#shawn mendes fandom

                                                       HEAVEN                                                       HEAVEN


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“Let’s rock Bangkok” 


I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for

I don’t need a huge caption to express my undying love for you. But, I’ve been so excited for this day, you’re 20! Happy Birthday, Muffin. And I love you so much. ❤️

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Shawn Mendes x Juliana Gambino
Summary: There’s secrets on both sides of the fence it seems…
Warning: Action, I guess. Violence, language.  
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged


I peered out into the horizon, watching the sunrise from my patio. It was a beautiful orangey-pink that made me feel warm.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Shawn said while holding a tray of food.
“Morning, baby,” I smiled.
“Your favorites, waffles with blueberry syrup, a fresh cup of coffee, and sliced mango,” He beamed at me.
“Aw, you’re too cute,” I said taking a small bite from a waffle.
“You don’t have to go to work today, do you?”
I fixed my sunglasses, “Shawn, you know I have to go…come on.”
“I arranged dinner plans for tonight…” He said dropping his head.
“I’ll be back before then, I promise,” I caressed his face.
The corner of his mouth lifted, “Good.”
“Now, let’s eat-” I began before my phone rang, “Hold on.”
“Ms. Madles,” A voice I recognized to be Lupo, my assistant, said.
“What can I do for you, Lu,” I rolled my eyes.
“It’s an emergency,” He said, “You have to get out of your house.”
“What? What the hell is going on?”
“Remember Algolucci?”
My eyes widened.


“Juliana, baby, if you have any goals in life, go for them,” My father casually smoked a cigar.
I was about 10 years-old at the time so I didn’t necessarily have any particular goals, “I don’t get it…”
“You will. Trust me,” He smiled, “Come here.”
I walked over to where his bodyguards usually would be standing. He was a giant compared to me. I’m talking 6'4, buff, broad shoulders, if he weren’t my father, I’d be terrified of him. But a gentle giant he was, at least to me.
“Always remember, however, there are bad guys that will always try and take your goals,” He said.
“I can fight them,” I said, frowning my face.
“Ah, but you can’t. Princesses don’t fight,” He softly poked me, making me giggle.
“Can I have a bodyguard like you?”
“I’m your personal bodyguard,” He winked as someone knocked on the door.
Both of us looked toward the door, “Who is it?” He said, his voice bellowed through our house.
“It’s Vinny, we got Rossi,” Vinny announced.
My father rubbed my shoulder, “Sweetheart, why don’t you go upstairs and play with your toys.”
Of course, I obeyed my father and opened the door, revealing a mob of huge men peering down at me as if my eyeball was hanging out the socket. There was one guy in particular that I saw. He had bright brown eyes, greasy black hair, a 5 o'clock shadow, and tattoos all over him. That was Mark Salvato Algolucci or just Algolucci. Another man, I was guessing to be Rossi, was shivering with fear. I walked through the valley of giants and skipped up the stairs, pretending like I was leaving until they closed the door. At the top of the stairs, there’s a window to the room that I discovered when my father and mother argued. I can see and hear perfectly as if I’m in the room myself.
“Rossi,” My father said with disgust.
“He was trying to get away from us,” Vinny said, he’s such a troublemaker.
“Did you get it?” My father asked.
“N-Not-” Rossi began before my father interrupted.
“Y'know, Rossi, I gave you 5 weeks…you should’ve at least accomplished something.”
“I tried-” Rossi started.
“I don’t want to hear…‘try’ or 'I wanted’…I want my fucking money.”
“I can try again,” Rossi pleaded.
“Mmm,” My father hummed.
“I have a family, please,” Rossi begged.
My father laughed, “I have a family too…if it were the other way around, I’d be dead.”
“No,no-” Rossi tried.
My father waved his hand, “Algolucci.”
Algolucci walked up to Rossi, calmly, and shot him in the forehead. His blood spattered on the wall behind him. When Rossi fell, Algolucci continued to ram bullets into his lifeless body. I jumped at the sudden sounds. I watched, tears welling up in my eyes. As I rubbed my chest to calm my heart, I remember seeing Algolucci staring up at me, as if he made the shots gruesome just for my innocent eyes.

“Yeah, yeah I remember him…” I said.
“Yeah? Well, he’s out for you,” Lupo exclaimed, “In fact, you’re on the run from…maybe…the whole mafia…”
“Me? Why?!” I screeched.
“I’ll explain later, I’ll meet you at the hideout,” He said.
I hung up. “Everything alright?”
I turned to Shawn who looked worried, “Oh yeah! Of course, honey…” I lied.
“Well, let’s eat-” Shawn sat down.
“Shawn, we have to go, now…”
“We have to leave…the house-” I began to explain before we both heard glass break in the house.
“What is that?” Shawn stood up, confused.
My heart raced, “I don’t know…”
We walked into our room which led from the patio, “Jul, tell me something for god’s-”
“Shhh,” I hushed Shawn. There were people downstairs.
I opened the door of our bedroom slowly and looked over the banister of the stairs. “Who are they?!” Shawn whispered.
I sighed, I didn’t want to tell him…but I had to at some point. I ran back to the room and opened my underwear drawer.
“What the hell is going on,” Shawn said sternly.
“You have to be quiet,” I said.
“I’m not being quiet until you tell me WHAT’S GOING-” He began raising his voice.
“Alright, alright!” I said, “I have to explain later. But those guys are out to get me.”
“I don’t get it…”
“Shawn, go inside the closet.”
“What? No way,” He laughed ridiculously.
“Just do it!” I pushed him the closet.
“But you’ll get hurt,” He said, his eyes sparkling.
“I won’t, I promise.”
I closed the closet door and went out into the hallway. I quietly slipped downstairs to see 4 guys searching through our stuff. I grabbed a vase and slammed it against the closest guys head. As he dropped to the ground, the other guy threw his fist at me. I dodged it and jabbed his chest which didn’t have much effect. I saw the opportunity to run so I did. To the kitchen. I grabbed a chair and knocked him in his head with it. Two down. Two to go. Now, over my years of growing, my father never taught me how to fight. But I taught myself. I took 4 years of martial arts, 3 years of defensive training, and I got a black belt in karate. Yet, I still suck at fighting.
“Why are you here!” I shouted.
“You know why,” A man with a beard said.
“Clearly…I don’t…” I narrowed my eyes.
“You’re quite the fighter, I must say. But you have something that I want.”
“Who are you?”
“Joey Maccapachi,” He smiled.
“Wait…so Algolucci didn’t send you?” I shook my head.
“No,” He frowned, “I beat them here.”
“Enough talking, give me the money or you’ll die,” He said holding his gun at me.
“I don’t have it!” I said.
“You do. Vinny told us exactly where you hid it,” He said, making my eyes bulge.
“Yes. Your father’s right-hand man…” He said, laughing maniacally. He pointed his gun at me and almost pulled the trigger.
From out of nowhere, a man jumped on me from the side. We flew into the cabinets, I looked up to see Shawn standing there, hovering over me.
“Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, aka the boss…what a surprise…” Joey said to my surprise.
How does he know Shawn?!

To be continued? Feedbacks?✨ Share this for more Follow my other blogs, @jjeepersnutss@riverdale-teenwolf

1. I wish I was that cat. 2. How is he that fucking beautiful while holding a cat. 3. His smile.4. T

1. I wish I was that cat. 
2. How is he that fucking beautiful while holding a cat. 
3. His smile.
4. The cat’s face. 
5. My husband, shirtless, with a cat.

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