#shikamaru drabble


Stuck With Me

Day 4: Nara Shikamaru - Someone does something stupid + “You’re stuck with me, like it or not”

Pairing: Nara Shikamaru x Reader

Warnings: a bit of a fight scene? Vague description of serious injury

Word Count: 791

A/N: The reader specializes in teleportation ninjutsu~

Masterlist|Kicking Off 2022 OTP Challenge


“These aren’t just simple thugs,” Shikamaru echoes your exact thoughts.

Without another moment’s hesitation you launch yourself high into the air and fling out several kunai charged with your chakra. Not one of them comes close to hitting your enemies and you hear one of them shout to you, “Nice aim!” followed by mocking laughter. Little do they know, you did in fact hit all of your targets.

In the time it takes them to calm their laughter, you’ve already executed all the necessary hand signs and appear right between them in the next split-second. You manage to deliver a few quick jabs before taking one yourself, and you instinctively teleport yourself to another kunai as Shikamaru initiates his shadow manipulation jutsu.

It never ceases to amaze you when you see the dark tendrils sprout from his form. He wields them expertly, as he’s done so many times before. Just when you think he’s gotten a hold of them, they poof away in a cloud of smoke.

“Substitution jutsu,” you think aloud.

Your eyes dart all around to try and locate the rebel shinobi, but you don’t have to search for long. They both try to attack Shikamaru from behind, but he’s prepared for such a juvenile attempt.

The battle goes on with a steady flow of back-and-forth and is mostly filled with evasion tactics and light but quick attacks. You can feel your chakra resources depleting with the high amount of teleportation jutsu you’ve had to perform, and you can see your partner’s hands starting to get shaky.

You know very well that Shikamaru needs focus and precision for what he does. You also know that out of the two of you, you need to be the one to create the opening for him to be able to subdue the criminals. That’s exactly what you start to do until you see them coming at him from opposite directions, and he’s too tired to notice the one coming at him from his blindspot.

They’re fast, but you’re faster. You have one kunai left, better make it count. To you, you do make it count, but to anyone else you may come across as incredibly stupid. You whip your kunai towards Shikamaru and it hits the ground next to his feet. Channeling the last of your chakra, you quickly execute your teleportation jutsu.

You apparate on your marker just in time to cover Shikamaru’s back, but you failed to notice the extra dagger your enemy has yet to brandish. Until now, when it’s plunged to the hilt into your stomach.

An overwhelming wave of pain and adrenaline wash over you and allows you to create that opening for your partner to tangle both assailants in his shadows. You don’t stay awake long enough to see him capture the thugs.

The last thing you hear before being submerged in darkness is Shikamaru shouting your name. You manage the smallest smile, knowing that if he’s calling out to you like that, he must have won.

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

Blinding light shocks your senses and instantly introduces you to a headache when you wake up in a hospital bed. After a few seconds of situating yourself, you take notice of the warmth on your hand.

It’s Shikamaru. He’s safe, you think to yourself as you let out a sigh of relief. It quickly turns into a wince as you register the sharp pain in your midsection. The noise causes him to stir, and eventually wake up when he remembers where he is.

“Y/N,” his voice is adorably hoarse with sleep. “You’re awake.”

“So are you,” you chuckle.

“I should probably go get a nurse to take a—”

“Don’t go,” you speak softly, but there’s still a slight desperation in your tone. He gives your hand a comforting squeeze and nods as he relaxes into his seat.

“You really scared me, you know.”

“I’m sorry.” You offer him a lopsided smile.

“I-I just,” he stops to catch his breath. He brings up his other hand so that he holds yours between both of his palms before leaning down to press his lips to your knuckles. “I just don’t know what I would do if—”

“Hey, I’m not going anywhere,” you tell him, bringing him back down to earth, away from his endlessly spiraling thoughts. “You’re stuck with me, like it or not.”

His eyes meet yours and just when you think he’s spiraling again, he gives you a soft smile and leans forward to press his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. It’s short, but just like all his kisses, it leaves you with butterflies in your stomach and a warmed heart.

“Just so you know, you’re stuck with me too.”
