



What I suspect my next threesome will look like




ho solo bisogno di un pò di porno

LoOKs amazing





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When we believe that a person cannot change we rid them of their humanity. Change must be nurtured.

When we believe that a person cannot change we rid them of their humanity. Change must be nurtured. How can we nurture a better society when we prohibit and offer such limited choices? Society also has a misconstrued understanding of what ‘choice’ is — do we choose our native language? Do we choose our place in time/history? No. We must nurture and be that change. We seek to #endhomelessness because we wish to see a change in our society. Here’s to one person many believed couldn’t change that we nurtured into interim housing. It always starts with one person at a time. One person we help in order to regain our humanity in our community❤️✊ #SheDoes #decolonizeyourmind #endhouselessness #housingisahumanright

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This morning we had to disguise a women experiencing homelessness so that she could feel/be safe goi

This morning we had to disguise a women experiencing homelessness so that she could feel/be safe going to see her doctor who’s located in an area where she has a bad history in, has prostituted herself in, and where she has been attacked multiple times before. I could only imagine the countless women who aren’t safe nor get the chance to disguise themselves just so they can receive needed health services. These are the challenges she and many others face. Plus, the housing process more often than not demands medical documentation. Housing is not even a guarantee… Please support the #SHEDOES movement. Please show up to your local meetings and let your political leaders know that #shedoes deserve shelter and #shedoes deserve safety @mayorofla @ericgarcetti

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This Saturday, April 14th, night we will be camping outside of LA City Hall until 6.00am Sunday morn

This Saturday, April 14th, night we will be camping outside of LA City Hall until 6.00am Sunday morning April 15th. We will be camping out in solidarity with the thousands of homeless women who are forced to sleep outside due to the severe lack of shelters in Los Angeles.

We are demanding that Mayor Garcetti and the City Council of LA appropriate $20 million in the discretionary budget towards sheltering 1000 women by August 2018. We must have this action as the City budget will be voted on Friday, April 20th, 2018. We are also demanding that the Mayor and City Council promise to take immediate action to secure a minimum of 8 separate location to accommodate shelters for 1000 women.

We welcome all citizens of Los Angeles to join us in this action of justice towards securing the shelter and protection of our homeless women of Los Angeles! #SheDoes – #SheDoes Deserve Shelter & Protection.
#endhomelessness #decolonize #property #humanity (at Los Angeles City Hall)

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SIGN PETITION HERE: http://bit.ly/2E8igQt Mayor Eric Garcetti, on January 20th, you gave a great spe

SIGN PETITION HERE: http://bit.ly/2E8igQt

Mayor Eric Garcetti,
on January 20th, you gave a great speech at the 2018 Women’s March.

Here are a couple of select lines from your speech:
“We fight for the rights of all of us!”
“Don’t be a bystander!”
“There’s no wrong time to do the right thing!”

What’s shocking is the fact that homelessness in LA, which has seen a sharp and steady rise under your leadership in the last 5 years, was not mentioned until 7 minutes and 55 seconds in your speech. Mentioned and referred to in just one simple sentence. The speech was so gyood we could almost forgive you for being the mayor under whose administration that LA has not opened a single women’s shelter. This with all our Domestic Violence shelters full with a 3 week wait. While countless unsheltered homeless women get sexually assaulted time and time again. Wonder who’s the bystander in this scenario….

A 2016 audit ordered by you found over 10,000 warehouses owned by the City of LA which are sitting vacant. With a total of 6,798 women living unsheltered, we have a goal for you. Open 5 warehouses and get 1000 women off our streets in the next 6 months. For someone who talks big about caring for our women, we think this is a fair and simple goal.

“Mr. President you have your tweets but we own these streets” – Eric Garcetti
Okay then Mayor Garcetti, show us how you will protect our women on these streets!

SIGN PETITION HERE: http://bit.ly/2E8igQt

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