He remembers seeing a restroom near the back of the club, but somehow ends up in the middle of a mass of dancing people.

When he feels someone brush over the front of his jeans, a girl trying to grind into the tight denim material, he wants to enjoy it. Wants to forget about Y/N, and he wants to touch her like he touched the girl the week before.

Shawn hadn’t meant for it to happen so fast. He’d just been caught up, it wasn’t necessarily cheating since him and Y/N were on a break, a stupid one, but nevertheless a break.

So why did it hurt so much thinking about it?

After it had happened, Shawn was ridden with guilt, he was beyond worried that she would find out. But more importantly, he was worried of their relationship. He had slept with someone else, yes, but it was his fault. He was sure Y/N wasn’t prancing around, sleeping with guys all over her campus. And that’s why he’d realized just how much it’d mean to lose her, the one girl who would have the decency not to hurt him, no matter how much he hurt her.

“Baby, no, I care so much.” She hears him choke out, “So, so much.” Shawn’s head pounds, heart aching as he realizes he might actually lose her. The air feels thick all of a sudden in his large hotel room, and he tries to change her mind.

“I can’t have you thinking this, tell me we can fix this.” He rambles.

“Shawn - “

“Tell me you’re with me, Y/N. Tell me it isn’t over for us, please.”

Shawn’s fingers brush over the curve of the random girl’s hips, feeling a thin silky material there. Her hair is long, brushing against his abs as they move to the beat of the shitty rap song. Everything is a bit of the blur, but grabbing onto the soft skin of her waist calms his nerves in the blaring environment.

So he begins to trail kisses down from her ear to her neck, swiping his lips sloppily over the sweaty skin. She smells like perfume, mixed with cologne, mixed with alcohol, and when his hands wander up to grab at her breasts, he finally realizes what he’s doing.

“We do need a break, Shawn. I just, I just need time.” He hears her barely whisper into the phone. He feels guilt and hurt pinch at the outside of his heart, eyes shutting as he feels them burn with tears.

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault, isn’t it?” And he knows it’s his fault. Knows if he hadn’t suggested the stupid break to begin with, she wouldn’t have ever questioned his intentions, and wouldn’t have ever wanted to continue the break. And every moment spent without knowing she’s his is agony, but what makes it even worse is that it’s him who caused it.

“Shawn, it’s not your fault. I just…need to be confident before I can be in a relationship.” She breathes through the phone. And it hurts him even more, because he had caused it. He’d made her question herself, made her wonder (on top of her already amounted stress) why the hell her boyfriend wanted to break up with her for a month. Made her wonder why she wasn’t good enough to keep all the time.

She’s too nice, he thinks, so nice that even though they both know it’s his fault, she chooses to take some of the blame. She chooses to tell him that it’s not his fault so he won’t feel bad for something that he should feel bad for.

“What the fuck?” He mutters into her neck, and she snaps her head around hazily to stare at him. His hands drop to his sides, head pounding, and he thinks he’s going to throw up from the guilt.

So instead of looking for the bathroom, Shawn head towards the doors of the club and retches forwards, body emitting his dinner mixed with a vast amount of the different alcoholic beverages he indulged throughout the night.

His shoulders shake when he throws up, eyes squinting, and it’s a horrible feeling, he thinks. His insides feel like they’re about to drop out of him, and the only person he can blame for it is Y/N. He doesn’t know why, but he hates the guilty feeling in his chest mixed with the ache of his throat.

“Well… you take all the time you need. I love you, okay?” It takes everything in him to force the words out, and many times throughout the sentence he wants to back out and yell, ask her why the hell she doesn’t want him anymore. Tell her he’s in love with her, beg her to let him fix it.

“I love you too, Shawn.”

And the line goes dead.

The glow of his phone screen is almost painful in his intoxicated state, clouds of vapor flooding his vision every time he breathes. His eyes hurt, and his mouth has the putrid taste of vomit lingering onto it permanently.

Clicking on her contact name, he musters up all of his drunken courage, listening to the careful rings of the phone.


Her voice sounds groggy, like the voice she uses when she’s been studying for hours and finally gets home. Or the one she uses when she’s brewing coffee in the morning. Shawn assumes she’s just woken up, or something along those lines, and he basks in the smooth tone of her voice. He just wants to hear it all the time, he thinks, wants to record it and play it over and over again throughout the day.

“I love youuu” He drags out, smile etched onto his face.

“Shawn, why are you calling?” She seems a bit annoyed and Shawn’s smile drops, heart hurting once more as he processes her words. She didn’t say it back. All he wanted was for her to love him enough to be with him, but after a month of being on a break, she didn’t even love him anymore.

