#shelly de killer


Adrian Andrews / Ace Attorney

Replicas of the Shelly De Killer calling card “Nick” as drawn by Maya! And of course the prop bloodyReplicas of the Shelly De Killer calling card “Nick” as drawn by Maya! And of course the prop bloodyReplicas of the Shelly De Killer calling card “Nick” as drawn by Maya! And of course the prop bloodyReplicas of the Shelly De Killer calling card “Nick” as drawn by Maya! And of course the prop bloody

Replicas of the Shelly De Killer calling card “Nick” as drawn by Maya! And of course the prop bloody Ace of Spades

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fascinated by the fact that engarde’s final impossible choice in farewell literally relies on the assumption that they’re willing to let one of the most dangerous serial killers in the world walk free (despite having video evidence showing his face while he’s killing a man) for the sake of keeping an evil disney channel star in jail. like yes engarde’s meaner to phoenix yes its more personally gratifying to see him get got but this is a godawful choice from a professional ethics standpoint
