#shhh its just charstar


s10 wishlist

  • sam’s emotional point of view
  • no
  • seriously
  • that’s it
  • that’s all

sometimes i get overwhelmed bc it’s easy to overlook animals and pets because they have no voice and don’t speak, but they’re actual beings that live and breathe with feelings and thoughts that walk around and meow or squeak or bark when they need attention and they do need attention, they need your love and caring to keep them safe and healthy and they need you to play with them and show them you care and that really sets me back in my place sometimes

there’s always at least one thing you’ll hear from me after an episode of supernatural: damn, the boys looked good tonight.

five pieces of advice from my mothers:

  1. know your resources
  2. take responsibility for yourself and your actions
  3. be your own advocate
  4. plan ahead by breaking impossible tasks into small steps
  5. give yourself time

hello i’d like to talk to u about the pros and cons of shipping wincest and/or sastiel
pros: everything
cons: nothing

omg stop, you’re killing me

hahaha!! i can’t stop laughing 