“You didn’t say it back?” He carefully asks her, voice gentle as he worries more and more.

“I wanted a break, Shawn. I need time to think.” She simply replies, head aching at her lack of coffee. She hadn’t expected him to call right as she’d woken up for her first job at the crack of dawn, and she certainly didn’t want to hear from him for a bit until she got her thoughts together.

Shawn furrows his eyebrows, frustrated at her words. He loved her, was in love with her, was worrying about whether or not she wanted him back, and couldn’t stop thinking of anyone but her for the past two weeks. And here she was, telling him to stop calling without even telling him she loved him.

“You know, you can be a real bitch sometimes.” He angrily spits, and Y/N would be lying if she said it didn’t hurt her a lot more than she thought it would. She hadn’t been the most well received person at all times, and she always thought he’d at least be patient and kind with her, no matter what they went through.

“It’s like, i’m in love with you, but all of this bullshit.” He thinks to himself, shivering slightly at the cold winter air, “It just makes me fucking hate you.” He throws the word out there, using it to emphasize his point, but not actually meaning it at all.

Y/N swallows a tiny lump in her throat, edges of her lips curling downwards into a frown. Her hair is messy, cheeks flushed as she puffs her lips outwards sadly, “Do you have anything else to say?”

Shawn lets a few tears dribble out, swiping them away so that they don’t freeze onto his face. From outside the club, he hears hints of the electronic music and feels the beats of the song thudding beneath his feet from how loud it is. Tequila and vomit burns at the tip of his tongue, taste buds stained with another girls perfume and it’s all he can think about.

“I didn’t mean to, Y/N.” He sadly admits, head dropping down and shaking even though she can’t see him. Y/N stands frozen in her kitchen, wearing nothing but a large t shirt and her underwear with one hand on the coffee machine in front of her.

“I hate you because you hurt me so much.”


“I cheated on you.”

And the mug that was in her other hand, the one she was about to pour her coffee into, drops onto the counter in front of her with a loud clang. Her heart leaps forward and begins to thump a lot faster than it had been doing before, her head spinning at the amount of hurt suddenly flooding over her.

“Shawn, what?” She quietly squeaks out, and strangely, she isn’t even angry. No anger traces her voice, just hints of hurt leaking out through her words.

“It-” Shawn licks at his lips, “It was during our break!” He tries to justify, trying not to hurt her any more than he already had. He wants to fix it, whatever he’s done to her, but all he can hear is her whimpering through the phone line, and all he can picture is her licking her chapped lips as she widens her eyes to stop the tears from dribbling out.

“Who was it?” She asks, she didn’t know who it could possibly be, what girl he would trust enough to do anything with merely a few weeks after they’d called it quits temporarily.

“Y/N - “ He tries to reason out of hurting her more. He shouldn’t have said it, he thinks, but he’s too inebriated to think differently.

“Who the fuck was it, Shawn!” She more urgently yells at him through the phone line. He whimpers, body shifting back a small bit as he tries to collect himself.

“Stop yelling at me!” He sobs through the phone, “You can’t keep doing that after hurting me, you just.” He shakes his head, tears falling off his face when he does, “Can’t do that.”

Shawn feels himself getting angrier. She wanted to hurt him, he conspires through his intoxicated mind. She didn’t love him, and she yelled at him, and she didn’t want to be with him. Angrily, he waits for her to answer so that he can try to hurt her just as much as he’s hurting.

“H-how many?” She asks shakily.

“Just the one, and I just grinded with another one a few minutes before I called you.” He tells her, and he can hear her sniffle through the phone line, tears matching his own as they fall onto the marble flooring of her kitchen.

“Was it good?” She asks, “Was she good?”

Y/N hadn’t been the most secure person, she needed constant reassuring that she wasn’t being too much. She always asked if people were mad at her, and she never felt secure enough in herself to think she was good at anything. So when Shawn had told he he had managed to sleep with another girl during the time of their 4 week break, she instantly had the idea that he took the break just to cheat on her. Because she wasn’t enough.

“It felt really fucking good.” He tells her honestly. He wants to tell her that she wasn’t her, that no girl ever would be enough to match up to the way he felt with Y/N, but he ducks his head in shame and plays with the inklings of snow on the black road underneath him.

Y/N sobs, body falling limp onto the floor of the kitchen. Her knees press up against her chest, body rocking back and forth on the cold floor as she tries to hold herself together. The phone is set on the floor, and through the line she hears a bass beating wherever the hell Shawn is.

“How long after we called it off?” Se asks, one hand wiping under her nose as the other holds her head up by her chin.

He’s hesitant at first, rationality debating whether or not he should tell her, but when he finally says something, he instantly regrets it, “A week.” He replies, and she recalls exactly what she was doing a week after they called it off. She was calling in sick for work, telling her boss that she wanted to use up all of her sick days, and emailing her professors to ask them if they would send her the course materials through email.

She cries harder, and she feels like the room is physically spinning around her. She wishes the building would collapse around her, perhaps knocking her out so that she wouldn’t have to face the persistent ache clawing its way around her chest.

“Hey.” Shawn whispers through the phone, “Hey, please don’t cry.” He feels bad now, his tears have stopped coming out, and he sobers up a bit as he slowly pieces together what he’s just done.

“Y/N, please stop crying.” He begs, voice cracking as he asks her again, “Please, I don’t want to hear you cry.”

Her tears are persistently falling, and she can’t even form basic words as her lips curl downwards in an ugly expression, pain filling her features as she tries to convince herself it isn’t happening.

“Stop crying, i’m sorry!” He yells into the phone desperately, pitiful tears welling up in his hazel eyes as he tries to fix what he’s just demolished.

“I’m sorry, I love you.” He pathetically cries, and when he continues to hear her heavy breathing, incoherent words squeaking out of her throat, he knows he’s messed up.

So they sit like that a while, Shawn wondering how he can possibly fix things while Y/N can’t do anything but cry into her fingers. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he had, over and over again. Shawn didn’t know how to fix what was already shattered completely.

“Shawn?” She finally croaks out, and his entire body tenses at his name falling from her lips. Her voice sounds rough, and croaky, and he just wants to wrap her up into his arms and hold her until she’s done crying all the tears that she can. He wants to bring her everywhere, tuck her into his pocket and take her with him everywhere he goes because he just wants her to be with him. But how was that possible when his actions made him not even want to be with himself?

“Yeah?” He finally replies, head tilted so that it’s pressed against the door to the club.

“We don’t need this break.” She tells him, and right as he’s about to sigh in relief, “I don’t want you at all.” And that’s when he blacks out.


When Shawn wakes up in the morning, his eyes are barely able to wedge open before a shot of pain flood through his head. He immediately falls back onto his matress, and pulls his soft comforter over himself to guard the sunlight from hurting him.

Sighing, he drags himself out of bed, immediately smelling the putrid smell of alcohol radiating off of him. His clothes are thrown into a messy pile in the corner of the room, and he basically runs towards the shower before he can inhale any more of the smell.

After washing himself off, he grabs his phone from the nightstand. It’s dead, so he urgently plugs it in to see what time rehearsals are for his concert. His heart still aches a bit when he remembers he has no good morning text from his girlfriend to look forward to.

When his phone finally turns on fully, showing his lockscreen, he unlocks it with his face recognition and reconnects to the wifi. He has a few emails, some Instagram notifications he really doesn’t care for, but at the end of it all, he has a voicemail from Y/N.

He doesn’t know what to call her. She wasn’t technically his girlfriend anymore, even though he still considered her more than worthy of the title. He wasn’t completely her ex, seeing as they were on a break. He just wanted to be with her again, so none of this confusion would occur.

Seeing that the voicemail is rather short, merely 45 seconds, he doesn’t think it’s too big of a deal. Maybe he’d accidentally left his things in her flat and forgotten them before he left.

Without hesitation, he opens the voicemail, but he’s simply met with her sniffling, and he’s immediately worried.

“Hey.” She sniffles, “It’s crazy that i’m calling you saying this. I never thought I would have to but, uh, I think we should end things.” Shawn tenses up, the hairs on the back of his neck raising, “i just…I don’t think I could trust you, you know?” Her voice raises up near the end of her sentence and Shawn can tell she’s close to tears, “Especially after you…just a week after we took a break.” Shawn’s mind is pounding, head exploding from the information. He hadn’t told anyone about that night, about the horrible things he’d done. He never wanted her to know.

But when he hears her break down through the line of the phone, he already knows she’s made up her mind completely about being with him.

“I love you, Shawn..” She mutters between sobs, “And that’s why I can’t do this anymore, because as much as I love you, I don’t think I can feel like I deserve you. Especially after you fucked up my trust like that.” Her words are profane, but Shawn understands. If she’d slept with another guy after their break, he wouldn’t have taken a second look before cutting her completely out of his life. She was kind enough to call him to apologize, for something she didn’t do, for getting her trust broken.

Much like the night before, Shawn ends up on the floor of his hotel, downing hot mouthfuls of liquor as he sobs and tries to call a blocked number with too many memories attached to it.


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